
Fei Leng licked his dry lips and said weakly, "Jiang Master Jiang, I We should die. Please let us go

"No way."

Jiang Hao shook his head and refused.

"Master Jiang, you Do you really want to be so special? "

Suddenly, Fei Leng's face was a little cold.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

"I will not?"

He said with a sneer: "it's ridiculous. If the master you invited today is very powerful, I'm not an opponent at all."

"Will you let me go?"


Feileng is speechless.

Transposition thinking, if it is him, he will never leave trouble.

"All right."

Jiang Hao waved his hand, "if you have anything to say, say it quickly. Later, you will have no chance."


Hey, hey

Suddenly, Fei Lengyin smiles.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Hao asked.

"I laugh at your innocence."

Fei Leng Sen ran said: "Jiang Hao, do you think that I only have master Wu?"


Jiang Hao's eyebrows picked out and said with great interest, "do you have any other cards?"

"Just let it out, I'll wait!"

"Jiang Hao!"

Fei Leng yelled: "I advise you to let us go, otherwise, it's not good for you to force me to burn everything."

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered.

"What are you and what qualifications do you have to burn with me?"


Feileng glared.

Suddenly, he laughed.

"I'm not qualified, but I don't know if Jiang Yueyue is qualified?"


Jiang Hao's face was cold.

"What have you done to Yueyue?"

Hey, hey

Fei Leng said with a grim smile, "it's nothing. I just invited her here."

"Where is she?" Jiang Hao asked.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Feileng clapped his hands. "Bring her up."

Suddenly, a small Si, escorting Jiang Yueyue, came up.


Jiang Yueyue screamed with fear on her face.

Jiang Hao rushed up immediately.


Suddenly, Fei Leng pulls Jiang Yueyue away.

"Jiang Hao, I know you are very strong, but you can't mess around."

Feileng grinned.

"See, this is the bomb I planted. It's very sensitive. As long as you dare to move, it will bang and explode."

"You want to die!"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, there was a flash of moriran's killing.

"No, I'm not looking for death, because I don't want to die, but you're forcing me, forcing me to die!"

Fei Leng's face was fierce.

"Since you force me to die, then I want her to die. Everyone will die together. I won't be lonely on the way to huangquan."

Ha ha ha

He looked up at the sky and laughed wildly.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao calmed down.

With a faint smile, he said, "do you think a bomb can hardly hold me?"

"Of course

Feileng confidently said: "maybe, this time bomb can't kill you, but I'm sure it can kill her."


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold.

"Is it?"

He sneered: "today, I'll open your eyes."

"Come here!"

Suddenly, he reached for a picture.

Suddenly, Jiang Yueyue was out of control and flew to Jiang Hao.


Fei Leng's eyes were a little frightened.

"Cousin, I have a bomb on me. I don't want to die." Jiang Yueyue cried.

Her pretty face was full of horror.

Jiang Hao smile, comfort way: "don't worry, have cousin in, you won't die."

Then he reached for the time bomb.

Feileng was scared to death.

"Jiang Hao, don't mess about. This time bomb is very sensitive. As long as you touch it, it will explode!" He cried.

"Don't worry, it won't explode!"

Jiang Hao said: "because I don't allow it to explode, it can't explode!"


Suddenly, the time bomb exploded.


Jiang Hao gave a big drink, and all his spiritual power gushed out, and he gathered them in his hands.Endless spiritual power, formed a membrane, the time bomb, wrapped up.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a slight low explosion, one after another.

The round Lingli membrane is constantly deformed by explosion.

However, it never broke.

Gradually, the sound of the explosion decreased.

Then, it disappeared.

Jiang Hao a little bit, remove the spirit power.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

he took a few breaths, consumed a little more spiritual power, and turned pale.

"Cousin, are you ok?" Jiang Yueyue cares about the tunnel.


Jiang Hao shook his head.

"No way! impossible! No way

Fei Leng shook his head violently, as if he was crazy. He couldn't believe his eyes and everything he saw.

Because, it's crazy, it's incredible.

Even though this time bomb is not particularly powerful, it is more than enough to blow up a person into dross.

However, such a terrible time bomb was pinched by Jiang Hao's hands, and the aftereffects of the explosion didn't leak out.

It's terrible!

Poop! Poop!

Fei Leng and Fei Luo both knelt down.

They don't want to fight, and they don't dare.

Joking, even the bomb, can't Jiang Hao, how to resist?

"What? Soft? Give up? "

Jiang Hao laughs.

"We give up."

Feileng despairingly said, "if you want to kill us, just do it."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"I will not kill you, because the law will punish you!"

"The law?"

Ha ha ha

Fei Leng laughed and said, "Jiang Hao, you are so whimsical. Even if the police know what I have done, they can't catch me or convict me without evidence."

"Who said there was no evidence?" Jiang Hao sneered.


Feileng was surprised: "what evidence do you have?"

Jiang Hao looked at Fei Luo and said with a smile, "do you remember director Chu?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Fei Luo is a bit at a loss.

"He's still alive, and he told the police about your murder." JiangHao road.


Feiluo's pupil shrank.

"Impossible, impossible!"

He shook his head and said, "he's dead. He must be dead. You're cheating me, aren't you?"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao laughed scornfully.

"Am I so bored?"

"Wait. The police will come in a few minutes. You can't escape the law."

Dudu ~ Dudu ~

sure enough, a few minutes later, the siren sounded.

A police car, whistling in.

Bang Dang!

The door opened.

Seven or eight armed policemen came down.

The leader is Han lulu.

"People are here." JiangHao road.

Han Lu nodded.

Then she waved and said, "come on, get them."


Suddenly, several armed police rushed up and roasted Fei Leng and Fei Luo.

Then, I took the police car with me.

Before leaving, Fei Leng turned his head and put down a cruel word.

"Jiang Hao, I will die, and so will you!"

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