"I don't believe it." Ye Bo sneered.


Luo Xiongfei snorted coldly and said in a Yin voice, "Ye Bo, what kind of capital are you arrogant about?"

Zhang Yan opened his mouth, he coldly threatened: "Ye Bo, don't make mistakes!"

Cao Rong gives Ye Bo a cold glance.

"Yebo, I hope this is the last time you talk nonsense. This time, I don't care, but I don't want to have" you... "

Cao Rong and Zhang Yan were cold and a little confused.

They did not expect that ye Bo would be so cruel, so crazy, actually killed Luo Xiongfei.

You know, Luo Xiongfei is the owner of the Luo family, one of the four major families in Chuzhou City. In terms of the inside information, the Luo family is far better than the Ye family. If you really want to put it together, the Ye family can't do it.

Cao Rong was shocked and said: "Ye Bo, how dare you kill Luo Xiongfei."

"Are you not afraid of the Luo family's revenge?"

"The Revenge of the Luo family?"

Ye Bo mouth a Yang, showing a smile of disdain.

"The Luo family can't revenge me, because from this moment on, the Luo family belongs to the Ye family."

"Damn it

Suddenly, a burst of drinking.

Luo Xiongfei's bodyguard is furious.

He glared at Ye Bo and said angrily, "kill the Lord of the Luo family, and you will be buried with him."


He dashed to yebo.

Hey, hey

Cao Rong said with a cold smile, "Ye Bo, you are really looking for death. Although you are powerful, Luo Xiongfei's bodyguard is a top expert. You die..."

Before he could say the word "settled," Cao Rong was thrilled.


A stone, the sound of breaking the air, just like a flying knife, shot out.


A string of blood, splashing up.


Luo Xiongfei's bodyguard looked down at the hole in his chest. His lips murmured and spat out a word.

"If you follow me, you will prosper; if you disobey me, you will die."

Ye Bo sneered: "if you choose to be my enemy, you must have the consciousness of death!"

"Picking leaves hurts, flying flowers kill. Are you master dark strength?" Cao Rong's bodyguard was shocked.

Cao Rong asked, "Mr. Zhu, what is master dark strength?"

"Master dark strength is a super master. Everyone has terrible destructive power. Ordinary guns can't kill them at all." Zhu explained.

Hissing ~

Cao Rong took a breath of cold air and said, "guns can't be killed. Is this still human?"

Then he turned to look at Mr. Zhu and said, "Mr. Zhu, are you master amjin?"

Zhu gave a bitter smile and shook his head.

"No, it's only half a step away, but it's the gap between heaven and earth."

Zhang Yan immediately looked at Mo Lao beside him and asked, "Mo Lao, how about you?"

"One step short." Mo Lao said in a deep voice.

Ye Bo light smile, scanning Cao Rong and Zhang Yan, cold voice way: "you two choice?"


Cao Rong snorted coldly and scolded: "Ye Bo, don't be arrogant. Although you are very powerful, I'm not afraid of you."

"If you dare to kill us, you are against Cao, Luo and Zhang at the same time. At that time, even if you are there, your Ye family will be destroyed."

"So don't..."

All of a sudden, Zhu Lao pulled him.

"Farewell, my Lord."

"Why?" Cao Rong confused tunnel.

Old Zhu had no choice but to smile, "because master amjin is so terrible. If he wants to do it, he can completely wipe out Cao, Luo and Zhang in one day."


Cao Rong was shocked.

Zhang Yan quickly looked at Mo Lao and asked, "Mo Lao, what he said is true?"


Don't nod your head.

For a moment, Cao Rong and Zhang Yan changed their faces.

Ye Bo light smile, "did not expect, you two, than just that old thing know current affairs."

He looked at Cao Rong and Zhang Yan coldly and said impatiently: "give you five seconds, choose life or death?"


Cao Rong opened his mouth, he wanted to refuse, he wanted to resist.

Zhang Yan also clenched his fist, biting his cheek, a face of unwilling.

The two of them are the heads of the four families in Chuzhou City. They are noble and noble. Even the leaders should be polite when they see them.

But yeb forced them to be his slaves.

Poop! Poop!

Suddenly, Zhu and Mo knelt down.

They said in unison: "master ye, we are willing to submit to you and wait for your dispatch."

Ha ha ha

Ye Bo looked up at the sky and laughed, "it's good. It's very current."Then he looked at Cao Rong and Zhang Yan and said in a harsh voice, "what about you? Make a choice quickly. I don't have time to waste with you. "

"To live or to die?"

Cao Rong bit his teeth and struggled for a long time.


In the end, he got down on his knees.

"Master ye, my Cao family is willing to take refuge in Ye family, and I Cao Rong is willing to be at your service." He cried.

"Not bad, not bad."

Ye Bo nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he looked at Zhang Yan, "and you?"

Zhang Yan hesitated a few times, also surrendered.

"My Zhang family is also willing to take refuge in the Ye family and wait for you." Zhang Yandao.

Ha ha ha

Ye Bo looked up and laughed.

"You are all very smart and have made the right decision. My Ye family is not limited to the small city of Chuzhou. Our tentacles will extend to all directions!"

Ye Bo said in a high voice: "my Ye family will become the second king family of Jinling, and you will follow my steps to glory!"

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