
Jiang Hao scolded, turned and walked out of the cell, and went out for activities.

"Are you special..."

Brother DART's teeth are almost broken. He is very angry.

He's ready to do it!

Suddenly, several wardens came over.

Brother dart immediately put down his arm and left as if nothing had happened.

There is a very wide playground on guxing island.

On the playground, basketball court, football court, volleyball court, badminton court There are all kinds of sports venues.

Jiang Hao strolled on the playground, looking around and thinking about countermeasures.


The basketball is full of high speed and strength.

This ball, if hit on the body, I'm afraid it's the master of quasi dark strength. I can't carry it. At least I have to break my bones and tendons.


Jiang Hao reached for the basketball.

He looked up and saw brother dart with a sneer on his face.

"I'm sorry. My hand just slipped. I didn't hit you." Brother dart is a fake tunnel.

Although he was apologizing, there was no apology in his tone.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao threw the basketball to dart brother.

"Here you are."

Dart elder brother a face of disdain, slowly raise arm, grasp to basketball.

However, the moment his hand touched the basketball, his face changed.


Basketball with terrible power, wiped his palm, hit his chest.


Brother dart spits out a mouthful of saliva. The whole person goes back three or four steps. His face turns red and almost spits blood.


He glared at Jiang Hao angrily, with murderous spirit in his eyes.

Jiang Hao didn't like him at all. He turned around and left.


Jiang Hao finished the line, finished the meal, took the iron plate, casually found a position, ready to sit down.

All of a sudden, a group of people rushed over and took the first place.

Hey, hey

Brother dart looked at Jiang Hao and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, there's no place. Go away!"

Assang said weakly: "brother dart, this Isn't there a place? "

"There's your sister!"

Brother dart cheered coldly: "this position is used by Laozi to put feet!"

After that, he raised his foot, put it on the chair and occupied the position.

Jiang Hao looked up and saw that the canteen was full of people and had no place.

Brother dart sneered: "boy, there is no place. Come on, squat beside me. Do you know how to squat? It's squatting like a dog. "

"You want to die, don't you?" Jiang Hao said coldly.

Suddenly, asan spoke.

"This Here's a place where you You sit, I won't sit. "

Then he stood up.


Brother dart snorted coldly, slapped the table and scolded: "sang, sit down for me!"

"Who allowed you to give up your seat for him? Don't you want to get out of it? "

"No No Asan immediately shook his head.

"Sit down!"

Brother dart gave a cold rebuke.

Asan was submissive, hesitated for a moment, and sat down.

"Boy, go away. You're standing here, polluting the air and affecting my appetite." Dart elder brother cold voice way.

Jiang Hao glanced at him coldly and said harshly, "this is the last time. Next time, if you provoke me again, you will die miserably."

Then he turned and left.


Brother DART's face stagnated, his eyes were burning, and he scolded: "grass, what are you pulling, mad? Afternoon is the whole lonely star island. It's open time for everyone."

"At that time, I'll call some people to cripple you!"

After dinner, Jiang Hao strolled around for a while, and he would be in prison.

His face darkened as soon as he entered the door.

On the ground, all cotton wadding, his bedding, was torn, even the bed, was also damaged.

"I'm looking for death!"

In his eyes, there was a shot of murder.

Suddenly, asan came in.

Jiang Hao stares at him and says harshly, "my bedding and bed, are you making ghosts?"

"No It's not me

Asang trilled: "yes It's brother dart. They made it

"A group of mole ants don't know how to live or die."

Jiang Hao looked at him and ordered, "find someone to change my bed immediately, and then buy a new set of bedding."

"Yes, yes."

Asan nodded and moved immediately.

Jiang Hao steps out of the cell and is ready to settle accounts with brother dart.Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, a burst of air came, and several people suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Hao and surrounded him.

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold. He stared at brother dart and said harshly, "I warned you not to offend you, but you are not obedient. It seems that you can't be spared."

"Spare me?"

Ha ha ha

The dart elder brother looks up at the sky to laugh, angrily scolds a way: "boy, you are especially less to pretend to force."

He pointed to several people beside him and said in a cold voice, "see, these are all my brothers. I invite them to come here to beat you and abolish you."

Lu Lin, a man with long hair, said with a smile, "dart, this boy is the one you want to beat?"

"Is this a yellow boy at all? You can kill him with one finger. Why do you call us here? "

"That's it."

The man in white, blue dye, echoed: "this humble mole ant can be crushed to death every second. It's really dirty for me to beat him."

"A hairy boy, I thought he was a master. It's really disappointing!" Gongs of the Zhuang and Han Dynasties are authentic.

Dart elder brother smile, embrace boxing way: "Lu elder brother, blue elder brother, copper elder brother, don't be angry."

"I asked you to come here because I want you to help me hold the warden down."


Blue dye cold hum a, displeased way: "OK, hurry to start, we help you outside the wind."

"Thank you very much." Dart elder brother Gongshou road.


He clapped his hand and closed the door.

"Boy, this time, you can't escape." He murmured.

"Run away?"

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and laughed coldly, "why do I want to escape? When did I escape? "


Dart elder brother cold hum way: "boy, you mouth hard, wait a moment, I hit you kneel to beg for mercy, don't know your mouth, still have so hard?"


A violent breath, from his body, burst out.

"Go to hell!"

Dart elder brother burst to drink and clap to Jiang Hao.

there was a sharp beep.

"This is..."

Brother DART's face changed, and his movements stopped.

"You guys, what are you doing outside?"

Outside the door, the warden yelled.

LAN ran said with a smile, "no It's nothing. "


The warden scolded coldly: "nothing. Go and gather soon. The whistle has already sounded. Everyone must gather in the playground in three minutes."

"Get out of here!"

"Yes, yes."

Lanran, Lulin and Tongluo ran to the playground immediately.


The prison official kicked open the gate, glared at brother dart and Jiang Hao, and yelled, "what are you two doing? Are you going to fight? "

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