”What the hell is this? "

Li Xiang yelled.

He's at a loss.

In Jiang Hao's eyes, there is a strong color.

He was surprised!

You know, the head is the most important part of the human body. If the head is gone, people will surely die, even if they are puppets.

But it's strange that these three puppets are still alive after their heads are broken.

As far as he knows, there are only a few puppets whose heads are broken and who are immortal.

This kind of puppet, the method of refining, is very strange and rare, even in ancient times, very few.

I didn't expect that I met him now.

Ha ha ha

The second man in black laughs ferociously.

”You can't kill them. They are immortal. You will all be killed by them! "

" shut up! "

Wang Dongqi is furious.

If he had not been entangled by a puppet, he would have cut off the head of the second man in black with one sword.

”Kill them all, kill everyone! "

suddenly, the second man in black yelled.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Suddenly, three puppets roared up to the sky.

Their dark green eyes were glowing with blood.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

They are furious, and their attack is more fierce.


Wang Dong ejected a mouthful of blood and flew out.

"What about people? Help me

He cried out.

"Team leader, help us, help us

In response, however, was the cry for help from others.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The sound of spitting blood is heard all the time.

In the blink of an eye, the three groups of the Security Bureau almost lost their combat effectiveness.

Ha ha ha

The second man in black looks up at the scene and laughs.

"All of you will die and be buried with me!"

His body, in gradual atrophy, hard skin, also began to fold up, very dull, lost water.

His hair turned white quickly.

His eyes began to blur.

His vitality is rapidly passing away.

The sequelae of the drug, it broke out.

"Tie the fairy rope, tie it!"

With a low drink, Wang Dong ordered to tie the immortal rope, released the second man in black, and tied it to the puppet who attacked him.


Tie the fairy rope and tie the puppet.

However, the puppet is constantly struggling. It seems that at any time, he will break free from the shackles of the immortal rope.


Suddenly, the puppet roared violently and suddenly pulled the immortal rope off his body.


Wang Dong's eyes were almost startled and his face changed greatly.

For the first time, he saw that someone, no, a puppet, had to rely on brute force to get rid of the shackles of the immortal rope. How powerful it was.


Breaking free from the immortal rope, the puppet opened his mouth and yelled at Wang Dong.


Suddenly, Wang Dong's legs and feet softened and he sat on the ground.


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao gave a big drink and walked out slowly.

"Jiang Hao, you What are you doing? "

Han Lulu yelled.

"Kill the puppet!"

Jiang Hao light back a sentence.


Han Lulu's face side, quickly yelled: "Jiang Hao, don't mess around, come back quickly, these puppets are immortal, you can't beat them."

Jiang Hao turned his head and showed a smile.

"No puppet is immortal. The reason why you are immortal is that your strength is not enough."


Han Lulu cried quickly.

She knew that Jiang Hao was very powerful, but no matter how powerful he was, what could he do?

These puppets can't even fight with guns, let alone him.

"Don't worry, I'll get rid of them soon." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Then, go to a puppet.


The puppet, with a roar, swung the palm of the palm of the Pu fan and patted Jiang Hao as if to slap him into meat sauce.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao yelled angrily, stretched out his right hand and printed it on the puppet.

At the moment of touching the puppet, the power of terror erupts.


Like an electric light, the puppet flew backwards and hit the mountain wall.

All of a sudden, the whole mountain wall shook a few times, and countless dust and gravel rolled down.Pop!

The puppet fell to the ground and there was no movement.


People were shocked.

"Dead!" Jiang Hao nodded.

"No It's impossible, isn't it? "

Li Xiang didn't believe it.

You know, just now they smashed the puppet's head with a gun, and the puppet didn't die. But Jiang Hao was so light that after a slap, the puppet died.

How is that possible?

Jiang Hao smiles and shakes his head without explanation.

His palm, seemingly light, in fact, contains the power of terror, even a rock, will be shot to pieces.

On the surface of the puppet, nothing happened.

In fact, all his bones, blood vessels and nerves were broken.

It's strange that they don't die like this?

"Kill him!" The second man in black yelled with all his strength.

He can control the puppets because he has established some kind of connection with the three puppets.

But just now, he found out that there was a puppet and the connection was broken.

He knew that the puppet was dead.

Therefore, he wanted to kill Jiang Hao.

Roar! Roar!

Two puppets give up the target, lock Jiang Hao and rush to kill him.

"Jiang Hao, be careful!"

All of a sudden, Han Lulu yelled. Her pretty face was full of worry.

Jiang Hao smiles.

"Don't worry, I'm ok!"

Suddenly, two puppets, one left and the other right, rushed over and raised their iron palms one after another, patting Jiang Hao's head.

Ah ~

Han Lulu screamed with fright.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and put out his hands. The palms containing the power of terror were printed on the bodies of the two puppets.

Suddenly, two puppets flew out on both sides.

Then it fell to the ground and lost its movement.


Three puppets, all dead.

The crowd was relieved.


The second man in black, yelled, looking a little crazy and unwilling.


Wang Dong spat out a mouthful of blood, stood up difficultly, walked to the second man in black, raised his foot and stepped on his head with a few bangs.


He spat.

"Grass Mud Horse, my young master was almost killed by you!"

He scolded and beat at the same time.

A moment later.

He was tired and out of breath before he stopped.

So he looked at Jiang Hao and said: "boy, I see your strength. It's not bad. Be my bodyguard and hang out with me. I promise you a bright future."


Jiang Hao squinted at him and scolded him.


Wang Dong was angry on the spot.

"Jiang Hao, don't go too far. Your strength is just good. I have a lot of people with such strength."

"I look up to you when I accept you as a bodyguard."

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered.

"Not long ago, didn't you say you were going to kill me? Why not now? "

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