So Jiang Hao took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, master Jiang, what can I do for you?"

On the other end of the cell phone, there was an excited voice.

He is Kang Fu, the boss of Fuwang hotel.

"Lao Kang, I'm in your Fuwang hotel. There's a manager here who slanders me for eating overlord food and wants to send me to the police station. What do you say?" JiangHao road.


Comfort was furious.

"Which son of a bitch manager, I'm going to kill him?"

"You wait..."

Jiang Hao went to manager Zhang, picked him up, drank and asked, "what's your name?"

"My Lord, I My name is Zhang long Manager Zhang Li Ma Dao.

"Lao Kang, do you hear me? His name is Zhang long." JiangHao road.

"Master Jiang, please call Zhang long." Kangfu asked.


Jiang Hao nodded.

Then, he handed the mobile phone to Zhang long.

"Hello Hello, Kang Mr. Kang, do you have Can I help you? " Zhang Long trills.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Kangfu made a rude remark.

His voice was so loud that it almost cracked Zhang Long's eardrum.

"Mad, Zhang long, you dare to offend master Jiang. Now, immediately, immediately, roll up your bedding for me. Get out of Chuzhou!" Cried comfort.

"Kang Mr. Kang, I... "

Zhang long opened his mouth and wanted to beg for mercy.

"Shut up

Kangfu gave an angry rebuke.

"I'll go back to the hotel now. If I see you when I go back, I'll break your leg!" He cursed.

"Yes, yes."

Zhang Long nodded.

"Mr. Kang, I'll go now."


Kang Fu snorted coldly, "give master Jiang the phone."


Zhang Long handed out his mobile phone, "my Lord, your mobile phone."

Jiang Hao took the phone.

"Master Jiang, I'm sorry. I'm not sensible. Please don't be angry." Kangfu is in a low voice.

"All right, all right."

Jiang Hao light smile, "this matter, past, rest assured, I will not blame you."

Hoo -

comfort was relieved.

Thank you, master Jiang

"Well, nothing's wrong. I hung up."


Jiang Hao hangs up.

Then, looking at Zhang long, "go away."

"Yes, thank you for not killing me."

Zhang Long ran away.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Originally, Gu Yuxuan while he called, ready to leave.


Jiang Hao's body was in a flash. He rushed over, grabbed his collar and threw him back.

Then he called again.

This time, call the director of the Public Security Bureau.

"Hello, chief, it's me, Jiang Hao." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"Xiaojiang, what's the matter?"

The director asked.

"Nothing. I just want to ask you something." JiangHao road.

"You ask."

Jiang Hao glances at Gu Yuxuan.

"Gu Yuxuan, do you know him?"

"Gu Yuxuan?"

The director frowned, "I know him. He is Gu Tong's son. What's the matter?"

"Gu Yuxuan invited me to dinner in Fuwang hotel. As a result, he, together with the hotel manager, framed me for eating overlord food and wanted to send me to the police station."

"And he also said, you know his father, he has a hundred ways, let me stay in prison for a lifetime, never come out." Jiang Hao explained.


The director of the bureau raised his case.

"Son of a bitch, he's running roughshod all over the place under my banner."

Director angrily said: "Xiaojiang, Lulu has been in a hurry. Later, you can tell her to take Gu Yuxuan back to the Bureau."

"All right

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Director, you are busy. I won't disturb you."


He hung up and looked at Gu Yuxuan with a sneer on his face.

"Do you hear me? Your father's good friend wants to invite you to the police station. "


Gu Yuxuan glared.

At the bottom of his heart, he was afraid.

Because, he did not expect that Jiang Hao actually knew the director, and, it seems, he was very familiar and had a good relationship.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.Han Lulu came down first.

"Where is the killer?" She asked.


Jiang Hao pointed.

Han Lulu waved, "handcuff him and bring him back to the Bureau."


Two policemen went over, handcuffed the comatose scorpion, and then carried him into the police car.

Han Lulu turns to go.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Lulu, just now, I made a phone call with your director. The director specially told you to take him back to the Bureau."


Han Lulu waved her hand.

A policeman rushed up immediately, handcuffed Gu Yuxuan and took him to the police car.

And then, whistling away.

Then Jiang Hao left.

The next day.

Jiang Hao received a phone call.

It's Zhang mo.

"Hello, Zhang Mo, what can I do for you?"

Hey, hey

Zhang Mo said with a smile, "master, are you OK recently?"

"What's the matter, say it." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Yes, yes."

Zhang Mo nodded.

"Master, as you know, Lu Jue and I are both professors of Chuzhou Medical University. We were in the capital some time ago. We didn't know what happened a few days ago."

"Fortunately you are OK, otherwise, Lu Jue and I will feel guilty all our lives."

"If you have something to say, let it go!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink impatiently.

Cough ~

Zhang Mo coughed a few times.

"Well, there are few professors of traditional Chinese medicine in Chuzhou Medical University. A few days ago, you sent two professors to prison at one time."

"So the president complained to me all day, asking me to call you and ask if you would like to be an honorary professor in Chuzhou Medical University."


Jiang Hao refused directly.


Zhang Mo was speechless for three seconds. "Master, your medical skills are earth shaking. If you don't teach them and spread them, it's a pity."

"Besides, in recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has been declining. Maybe in a few decades, it will be buried and eliminated."

"When you become a professor and teach medical skills, you will make a great contribution to the rejuvenation and glory of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Master, think about it."


Jiang Hao was silent.

After he got the inheritance, he knew how brilliant traditional Chinese medicine was in ancient times.

Nowadays, martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine are weak.

He didn't have the heart to see TCM buried and eliminated.

"All right."

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Hao agrees.

"I agree to be an honorary professor of Chuzhou Medical University."

"However, I have a dirty word to say that I'm very busy and I don't have much time to teach students."

"Don't worry."

Zhang Mo laughed and said, "your honorary professor is very idle. As long as he has time, he will give a lecture to teach the theory and knowledge of TCM."

"That's good."

Jiang Hao nodded.

"When do I go to work?" He asked.

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