After dinner, Jiang Hao accompanied the three girls to go shopping.

As night fell, the four separated.

A week later, Jiang Yueyue's final exam was over and the summer vacation began.

Swan Lake Villa area.

"Yueyue, what do you want to do this summer vacation?" Jiang Hao asked.


JIANG Yueyue tilted her head and thought for a long time, then shook her head and said, "I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet."

"Or shall we go back?" Jiang Hao suggested.

"Good." Jiang Yueyue said with a smile.

So the next day, Jiang Hao ordered the train ticket, packed his luggage, informed Shen Mengqi and Han Lulu, and went home.

On the train, Jiang Hao was very worried and excited.

For three years, he didn't go home for three years. He missed his parents very much.

The train arrived at the station and arrived in Qingshan county.

Jiang Hao got out of the railway station, went straight to the mall, bought a lot of gifts, and then took the bus back to Qingshan village.

Qingshan village is very remote and backward in transportation.

The bus stopped on the road. Jiang Hao got off the bus and went home on foot with Jiang Yueyue.

It took two hours to get to Qingshan village.

"This Isn't this Xiao hao? " An aunt is not sure about the tunnel.

"Aunt Wang, it's me." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"Xiao Hao, Yue Yue, how did you come back?" Asked an elder.

Jiang Hao smiles and replies, "grandfather Li, it's a holiday, so we're back. Grandfather Li, your body is getting stronger and stronger."

"Xiao Hao, Xiao Hao, is that you, Xiao hao?"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came.

A woman in plain clothes came running.

Although years have engraved traces on her face, it can be seen that when she was young, she must have been a beautiful woman.

She is Jiang Yueyue's mother, Jiang Lizhen.

"Mom, slow down, slow down." Cried Jiang Yueyue.

Then, fly over.

"Be careful, aunt Jiang." Jiang Hao reminds a way.

Then, he also welcomed the past.

"Xiao Hao, come on, go to the hospital." Aunt Jiang was out of breath.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

Jiang Hao is a little uneasy.

"You Your father was hit by a car and is being rescued in the hospital. Go and see him quickly. " Aunt Jiang gasped.


Suddenly, things in Jiang Hao's hand hit the ground, and some fruits were scattered all over the ground.

His whole body, like being struck by lightning, lost his head.

"Cousin, cousin, are you ok?" Jiang Yueyue grabbed his arm and called.

Jiang Hao stirred up for a moment and came back to himself.

He looked at Aunt Jiang and asked, "aunt Jiang, which hospital is my father in?"

"In the Central Hospital of the town." Aunt Jiang said.


In a flash, Jiang Hao's body disappeared.

"Well, where's Xiaohao?"

In front of everyone's eyes, they were a little confused.

"Mom, come on, let's go to the central hospital." Jiang Yueyue urged.

Then he ran out.

Aunt Jiang immediately followed.

Central hospital.

Jiang Hao's mother, Li Guiqin, saw her husband on the bed, covered with blood and weak breath, and finally couldn't control him.


She knelt down in front of a doctor and prayed, "doctor Fang, please, please, save the rich."


Doctor Fang snorted coldly and said, "it's OK to save him. I went to pay 150000 yuan for the operation first."


Li Guiqin is a fool.

Her family is so poor that she can't even get 10000 yuan, let alone 150000 yuan.

Even if it's borrowed, it can't borrow so much.

Li Guiqin grabbed Dr. Fang's trouser leg and begged, "Dr. Fang, I I don't have so much money. Save you. Save the rich first. "

"Surgery, I Even if I sell iron by smashing the pot, I will return it. "


Doctor Fang threw away Li Guiqin's leg and said in a cold voice, "if you don't have money, you can't treat a disease!"

"No Dr. Fang, you can't do that. "

Li Guiqin pleaded: "doctor Fang, rich and noble head, has been bleeding, he is seriously injured, please, save him quickly, otherwise, he will die."

"What's the matter with me when he's dead!"

Doctor Fang said coldly, "what do you think of the hospital as? Welfare home or shelter? If we don't pay for treatment, what do we eat? What would you like to drink? "

"Go away without money!"

"Dr. Fang, I I'll pay. Please, save the rich first Li Guiqin prayed."Get out of here!"

With a cold reprimand, doctor Fang pushed Li Guiqin to the ground.

"Security, security." He cried.

Suddenly, two security guards came running.

One of them asked, "director Fang, what can I do for you?"

Director Fang pointed to Li Guiqin and said in a cold voice, "drive this poor man out."

"That's right."

All of a sudden, he pointed to the dying Jiang Fugui on the hospital bed and said, "take this dying guy out too. We can't let him die in our hospital."


All of a sudden, two security guards moved, one left and one right, holding up Li Guiqin, and they were about to take her out.

At this time, Jiang Hao arrived at the central hospital.

He rushed to the counter and asked, "excuse me, which ward is Jiang Fugui in?"

"I'll check."

A moment later, the nurse looked up and said, "Jiang Fugui is in ward 1123."

"Thank you."

Jiang Hao thanks, and then flies to ward 1123.

At this time, Li Guiqin was controlled by two security guards and dragged to the door.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao burst to drink and rushed over.

"Let go of my mother!" He said angrily.

Two security guards, stupefied for a while, only felt a strong wind, slapped on the face, had not responded, the whole person flew out.

Jiang Hao helped Li Guiqin and asked, "Mom, are you ok?"

"Hao'er, Hao'er, you're back at last."

Li Guiqin's tearful eyes were dancing, and her rough hands were shaking slightly, stroking Jiang Hao's face.

Jiang Hao grabbed her hand and said with guilt, "Mom, I'm sorry, it's my son who is unfilial. I haven't come back to see you these years."

"Boy, who are you?"

Suddenly, a cold cheering sounded.

Director Fang's eyes were cold, staring at Jiang Hao, and said in a cold voice: "this is the hospital. If you two want to cry, go out and cry!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's eyes were cold, and he angrily scolded: "roll!"

Director Fang's face sank when he heard the speech.

He is the director of the Central Hospital, but also the president's brother-in-law, the whole hospital, no one dares to offend him.

Even the big people in the town should be respectful when they see him.

Now, I was scolded by a group of poor boys. I can't bear it.


He burst a rude sentence, scolded: "boy, you are so tired of living, aren't you?"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, he shoots a cold light, ready to hit people.

Suddenly, Li Guiqin cried out, "Hao'er, come on Go and save your fathe

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