
Meng Jingxue snorted coldly.

"What's the matter? I'll take it. Is that all right?"

"No No way. "

Director Chu still wants to stop.

After all, as soon as the papers are out, the truth will come out.

"Why not?"

Meng Jingxue stares at him, "what's the reason?"

"Well This... "

Director Chu's words are stopped.

"Since there's no reason, get out of my way." Meng Jing learns to drink cold.

"No way!"

No matter what director Chu said, he would not get out of the way.

Ha ha

Suddenly, Jiang Hao sneered.

"The score of every month is not your ghost. You are afraid that if you find the original paper, you will be exposed. So, you should try every means to block it." He pondered the tunnel.


"What are you talking about? If you dare to slander me again, I I'll sue you. " Director Chu jumps.

He roared loudly, but he didn't have enough confidence.

"Then get out of here!"

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand and pushed him away.

Then, he took the key, opened the lock and took out Jiang Yueyue's paper.

"You see, it's clearly 93 points, but it was altered to 43 points. I said, there must be something fishy in it." Jiang Hao said coldly.

Meng Jingxue stares at Mr. Liang.

"Who did it?"

It is a serious matter to arbitrarily alter students' grades.

"I I don't know. "

Liang teacher flurried: "absolutely not me, headmaster, I can swear."

"Who did that?" Meng Jingxue asked.

"No I don't know. "

Mr. Liang shook his head.

"I haven't left this class's papers from the first one to the last one. After correcting them, I seal them up directly. It's impossible for others to alter their grades."

Mr. Liang recalled carefully.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"I remember, midway through, I had a stomachache and left for a while. At that time, director Chu happened to be in the office."

Ha ha

Jiang Hao said with a sneer, "you didn't do it? I can't deny it

"You You're talking nonsense

Director Chu quibbled: "I Jiang Yueyue and I have no grievances or grudges. Why do I want to alter her grades? What's the good for me? "

"Someone else must have done it, or someone might have framed me."

"Edit, continue to edit."

Jiang Hao stares at him coldly.

"I didn't make it up."

Director Chu shouts injustice.

He took Meng Jingxue's hand and assured: "headmaster, I can guarantee that this matter really has nothing to do with me."

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and outlined a sneer.

"There's a camera here. Let's tune in and watch the video, and the truth will come out."


Director Chu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"No It's not necessary, is it? "

"Necessary, very necessary." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Come on, watch the surveillance video."

Meng Jingxue waved his hand and took the lead to go out.

Deng Deng ~

director Chu's feet softened, faltered a few times, and almost fell.

"Yo, director Chu, what's the matter? Can't it be that you're so scared that your legs soften? " Jiang Hao sneered.

Then, he forcibly helped director Chu and walked over.

Ten minutes later.


Meng Jingxue slaps the table and stares at director Chu.

"Why do you want to alter the students' grades? Do you know how serious this is? "

"Headmaster, I'm wrong. I won't dare to do it next time."

Director Chu admitted his mistake.

In the face of ironclad evidence, he could neither sophistry nor deny it.

"Next time?"

Meng Jingxue snorted coldly: "you don't have another time."

"In a moment, I'll call a general meeting of the whole school to remove you from your post, report this to the higher authorities and ask for severe punishment."


Immediately, director Chu knelt down.

"Headmaster, I'm wrong. I'll never dare again."

"I was instructed to do it by Fei Luo, associate professor of Chuzhou Medical University."

"Fei Luo?"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, there is a cold light.

"He dares to deal with Yueyue when he doesn't know what to do."

"Headmaster, I'm wrong. Please spare me once." Director Chu asked for mercy.Hum!

Meng Jingxue snorted coldly.

"It's not me that you ask for mercy, it's master Jiang."

"Yes, yes."

Director Chu immediately ran to Jiang Hao, bent down and prayed, "master Jiang, I'm wrong. Please forgive me once."

"No way!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "your behavior has brought serious harm to Yueyue. How can you be spared?"

"Headmaster Meng, you should deal with him seriously and never tolerate him."


Meng Jingxue nodded.

Then, looking at the side of the security captain, said: "Captain Li, you take him down."

"I'll send someone to look him up and see if he has made any mistakes."


Director Chu shouts when he hears the speech.

His foundation is very unclean. Once it is found out, he will not be removed from his post, but will be sent to prison.

Meng Jingxue's face sank.

"It seems that you have done a lot of dirty things over the years. Take them down and take strict care of them.


Captain Li arrested director Chu and took him down.

It's a small, dark room.

Director Chu takes out his mobile phone and makes a call to Fei Luo.

"Hello, director Chu, is everything done?" Feiluo asked.

"Old Fei, I have an accident." Director Chu said in a deep voice.


Fei eyebrows a pick, "what's the matter? Make it clear. "

"You asked me to alter Jiang Yueyue's grades. I did, but her cousin Jiang Hao came to school to trouble me." Director Chu said.

"Just right."

Filo grinned.

"You can find several reasons to send him to the police station."

"I did, but it didn't work, because he knew headmaster Meng. As a result, headmaster Meng thoroughly investigated the matter and found out me."

"What's more, he said he wanted to check my background."

Director Chu said anxiously, "please help me. Once I am thoroughly investigated, all those things will be exposed. I will spend the rest of my life in prison."

"And you don't want to be safe."

"Are you threatening me?"

Feiluo's voice suddenly turned cold.

"Not a threat, but a warning."

Director Chu said coldly, "Lao Fei, I'm under house arrest now. No matter what method you use, rescue me immediately. I want to leave Chuzhou."

"How can I save it?" Feiluo road.

"I don't care. If I get into the Bureau, I'll shake out all your affairs and let you accompany me in prison!" Director Chu threatened.


He hung up.

On the other side.


Fei Luo scolded him and threw his cell phone to the ground.

His eyes were shining with blood.

"Old man, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

Then he took out a new mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Scorpion, a million, help me get rid of one person!"

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