However, a ray of thunder hit Feng Li's arm.

Ah ~

he screamed like a pig.

His arm, the whole smashed, exploded, spattered, directly gasified.

Hiss ~

when people saw this scene, they all took in the cold air.

"What is this lightning?"

Nine turn Yin thunder, Jiang Hao has long learned, and, practice to the third, can summon three yin thunder, terrible.

Jiang Hao raises his hand and points to the sky. He is ready to summon Yin Lei to kill Feng Li.

"Nine turn Yin thunder..."


Suddenly, Wang Sen gave a loud drink.

He ran over and stopped Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Master Jiang, you You can't kill him. "

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao yelled. His face was a little cold.

"No way!"

Wang Sen hardened his head and said, "master Jiang, you can't kill him!"


Jiang Hao snorted bitterly.

"Just now, he connived at the ghost king and wanted to kill you, but now you still plead for him?"

"It's not a plea."

Wang Sen shook his head and his face was bitter.

"To keep him alive is to keep myself alive."

"Why?" Jiang Hao stares at him and asks.

"Because Because... "


Wang Sen's Adam's apple wriggled and swallowed his saliva.

He was scared and nervous.

"Because he is the elder of taishanmen, he is the master of dark strength. If you kill him, we will die too!"

"Yes, master Jiang, you can't kill him!"

"Master Jiang, let him go!"

"Master Jiang, he can't die. Once he dies, taishanmen will be furious. At that time, all of us will suffer!"

The crowd began to speak.

Suddenly, Xiaoling came out.

"Master Jiang, please spare his life. Otherwise, no one can bear the anger of Taishan gate. At that time, we innocent people will all die miserably!"


Jiang Hao hums coldly: "if taishanmen dares to move you, I will kill taishanmen!"

Wang Sen was shocked when he heard the speech.

"Master Jiang, you Don't mess about. "

"Taishanmen is a first-class sect in Jiangdong province. It is powerful and has terrible influence. You are not afraid, but we can't afford to offend you."

Jiang Hao pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Well, I don't want to kill him, but the death penalty can be avoided and the living one can't escape. I must abolish his cultivation, otherwise, he will continue to harm others!"

"No way!"

Wang Sen gave a cold drink.

"Master Jiang, he is master amjin. If you abandon him, he will become a useless man. What's the difference between killing him and killing him? Taishanmen will not spare us."

"Maybe our school will be involved."

"So, I beg you, don't kill him or abolish him. He has broken an arm and his strength is greatly reduced. This punishment is enough."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a sly smile.

"Yes, I promise you."

Suddenly, he grabbed Feng Li's collar and lifted him up.

Then, a punch hit him in the chest.

At the same time, a spiritual force, through the skin, into his heart.

Three days later, this spiritual power will break out.

Once the outbreak, Feng Li's heart, will explode, when the time comes, there is no doubt that he will die.

"Remember, I'll kill you if I do evil and kill innocent people in the future!"


Jiang Hao threw him out.

As for the cold and arrogant, the same left a dark hand.

After dealing with all this, Jiang Hao turned and left.

"Thank you, master Jiang!" Wang Sen bowed.

Others bowed their thanks.

"Thank you, master Jiang."

Hu ~

Wang Sen was relieved, ran to Feng Li and helped him up.

"Master Feng Li, are you ok?"

"Go away!"

Feng Li drinks suddenly and kicks Wang Sen to the ground.

"How can you do that, you man?"

Xiaoling couldn't see it any more. She said angrily, "just now, if my master hadn't risked her life and pleaded for you, you would have been killed by master Jiang."

"Now, you are still beating him. Are you human?"

"Shut up

Feng Li roared.

"I won't shut up!" Xiao Ling tilted her chin and said obstinately.

"I killed you!"Feng Li's eyes are full of murders.


All of a sudden, a sharp air burst out.

It's just a person coming.

This man has blonde hair, very bright eyes, blue pupils, deep and charming, white face, delicate facial features, beautiful appearance.

This is a beautiful man!

He's Mike from abroad.

Wow ~ wow ~

at the scene, many women screamed and their eyes were full of peach hearts.

Mike looked at Feng Li coldly and asked, "tell me, where is Jiang Hao?"

"Go away!"

Feng Li roared.

Suddenly, Mike's face went down.

"Tell me, where is Jiang Hao?"

He asked again.

This time, the sound was cold.

"Go away, or I will kill you!" Feng Li roared.

His heart was filled with anger.

At this point, he was like a powder keg, which exploded at a little bit.

"To die!"

In Mike's eyes, there was a flash of murder.


Suddenly, he moved and appeared in front of Feng Li like lightning.

Then he reached out, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

"Ask you again, where is Jiang Hao?"

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Feng Li made a rude remark.

He was shocked all over, and the momentum of master dark strength broke out by the way, shaking Mike's hand open.

"This is Master dark strength? "

Mike's eyes were full of shock.

Isn't it true that China's martial arts are backward?

How come you just came to China and met a master of dark energy?

"I'll kill you!"

Feng Li roared.

His eyes, red with blood, fell into madness.


Feng Li rushed up.

"Stop, I just want to ask you where Jiang Hao is..."

Before Mike finished, Feng Li killed him.


Mike dodged.

"Stop, it's a mistake..."


Suddenly, Feng Li killed him again.

"To die!"

Mike gave a cold drink, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.


Suddenly, a momentum of no less than, or even more than, Feng Li burst out.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

All of a sudden, people around, all kneel down.

"Master amjin, he is master amjin?"

Cold and proud heart, set off a storm.

He had a decadent face, was very depressed, and was hit hard.

Jiang Hao, a young man, is better than him.

Now, this Mike is better than him.

Genius is a joke!

He was shaking and struggling.


Finally, he could not hold on and knelt down.

All of a sudden, Mike took out a thumb sized sword from his pocket.

In the blink of an eye, the sword became bigger.

Big or small, this is a magic weapon!

"Cross cut!"

Mike held the sword, crossed and chopped it out.

Cross sword light, everything is cut.

Poof! Poof!

A string of blood, splashing in the sky.

Bang! Bang!

Pieces of meat fell to the ground.

Feng Li, the master of dark strength, was cut into a pile of broken meat with one sword.

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