
The man is full of anger and stares at Jiang Hao, as if he still wants to do it.


Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke.

"I'll forget this offence. If you dare to be rude to me again, I won't forgive you!"

He's a great master Jiang. Even if master dark Jin sees him, he has to bow and bow. Now, he's caught by an ordinary man's collar.

He has a good temper, so he didn't teach a man a lesson.

Someone else might have killed him.

Master can't be insulted!

"Jiang Hao, have you had enough trouble?"

All of a sudden, Fei Luo angrily scolded: "if you make enough noise, just be quiet. If you don't make enough noise, just wait until I get rid of the child. Can you make it again?"

"You've gone too far, young man!"

"That is, if you don't want to save people, just don't stop the professor from saving people."

"Is this the quality of young people today?"

"Boy, if you make any more noise, I'll call the police!"

The crowd yelled.

There are a few people with strong tone.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

He looked at the woman and said in a cold voice, "I hope you don't regret it later."

"As long as you don't make trouble and stop me from saving people, they won't regret it." Feiluo retorted.

Then he told the woman.

"Hold the baby well and don't let him move. I'll give him the needle now."

"Well, thank you, professor."

The woman nodded.

Filo began to apply the needle.

His speed of needling is not fast, and his needling method is also very common and regular.

If it is a general body deficiency cold, vomiting and diarrhea disease, may be effective.

But now, it will only backfire.

Because, in Jiang Hao's eyes, the child's body, filled with a layer of black gas.

In the thick black air, there is a shadow, swallowing the vitality of the child, swallowing his soul.

"Who is it that devours the soul of a child? Who is practicing this evil skill of the ghost school?"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, the murderer flashed.

A moment later.

Exhale ~

Feiluo exhaled a mouthful of turbid gas.

He said with a smile: "well, after the injection, it is estimated that your child will be OK in half an hour. You don't have to worry about it."

Poop! Poop!

Suddenly, the woman and the man knelt down.

"Thank you for saving my life."

They kept saying thanks.

"Get up quickly."

Fei Luo helped them up, waved his hand and said, "it's my duty to treat the sick and save the people. It's all right."

"The professor has excellent medical skills and excellent character. He is a rare doctor! "

" yes, a professor is a miracle doctor! "

"Doctor, doctor, doctor."

The crowd began to shout.

"Professor, are you married? My daughter, 24 years old, is still single and pretty. Do you have time? Do you know each other

There are some warm-hearted old ladies who want to take him as their son-in-law.

"Sorry, I'm married."

Fei Luoshan smiles.

"That's a pity."

Several old ladies were disappointed.

Fei Luo glanced at Jiang Hao and said sarcastically, "Jiang Hao, didn't you say that as long as I apply the needle, something will happen?"

"Do you think something will happen now?"


Jiang Hao scolded.

"This child is dying. You are the murderer."

Jiang Hao saw that the shadow in the dark began to devour the vitality and soul of the child.

Because, Fei Luozha's needle, just the opposite, helped this wisp of ghost.


Fei luoleng snorted.

He yelled, "Jiang Hao, you've gone too far."

"You can curse me, I don't care, but you shouldn't curse this child. This child has no injustice or hatred with you, but you curse him to death again and again."

"Your heart is so poisonous!"

"Yes, it's too much!"

"Such a man is not worthy to live in the world!"

The crowd scolded one after another.

"Little brother, we have nothing to do with you. If you dare to curse my son to death, I will go to jail and beat you!" Said the woman harshly.

The man didn't speak, but he let out an angry roar.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke.

"Who's right and who's wrong will soon be known."

Ha ha

Fei Luo sneered, "this kind of thing, still need to see to know? It's clear at a glance, isn't it? ""The wrong person, of course..."

Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the child in the woman's arms convulsed.

Then, several mouthfuls of blood were ejected in a row.

The child's face turned black quickly and his breath was weak.

"This This What's going on? "

The woman was stunned. She was in the same place and didn't know what to do.

"Don't panic. Don't panic. I'll have a look." Feiluo said with a smile.

Then he went over and began to check.

"No No way. "

Suddenly, his face changed.

"How could that be? How could that be? "

He repeated, his face full of shock.

"Teach Professor, I How's my son? " Asked the woman anxiously.

"Your son, he He... "


Fei Luo sighed.

"He's dying"


The woman and man's face changed when they heard the words.

Among them, the woman almost fainted.

She took a few breaths, took Feiluo's hand tightly, and begged, "Professor, please, please, help my son."

"I There's nothing I can do Feiluo sighed.

"How could that be?"

"Isn't this child just fine?"

"Why is he dying?"

People were puzzled.

"Because of him, he pricked the needle and killed the child!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"You fart!"

Fei Luo yelled.

He's very emotional.

After all, random needling and killing of patients will have a great impact on his reputation and future. If it is true, he will be ruined in his life.

"I as like as two peas in the medical record, no mistake." Feiluo pleaded.

"That's right."

Jiang Hao nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with the location of the needle, because it's not the location of the needle that's wrong, it's the method of the needle that you use."

"You're bullshit

Fei luoleng said: "the acupuncture method I used is the best acupuncture method in medical records for body deficiency, cold body, cold hands and feet, vomiting and diarrhea."

"That's right."

Jiang Hao nodded again.

"Buyang needle is really the best acupuncture method for body deficiency and chills, but the cause you found out is completely wrong."

"The cause of this child is not body deficiency and chills at all." He said coldly.


Feiluo stares, "you're bullshit!"

"I'm talking nonsense?"

Jiang Hao sneered.

"Let me ask you, when you gave the child a pulse just now, did you feel that his pulse was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and occasionally there were even two pulse conditions?"

"This This... "

Fei Luo's face changed.

He did find this when he was just calling. He thought that his number was wrong and he had an illusion.

"So what? With this, it can not be proved that the cause of my diagnosis is wrong! " He said, strangling his neck.

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