
Sister Xin twisted her body, as if to shake off her bald hand.

"Little lady, what's the matter with you? Does the body itch? "

Bald bright evil smile, "come on, little lady, I help you scratch."

After that, his hand, embracing sister Xin's waist.


Sister Xin couldn't stand it any more. She slapped his hand off.

All of a sudden, his face was as gloomy as water.

"What do you mean, little lady?" He snapped.


Sister Xin opened her mouth.

"Sit down, I don't want to say the second time, don't make me angry!" Bald head bright cold channel.

"I won't sit!"

Sister Xin gave a cold drink.

"Good, good."

The bald head bright anger extremely counter smile, "your courage is really fat, unexpectedly dares not listen to my words."


He gave a cold hum.

Then, he rushed up, grabbed sister Xin's hands and dragged her to the chair.

"Today, you don't want to run!" Glabrous head bright angry shout a way.

"Let go of my cousin!"

All of a sudden, a Jiao drink sounded.

Xiaolan stares at her big eyes and glares at her bald head.

"Oh, it's beautiful that little beauty is angry." Bareheaded bright tease way.


Xiao Lan's pretty face turned red.

"Little beauty, go away. I'm not interested in you today." Bald head bright wave cold reprimand.

"You let go of my cousin."

Jiaolan drinks Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, you go quickly." She said.

"I don't know!"

Xiaolan glaring bald, "let go of my cousin, you dare to touch her again, I'll call the police."

"What did you say?"

The face of bald head bright, instantly become cruel.

"I I said I I'll call the police. " Xiao Lan trills.

She was a little scared.

"Call the police?"

The cold light was shining in the bright eyes.


He made a rude remark.

"Originally, I didn't want to fight you today, but you have to force me."


His bald head gave a cold hum.

"Little ones, take her with me. Let's go to KTV for a night." He said.


A few younger brothers yelled excitedly.

Some even whistle.

"You Don't come here. "

Xiao Lan was very scared, trembling and retreating.

"Little beauty, where are you going?"

A little brother, with a smile, reaches for Xiaolan and controls her.

"Liang Brother Liang. "

Sister Xin begged for mercy and said, "Xiaolan is still young and doesn't understand. Please let her go."

"No way!"

Bald head bright refused directly.

"Come on, let's go to KTV." He said with a wave of his hand.


The boys laughed.

"Station Stop

Suddenly, a man called out.

The man looked almost forty, honest, honest and timid.

Glabrous bright squinted at him one eye, scolded: "roll, mind your own business."

"You Let go of Xiao Xiaoxin The man shivered.


Bareheaded bright scolded a sentence.

"I can't say a word clearly. Do you still want to be a hero? Get out of here. I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to beat you. "

"Wang Fen, hurry up. There's no business for you here."

Cried sister Xin.

"No No way

Wang Fen shook his head.

"I I must not let him They take you away

Hey, hey

With a smile.

He went up to Wang Fen and looked him in the eye. He said coldly, "if you have seed, say it again to me."

"I I... "

Wang Fen trembled with fright, and his lips trembled.

"Say it."

Abrupt, bareheaded bright angry.

All of a sudden, Wang Fen's legs and feet softened, and almost fell down.

Ha ha ha

Bareheaded bright see, issued a heartless laugh.

"With your advice, do you want to be a hero? Learn how to speak first, then

"You can't take Xiao Xin away!"

Suddenly, Wang Fen clenched his fist, exhausted his strength, and yelled.All of a sudden, bald face, gloomy.

"You want to die, don't you?"

"I I don't want to die, but you You can't take Xiao Xin away. " Wang Fen trills.

"Go away!"

I'll have a cold drink.

"Today, I'm going to take him away. Why don't you go away!"

After that, he kicked Wang Fen to the ground.

"Wang Fen."

Sister Xin gave a cry, ready to rush over.

Unfortunately, I was held by my younger brother.

"Wang Fen, go and call the police." Cried sister Xin.


The bald head is bright on Wang Fen's body, kick heavily.

"If you dare to call the police, I will kill you!"

Then he turned and left.

"Go, go to KTV, hi, PIP!"

"Let's go!"

Several younger brothers, whistling, excited.


Suddenly, Wang Fen stood up.

There was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth.

"Let go of Xiaoxin!"

He yelled, red eyed, picked up the chair next to him and rushed to the bald head.


He swung the chair and smashed it out.

Ah, ~

the bald man screamed and fell to the ground on the spot.

Wang Fen rode on him, swung his chair and hit him on the head.


Another dull sound.

Bald, big bald, bleeding.

"Brother Liang."

"Brother Liang."

"Brother Liang."

This scene, happened too suddenly, a few younger brother, are Leng for a while.

"Grass Mud Horse, don't save me soon!" Bareheaded and roaring.

"Oh, oh."

A few younger brothers, wake up, immediately rushed up, will Wang Fen opened.

Bareheaded, get up right away.

He touched his head and touched his hand for blood.

All of a sudden, the cold light in my eyes was very bright.

"Damn it, catch him. I'm going to waste his hands and feet today." Bareheaded light roared.


A few younger brothers rushed up and took control of Wang Fen.

Bald Liang takes out an iron bar and walks to Wang Fen.

"No, No."

Sister Xin shouts and holds on to her bald head.

"Brother Liang, I'll go with you. I'll go to KTV with you. Please let him go." She prayed.

"Get out of here!"

Baldheaded Liang yelled angrily, pushed away sister Xin and walked to Wang Fen.

"Get his hands up." He said.

A little brother immediately grabbed Wang Fen's arm and straightened it.

Bareheaded Liang swung the iron bar, ready to smash it.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

The bald head lightened for a while, and then continued to smash.


Jiang Hao's body swayed and floated past.

He reached out and grabbed the iron bar.

"I told you to stop, don't you understand?" He said coldly.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Bareheaded bright scolded: "little bastard, let go, or I will fight with you."


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

"What a big tone!"

"You are such a waste. How many more minions do you want to beat me?"

Jiang Hao laughed scornfully.

"Even if I bind my hands and feet, you can't hurt my hair."

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Bareheaded Liang angrily scolded: "boy, you are so crazy!"

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