
Feiluo glared.

"I'll give you a hundred thousand. How about the cancellation of the bet?"

"Not so good?"

Jiang Hao said with a sneer, "do you think I'm like someone who is short of money?"

Fei Luo glanced up and down at him, then nodded.



Jiang Hao's face stagnated, "you say again, believe me to beat you?"

Fei shrunk his neck and shut up immediately.

"Hurry, kneel down and kowtow to master." Jiang Hao said coldly.


Feiluo glared at him angrily.

"You don't know what you are. Hurry up." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Jiang Hao!"

All of a sudden, Filo let out a loud drink.

"Don't be too presumptuous, otherwise, when I get back to Chuzhou, I'll make sure you look good."


Jiang Hao impatiently said: "you didn't say it, I'm tired of hearing it."

"Get down on your knees and kowtow to master, or I'll help you."


Fei luoleng snorted.

"I don't want to. What can you do to me?"

He is very bossy.

"It's the truth since ancient times that you are willing to gamble and admit defeat. It's a shame for a distinguished university professor to admit defeat."

"That's right. What about university professors? I Pooh

"Associate professor of Chuzhou Medical University, with top medical skills, just like this, even the patient's etiology was diagnosed wrong, waste!"

They all scolded.

"Shut up

Fei Luo is angry, his eyes are cold, and he drinks people angrily.

"Any of you dare to say a word more. When I return to Chuzhou, I will not harm you." He exclaimed.

All the people trembled and were a little afraid. They all shut up.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered, "what a prestige."


He clapped his hand on Filo's shoulder.

All of a sudden, Fei fell on his knees and almost knelt down.

He was red in the face and tried hard.

"Oh, hold on?"

Jiang Hao sneered and clapped again.


This time, Fei Luo didn't hold on and knelt down.

"Well, kowtow to master." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Are you special..."

Fei Luo's eyes were burning and his face was full of bitterness.

"Mouth stinks!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold.

Then, reach out and hold his head down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Filo kowtowed three times.

In his eyes, there was an opportunity to kill.

"Little bastard, when I get back to Chuzhou, I'll kill you!"


Jiang Hao sneered, "still so crazy?"


He slapped Fei in the face.

"Call master quickly."

"Paralyze you!" Feiluo scolded.


Jiang Hao slapped him again

"Call you..." Fei Luo scolded again.

Unfortunately, before he finished his sentence, he was interrupted by Jiang Hao's slap.







At the beginning, Fei Luo was very tough.

But, ten slaps in the face, he counseled.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'll call, I'll call now!" He cried.

He's scared!

I'm really afraid.

"Scream!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

"Yes, yes."

Fei Luo nodded.

Then he said in a loud voice, "master, master, master!"

"Get out of here, I don't have a rubbish apprentice like you!"

Jiang Hao angrily rebuked him and kicked him over.


Fei fell to the ground, his eyes, flashing blood light.

"Jiang Hao, when I return to Chuzhou, I will kill you."


Suddenly, Jiang Hao sneered, "are you calculating? What will kill me?"

"I dare not."

Feiluo waved his hand and killed him, but he couldn't admit it.

At least not now.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

"Not the best, but if you really want revenge, I welcome it. However, at that time, the punishment you faced was more cruel than it is now.""I hope you think it over and don't do anything stupid."

"Dare not, how dare I take revenge?"

Filo shook his head immediately.

"It's hopeless."

"What a loser, you are still a professor?"

"Shame, shame!"

They all scolded.

"What are you talking about?"

Feiluo suddenly raised his head, eyes fierce, staring at the crowd, yelled.

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked and didn't dare to talk.

However, there is a young man, but did not shoot, still scolded: "I say you, really a waste."

"To die!"

In Fei Luo Mou, a glimmer of blood light flashed.

He picked up his bag and smashed it directly at the young man's head.

Suddenly, the youth's head, more than a bag.

Then he pounced and wrestled with each other.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

The steward heard the movement and came over.

She saw Feiluo and was fighting.

Suddenly, her pretty face sank.

She went up and said, "stop it, stop it."

"Get out of here!"

Feiluo was furious and pushed her away.

The steward staggered for several steps, almost fell down and knocked his head on the table.

She rushes over angrily, Jiao shouts: "if you don't stop, I'll report to the conductor and ask him to drive you down."

Suddenly, the youth stopped.

However, Fei Luo is still in the dogged struggle.

"Stop it!" The steward held him and cheered coldly.

"Get out of here!"

Fei Luo scolded and pushed the steward away again.

This time, the steward was not so lucky. He sprained and fell to the ground.


She gave a cry and struggled to get up.

Then, he took out his walkie talkie and reported it to the conductor.

Conductor, I'm on command.

"Don't worry. I'll send someone to control him now. When we get to the next stop, we'll drive him down."


The steward nodded.

A moment later, three male stewardess came over, directly controlled Fei Luo and took him away.

Then, at the next stop, he was driven down.

Xiaoqian also got off the bus.

"Teacher, what shall we do now?" Xiaoqian glanced at the crowd and asked.

"Give me your cell phone."

Feiluo gave a roar.


Xiaoqian immediately took out his mobile phone from his bag and handed it to Feiluo.

Feiluo took the phone and made a call.

"Hello, Lao Li, come and pick me up." He said in a cold voice.

"Where are you?"

Lao Li asked.

"Yunzhou railway station, I'll give you half an hour. If you don't show up in front of me in half an hour, don't follow me." Cried Fillon.

"Don't worry, Professor Fei. I will definitely show up in half an hour."

Lao Li hung up the phone and drove over immediately.

Twenty minutes later, he arrived.

"Professor Fei, didn't you buy direct tickets to Chuzhou? How did you get off in Yunzhou? " Lao Li asked.

"Shut up

Feiluo yelled.

"If you ask me one more question, go away!"

"Yes, I won't ask."

Lao Li nodded.

"Go." Feiluo got on the bus and said.


Lao Li turned on the engine, stepped on the gas and sped away.

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