Half an hour later, the old housekeeper came back.

"Have you found out?" Yeb said coldly.

"Find out."

The old manager said, "it's Jiang Hao. He destroyed the No.3 underground laboratory and killed the matchless young master."

"It's him again!" Yebo gnashes his teeth.


When he stepped on it, the whole ground cracked, and a violent breath burst out of his body.

His eyes, glowing red, said harshly, "send someone immediately to find out Jiang Hao's relatives and catch them!"

"I want him to know that if I kill my grandson, I'll be the death of the nine ethnic groups!"


The old housekeeper hesitated.

He hardened his head and said, "master, catch Jiang Hao's relatives, isn't it Is it too much trouble? "

"What if it's too big?"

Ye Bo glared in his eyes and said madly: "now, the medicine has been developed and improved. My Ye family doesn't need to hibernate."

"The sky of Chuzhou City, it's time to change, my Ye family should be king in Chuzhou City!"

"Go down and carry out my orders immediately." He said coldly.


The old housekeeper nodded and retreated.

Huanbing Road, an alley, Han Lulu is leading the team.

She waved her hand and said, "you guys here, you guys there, I'll go here. Remember, this thief is a recidivist, very cunning. This time, we must catch him."


Suddenly, five or six policemen, divided into three waves, dispersed.

Han Lulu took immediate action.

Suddenly, two masked people appeared.

Han Lulu is very alert, jade hand immediately touched the waist of the gun, asked: "who are you? What are you doing? "

"That's her, do it!" A masked man, cheered coldly.

All of a sudden, they rushed up and subdued Han lulu. They cut her on her snow neck and knocked her unconscious.

These two people are both masters of Mingjin Dacheng. Han Lulu can't resist at all.


Two masked men put Han lulu in a sack and carried him away.

Star Dream Hotel, chairman's office.

Shen Mengqi is checking the account book

"sister Chen, there is something wrong with this account. Please come here." She cried.


Suddenly, two masked men came down from the sky and broke through the window.

Shen Mengqi was startled and yelled, "who are you?"

"Target, do it!"

Suddenly, two masked men rushed up, knocked Shen Mengqi unconscious, put him in a sack and carried him away.

Creak ~

"Chairman, how..." Chen Jie pushed the door in and said.

All of a sudden, she screamed.

She saw pieces of glass all over the floor, Shen Mengqi disappeared, and knew that something had happened.

Chuzhou University.

Jiang Yueyue walks along the avenue.

She waved the vocabulary in her hand and yelled, "Qingqing, help me buy an ice cream, too."


Zhang Xiaohua answered and ran to the supermarket.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, two shadows came out.

"You..." Jiang Yueyue was startled and surprised.

However, before she finished her sentence, she was covered by the masked man.


The masked man raised his hand and cut it on her neck.

Suddenly, Jiang Yueyue rolled her eyes and fainted.


She dropped her CET-6 vocabulary on the ground.

"Take it away!"

Two masked people, carrying Jiang Yueyue, quietly disappeared.

A moment later.

Zhang Xiaohua came back with an ice cream in one hand.

"Yueyue - Yueyue - Yueyue ~"

she called several times, but there was no response.

All of a sudden, she saw the vocabulary on the ground and realized that something had happened.

So she took out her cell phone and dialed Jiang Hao's number.

Ding Lingling ~

the phone is through.

In the restaurant, Jiang Hao got on the phone and said, "Hello, Xiaohua, what's the matter?"

"Not good, not good, big cousin, not good." Zhang Xiaohua cried.

Jiang Hao looks a Lin, ask a way: "small flower, don't worry, slowly say, exactly how?"


Zhang Xiaohua cried and said to herself, "big cousin, the moon is gone."


Jiang Hao frowned, "what do you mean?""Yueyue was just reciting words. I went to buy an ice cream and she disappeared." Zhang Xiaohua explains.

Jiang Hao's heart sank.

He tried to calm down and said, "don't cry, Xiaohua. You look everywhere first, and I'll rush there now."

"Good." Zhang Xiaohua sobbed.


Jiang Hao hung up the phone, immediately put his chopsticks on it and stood up.

Ding Ling Ling

Suddenly, his cell phone rang again.

Take out a look, it's Han Lulu's subordinate Xiao Li.

"Hello, Xiao Li, what can I do for you?" Jiang Hao got through and asked.

"Jiang Brother Jiang, Han Captain Han is gone. " Xiao Li is out of breath.

"Gone again?"

Jiang Hao's brows are twisted together.

"What's the matter? Tell me in detail."

"It's like this."

Xiao Li explained: "just now, we and team leader Han were on a mission to arrest a thief. Now the thief has been caught, but..."

"But Captain Han is gone."

"Look around." JiangHao road.

Xiao Li said, "I found it, but I didn't find it."

Hu ~

Jiang Hao breathed out a breath and comforted: "don't worry, I'll be right there."


He hung up with a frown.

Jiang Yueyue is gone, and Han Lulu is also gone. It's so strange that Jiang Hao smells a trace of conspiracy.

Ding Lingling ~

suddenly, his mobile phone rings again.

This time, sister Chen called.

Jiang Hao got through and said, "Hello, what's wrong with sister Chen?"

"Xiaojiang, it's bad. It's bad. Mr. Shen has been taken away." Cried sister Chen.


Jiang Hao's face changed.

His guess came true.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Mr. Shen has been in the office, checking the accounts. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise and rushed in to have a look. All the windows in the office were broken and Mr. Shen disappeared." Sister Chen explained.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I'll be right there." Jiang Hao said coldly.


He hung up.

His face was as gloomy as water, and the cold light burst out from his eyes. The whole person was a little frightening.

Su Hua shuddered and asked, "master, what happened?"

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Someone tried to deal with me and took my family."

"Who is it?" Suhua road.

Jiang Hao shook his head, "I don't know."

However, he had a few guesses in mind.

Ding Ling Ling

Suddenly, his cell phone rang again.

Jiang Hao takes out a look, what show above, it is strange number.

He's on!

"Hello, who are you?" He asked.

Jiejie ~ jiejie ~

on the other end of the mobile phone, there was a cold and difficult laugh.

"Who are you?" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

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