
Several younger brothers answered.

Hey, hey

Then, with a ferocious smile, waving a machete, he walked to Jiang Hao.

"You Don't come here. " Jiang Yuejiao said.

Suddenly, Zhao Dandan's face changed.

"Yueyue, you are crazy, come back quickly!" Several of them murmured.

"Boss, what should we do?" A little brother, turned his head and asked.


Brother dog scolded.

"If you dare to stop it, you can cut it together."


Several younger brothers took orders.

"Girl, get out of here, or I'll chop you down with me." A little brother said coldly.

"I won't get out of the way."

Jiang Yueyue said stubbornly: "in broad daylight, it's illegal for you to gather people to fight. When the police come, you can't run away."


Brother Gou scolded: "I'm not gathering people to fight, I'm chopping people."

"Don't talk nonsense, cut it off for me!"

Boys, get ready to do it.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

"I'll give you three seconds to disappear from my eyes, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"


Huang Lili hears the speech and scolds secretly.

However, there was excitement in her eyes.

She would like to see the picture of Jiang Yueyue being cut down.

"Big cousin, are you crazy?"

"Big cousin, come back quickly!"

"Yueyue, big cousin, don't be stubborn. Please accept your mistake."

Zhao Dandan et al. In a low voice.

Brother gouge's eyes are cold, staring at Jiang Hao.

"Boy, what did you just say?"

"I said, in three seconds, disappear from my eyes, otherwise, your end will be very miserable." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Ha ha ha

Brother dog looks up and laughs.

"Boy, you have the courage to talk to me like this."

Suddenly, his face became cold.

"Give it to Laozi, cut off his hands and feet!"


Several younger brothers, waving machetes, rushed up.

Ah ~

the crowd screamed and closed their eyes. They did not dare to see the bloody scene of blood splashing five steps.

"Big cousin."

Zhao Dandan and others, a cry of sadness.

Suddenly, the expression on their faces froze.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, a few younger brothers, all lying on the ground, howling, unable to move.


Zhao Dandan, Zhang Xiaohua, Wang Jingjing and even Liu Yan are silly.

"It turned out that the big cousin didn't boast. He really can fight several times."

"So strong!" Liu Yan sighed.


The dog brother's eyelids jumped, a little surprised.

"Boy, I can't believe you're good at it."

"Tell me who sent you, and get out of here, and I'll spare you once." Jiang Hao said coldly.

Ha ha

Dog brother mouth a Yang, disdain of smile.

"Boy, if you win a few people, you will be rampant, won't you?"

He snapped: "don't forget, there are more than 30 younger brothers here. How can you fight?"

"It's all rubbish!"

Jiang Hao disdains a way: "mole ant again much, it is mole ant after all, angered me, one foot all run over dead."

"How domineering!"

Zhao Dandan and others worshipped Mu Lu.

Others, however, shook their heads and sneered, with the look of a fool.

Can we fight more than 30 people with machetes?

I'm looking for death!

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Suddenly, brother dog clapped his hands.

"Crazy, that's arrogant."

"Brothers, do you hear me? He said you are rubbish and mole ants. He despises us, so what should we do? "

"Cut him to death!"

"Cut him to death!"

"Cut him to death!"

More than 30 younger brothers said in unison.

All of a sudden, the sound of the sky, almost overturned the roof.

Brother dog grinned.

"As you wish, give it to Lao Tzu and chop him to death!"


More than 30 younger brothers, with a loud drink, waved their weapons and killed Jiang Hao.

Ah ~

suddenly, Zhao Dandan and others were so scared that they were pale and trembling."Stop it

Suddenly, a cold drink came.

Brother dog turned his head and immediately showed a flattering smile on his face.

He stooped, walked over and said with a smile, "brother leopard, why are you here?"

"It's over. There's a better man."

Zhao Dandan and others, see this scene, face exposed dead ashes.


Brother leopard gave a cold hum.

"I've received information that you're leading dozens of people of your Tiangou Gang to act together. Are you going to make trouble?"

"Well Hey, hey... "

Brother Gou chuckles.

The leopard elder brother stares at him one eye, scolds a way: "dog, you don't want to mix?"

"The black lord has orders. No matter it's a gang or other gangs, as long as it's in Chuzhou, it's not allowed to cause large-scale disturbances. Otherwise, it will be punished severely."

"Don't you dare to disobey the order of the black lord and want to die?"

Brother Gou trembled and said: "leopard Brother Bao, I'm wrong. I'll take my younger brothers back immediately after this matter is handled. "

"What's the matter? You need to bring so many people out?" Asked brother leopard.


Brother dog waved his hand. "It's just that he took a commission and abandoned a little bastard."


Leopard brother eyebrows pick.

"Who are you going to abolish? Let me see. "

All of a sudden, his eyes were frozen.

Because he saw Jiang Hao.

He ran at once.

"He's coming, he's coming, dead, dead."

Zhao Dandan is desperate.

"Big cousin, it seems that we are going to die here today, wuwuwu Big cousin, I'm still young. I don't want to die. "

Zhang Xiaohua began to cry.

Jiang Hao rubbed her little head.

"Silly girl, what do you say? Why do we die? "

Brother Bao ran over, bowed his head and said respectfully, "master Jiang, why are you here?"

"It's a little leopard."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Little Little leopard

I'm so happy, are you?


Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help laughing.

The next second, she covered her mouth with panic.

"Idiot, you're dead!"

Huang Lili secretly despised a sentence.


Suddenly, brother dog gave a loud shout.

In his eyes, there was a hint of murder.

"You damned things, dare to scold brother leopard, dare to laugh, all of them are damned."

He ordered, "come on, chop them to death!"


Suddenly, brother Bao slapped him in the face.

Brother dog covered his face, and the whole person was confused.

"Leopard Brother Bao, you Why did you hit me? "

"Hit you?"

Brother Bao scolded: "I still want to kill you."

"Are you a pig?"

"Why What's the matter? "

Dog brother continues to be confused.


Brother Bao was angry and afraid, and gave him a kick.

"What's the matter with you?"

"What do you want to do when you bring so many people here?" He exclaimed.

Dog brother pointed to Jiang Hao, "maim this little bastard, scrap his hands and feet, or beat him into a vegetable."

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