The shadow devil narrowed his eyes and said: "humble mole ants always like to struggle before they die, but no matter how hard they struggle, it's in vain!"

"It's a good way to die if you're not ashamed of yourself!" The king of war said sternly.


King Kong burst to drink and took the lead.

He swung his strong arm and hit Jiang Hao.

Wuwu ~ Wuwu ~

for a moment, the strong wind howled, the wind was strong, and all the furnishings in tianzihao secret prison were blown over.

King Kong's brute force is superior to Mount Tai. It's terrible. If you punch it down, it's estimated that even a wall will collapse.

Jiang Hao's face did not change. He slowly raised his hand and blocked his fist.


All of a sudden, a huge and violent wave swept away, like a tornado.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the ground, strong, all split a crack.


The whole secret prison is about to collapse.


Vajra trembled all over his body, spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face turned red, and he flew out backwards.

"King Kong, are you ok?" The movie devil was shocked.


Vajra vomited a mouthful of blood, wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and said in a cold voice, "I'm ok."

"Intelligence error, this boy's strength is too strong. Let's go together and kill him!" Cried the shadow devil.



King Kong and king of war, answer in unison.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, three violent breath broke out, stirring the air, shaking the whole secret prison.


Three people burst to drink and rush to kill Xiang JiangHao.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four people entangled together, broke out a terrible explosion, the fight is very fierce.

Violent shaking, transmitted to the ground, the whole ground, began to shake up, like an earthquake.

"What's the matter? Why is the ground shaking? "

"Earthquake, earthquake!"

"No, is it a tsunami?"

Everyone panicked and ran out of prison.

EH ~

suddenly, a man said softly, "it seems that the place caused the ground shaking."


A well-informed man yelled, "it's a secret prison with the name of heaven."

Many people are at a loss when they hear the speech.

"Tianzihao secret prison? Where is it? "

The man explained: "tianzihao secret prison holds people who are extremely vicious and guilty. They are very cruel and often fight."

"Is the ground shaking because someone is fighting?"

All of a sudden, everyone took in the cold air.

"No No way There's a man who's very nervous.

Several people fighting, attracted hundreds of meters around, shaking more than, this is too scary.

A lot of people don't believe it.


All of a sudden, the ground exploded and a dark shadow flew into the sky.

"What's that?" The crowd screamed.


The shadow came down from the sky, fell down, hit the ground, directly hit a big hole.

They stood on tiptoe, stretched their necks and looked at it.

All of a sudden, they were cold and hairy, and they all stood up.

"This This This... "

They were so terrified that their minds went blank.

Because, in the big pit, it is King Kong, one of the four murderers.

At the moment, he was covered with blood and flesh, and his bones were broken, just like a pool of mud, lying in the pit.

His eyes burst out, his eyes almost burst out, his face was ferocious, and he couldn't close his eyes.

Hiss ~

people suck in the cold air.

"My God, King Kong is dead!"

"Why did King Kong die?"

"Who killed him?"

The crowd screamed and looked around, looking terrified.


Suddenly, the ground exploded again, and another dark shadow flew out of the ground.

"It's the king of war!" Someone with sharp eyes recognized the king of war and yelled.

The king of war, like a rag doll, flew over and hit a large number of people.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the sound of vomiting blood, interwoven into a piece, at least 20 or 30 people were injured, a few were hit in the front, but also killed on the spot.

Wow ~

the king of war knelt on one knee and spewed out a mouthful of blood.He raised his head difficultly and burst out: "kill..."


Suddenly, a dark shadow came down from the sky, stepped on him, directly stepped him into the soil, turned him into a pool of blood mud, and died.

"Noisy mole ants." Jiang Hao raised his foot and said faintly.

"Jiang Jiang Hao The crowd trembled.

They're stupid. They're stupid.

Because the visual impact of this scene is so strong that they are all confused and their minds are blank.

It's fantastic to trample on one of the four murderers.

Jiang Hao eyes sharp, looking up at the sky, cold voice: "there is a mole ant, come out, don't hide."

All of them trembled and regained their consciousness. They were confused again.

They looked left and right, up and down, and there was no one, not even a ghost.

"Is it..."

Suddenly, they had a guess.

"Is it the shadow devil, one of the four murderers, hiding?"

"It's said that the shadow devil is the king of killers. He has a lot of latent and hidden Kung Fu, which can be called the best in the world!"

"Yes, if the shadow devil hides, it is estimated that only master Gangjin can find him!"

There was a lot of discussion.

Jiang Hao grinned and said, "don't you come out?"

He sneered: "do you think I can't kill you if I hide?"

There was silence, no sound.

People have opened the spiritual sense, carefully search the trace of the shadow devil, but no trace was found.

"Mole ant, I found you!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao moved.


In a flash of his body, he left a remnant in the same place, and the whole person appeared more than ten meters away.

He stretched out his hand, toward the empty front, and grabbed hard.

All of a sudden, he pinched the devil's neck.

Keke ~ Keke ~

the shadow devil coughs violently, and his whole body is full of momentum. His thick and surging inner strength gushes out. He wants to shake Jiang Hao's hand and leave.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, and the spirit power burst out, which instantly offset the shock of the shadow devil's inner strength.

"Stop, let him go!"

All of a sudden, a loud shout rang out. Liao Bufan and Luo Yuan galloped in.

Jiang Hao's eyes burst out a wisp of murder, and burst out: "death!"

His arm, a sudden force, twisted the devil's neck.

Then, a violent smash, the shadow devil hit the ground.

All of a sudden, the blood splashed, the body of the shadow devil, smashed in pieces, miserable.

Vomit ~ vomit ~ vomit ~

for a while, many people retch.

Rao is them. They have all committed crimes and killed people. People who have seen a lot of bloody scenes can't help it, and their stomachs are tumbling.

It's bloody, it's cruel!

Liao Bufan's eyes were cold and his face was gloomy. He yelled, "Jiang Hao, I told you to stop. Why do you want to kill him?"

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