
Middle aged man, glaring.

"Boy, you have seed. When I get back to Chuzhou, I'll see how to deal with you." He resented the tunnel.

"No," he said

Jiang Hao grinned.

"Why wait to get back to Chuzhou? Now deal with me."


A middle-aged man with angry eyes.

He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to smoke Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

He held out his hand, grasped the middle-aged man's wrist, and exerted a little force.

Ah ~

suddenly, the middle-aged man screamed like a pig.

"Well, you have kidney deficiency. It seems that you need to make up for it." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"Kidney deficiency, your sister!"

The middle-aged man made a rude remark.

"Boy, let me go, or I'll deal with you when I get back to Chuzhou." He said in a vicious way.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered.

"Still so crazy?"

Then, the strength of his hand slightly increased.

Ah, ~

the middle-aged man screamed more bitterly.

"Pain, let go, let go." The middle-aged man cried.

"If you want me to let go, you can apologize to me." JiangHao road.

"No way!"

Middle aged man, refused directly.


With a faint smile, Jiang Hao's strength increased again.

Ah ~

the middle-aged man screamed bitterly.

"Kill, kill."

He cried out.

The steward heard the movement and came over.

"What's the matter?" She said with a smile.

"He wants to kill me. This boy wants to kill me. Call the police and arrest him." The middle-aged man pointed at Jiang Hao and said fiercely.

"I didn't kill him."

Jiang Hao shrugged.

Suddenly, the purser understood that there was a contradiction between the two.

"Two passengers, I know there are contradictions between you, but I hope you can restrain yourself and live in peace."

"Because, other passengers, they are coming soon. You can't influence others."

"Cut the crap, call the police and help me

The middle-aged man roared.

The steward frowned and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

However, she came forward to mediate.

She looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "passenger, please let him go first, OK?"


Jiang Hao shook off the middle-aged man's hand.

The middle-aged man rubbed his wrist, glared at Jiang Hao and threatened: "boy, when I get to Chuzhou, I'll see how I deal with you."

"How dare you threaten me?"

Jiang Hao's eyes are a little cold, ready to start again.

The stewardess immediately grabbed him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any conflicts, please tell me and I'll help you mediate." She said with a smile.

"There is no contradiction, only hatred!"

Middle aged man, cold drink.


The steward frowned and was a little unhappy.

"It's not a big contradiction. It's him. He probably has a kind of abnormal cleanliness habit. He doesn't like to sit in a row with others, so he takes my place with his bag."

"I told him to take him, but he refused and humiliated me with money."

"Tell me, who is right and who is wrong?" Jiang Hao said with a smile.

The steward hears the speech and looks at the middle-aged man.

"Hello, this passenger bought a ticket. You have no right to occupy his seat."


The middle-aged man, with a cold hum, said rudely, "it's amazing to buy a ticket."

"One license plate is one hundred and two. I'll give you five hundred. Take back his ticket immediately and give it to me."

"Sorry, it's impossible."

The steward gave an apologetic smile.

"What's impossible? Don't you want to do it? Believe it or not, I'll give you a phone call and you'll lose your job and you won't find a job all your life? " The middle-aged man cheered coldly.

The steward's face turned cold.

"Please pay attention to your tone and attitude."

"I don't pay attention. How can I drop it?"

The middle-aged man arrogantly said, "you are a little steward. You dare to talk to me like this. You are tired of living, aren't you?"

"Wait, when I get back to Chuzhou, I'll call you right away and let you lose your job!"


The steward snorted.

She was angry.

"This passenger, please get along with each other peacefully and stop making any more trouble. Otherwise, I will report to the conductor and ask him to ask you to get off the train.""You..."

Middle aged man, staring.

"You are so bold, do you believe me..."


Before he finished, the steward snorted and turned away.


Middle aged man, flapping the table angrily.

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Stop it, or you'll get out of the car."


The middle-aged man is very angry.

"Boy, you have seed. Leave your name. When I get back to Chuzhou, if I don't deal with you, I won't be Fei." He cried angrily.

"My name is Jiang Hao, remember."

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "your surname is Fei. What's Fei, waste? Waste material? "


A middle-aged man has a sore kidney.

"Well, well, Jiang Hao, don't you? Wait for me. When I get back to Chuzhou, I'll see how you can win?" He said in a cold voice.

"Come on, come on, or you should get off the bus." Jiang Hao waved and said with a smile.


The middle-aged man, with a cold hum, turned his head and ignored him.

A moment later, the passengers came up one after another.

A young couple, holding a child, sat opposite.

Disaster, the black face of the child.


Jiang Hao light Yi, his eyes, suddenly cold.

"Dark complexion, shortness of breath, your child, sick."

Suddenly, the middle-aged man spoke.

"Are you a doctor?"

The woman looked at the middle-aged man, her eyes were full of surprise.

"That's right." Middle aged man, Chin a Yang, proud way.

"My teacher is not an ordinary doctor. He is an associate professor of Chuzhou Medical University and the youngest associate professor." Suddenly, Xiaoqian said.

"Low key, low key." Feiluo waved his hand and said with a smile.

However, on his face, he showed a forced smile, as if waiting for others to marvel and praise.

"Really?" The woman was pleasantly surprised.

"Of course." Xiaoqian is proud.


The woman looked very happy.


Suddenly, she knelt down.

"Please help my son."

"You get up, you get up." Feiluolian is busy.

However, the woman did not get up, and the man was ready to kneel down.

"Get up quickly, let me see the child's illness first." Feiluo road.

"OK, OK"

the woman smiles and stands up.

Then, he carefully handed the child to Filo.

Feiluo checked, shook his head and sighed.

Suddenly, the smile on the couple's face solidified.

"Doctor Doctor, didn't my son No help? " The woman trembled.

Filo shook his head.

"The child's illness has been delayed for too long. It's already very serious. Ordinary doctors can't really save him."


The woman rolled her eyes and almost fainted.

"But I'm not an ordinary doctor. I can help you." Feiluo is proud of the tunnel.

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