
Blood mice, like blood lightning, shot to the sea of clouds.

Suddenly, a strong fishy wind came, making the sea of clouds almost vomit.

Ah ~

he screamed, almost scared to pee.

Because, he saw the blood hair mouse mouth, a dense fangs, bite toward his neck.

These fangs are so sharp that they are like a miniature dagger.

Don't think about it. Once bitten, you will die.

"Yunshao, be careful!"

Zhang Yu gave a big drink and clapped his hand across the air.

Fierce palm strength, clap on the blood hair mouse body, make it scream and fly out.

The skin is rough and the flesh is thick. It is hardly hurt.


Suddenly, it flew back and locked the sea of clouds.

Obviously, it also realizes that the Yin and Yang disk in Yunhai's hands is too threatening and must be removed first.

"Evil animal, dare to be fierce!"

Zhang Yu rushes over, drinks suddenly, the whole body inside strength, gushes out, pours in the double palms.

Then, snap it out.


There was a sound of metal collision, and the blood haired mouse howled and flew backward. When it landed on the ground, it glided more than ten meters on the ground before stopping.

The needle like hair on the body of the blood hairy mouse broke off a lot, especially the abdomen, which was sunken.

Obviously, I was hurt a lot.

Whine ~

seeing this scene, the white wolf looks up to the sky and howls, turns into a white light and bites Zhang Yu.

"Director Zhang, be careful."

Jiang Hao let out a loud cry and shot a blow across the air.

He can not save Wan Lao and Yun Hai, but he can not help Zhang Yu.

After all, he and Zhang Yu are old friends.

What's more, Zhang Yu spoke for him many times. He was kind. How could he not save himself?


An invisible fist force, hit the White Wolf, beat it back.

Jiang Hao appears in front of Zhang Yu in a flash.

"Son of a bitch, why didn't you save me just now?" Cloud sea stares at him and scolds angrily.


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold. He slapped him in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"Keep your mouth clean. Don't think that your young master of the cloud family, I dare not move you!"


The sea of clouds opened its mouth and wanted to scold.

Then, when he saw the fierce light in Jiang Hao's eyes, he shrank his neck and immediately shut up.

He was afraid that Jiang Hao would not be happy, so he killed him.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao raised his head and looked directly at the white wolf. He said in a cold voice, "I know you understand me. Let's go now. It's not easy for me to read you. I won't kill you."

Roar ~

the White Wolf roared at Jiang Hao, and his fierce evil spirit surged out.

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed and said faintly: "it seems that if I don't give you some power, you won't give up."

Then he hooked his finger and said defiantly, "come on, do your best."

Roar ~

the White Wolf raised his head and roared.

Suddenly, it turned into a white lightning and rushed over.

All of a sudden, the wolf's claws changed. Its already sharp claws suddenly grew longer. It looked like a sharp knife.

The White Wolf waved his claws as if to tear Jiang Hao to pieces.

"Master Jiang, be careful!"

When Zhang Yu saw this scene, his whole body was cold and his scalp was numb. He couldn't help reminding him.

Jiang Hao's face was very calm with a slight smile. He could not see any confusion or fear.

White Wolf claws, tearing down, with a strong wind.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink, raised his fist and blew it out.


Suddenly, the deafening explosion sounded.

Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whi.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

Whine ~

the White Wolf yelled at him.

Then, whoosh, run away.


The blood mouse followed and ran away.

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, the sea of clouds burst into laughter.

He looked at Jiang Hao and praised him: "little beggar, you've done a good job. You've helped our young master get rid of two animals and helped our young master get the chance."

"After going out, my young master will be rewarded a lot.""You can stay with me and just listen to me. I promise you that you will enjoy a lot."

After that, his eyes were hot and he went to the medicine field.

He couldn't wait to reach for it.

All of a sudden, there were countless lights in the medicine field. These lights were all made up of a stripe, which looked very mysterious.

At the same time, these veins, with a flash of gold, bounce the sea of clouds away.


The sea of clouds sat on the ground and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"What the hell is going on?" He scolded.

Cough ~

Mr. Wan coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and said weakly, "master Yun, these are the array patterns. This medicine field is equipped with a large array, and it is guarded by a large array, so we can't pick the elixir."


When the sea of clouds heard the words, his face changed greatly.

His face was twisted, furious and furious.


He burst out a rude sentence and scolded: "I've had a lot of luck and hardships. I'll die before I see the chance. Now tell me I can't get the chance."

"Grass Mud Horse, I must pick the elixir today!"

After that, he rushed to the medicine field, raised his arm, and all his strength surged.


He gave a loud drink and clapped it down.

All of a sudden, the array pattern in the medicine field revived again, and an anti shock force acted on the sea of clouds, bouncing him away on the spot.

Wow ~

he opened his mouth and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

Wan Lao's face changed and he solemnly warned: "master Yun, don't be reckless any more."

"As far as I guess, this big array is very advanced. I'm afraid it can't be broken by ordinary vigorous great masters. Don't try again. It's very dangerous."

"I'm not reconciled!"

The sea of clouds roared up to the sky, his eyes were red and his face was unwilling.

"I must break this big bullshit

There was a look of Madness on his face.

He took out the yin-yang plate and poured his inner strength into it like water breaking the dike.

Buzzing ~

all of a sudden, the Yin and Yang plates vibrated, emitting a dazzling light.

"Break it for me!"

The sea of clouds roared and threw the Yin and Yang disk to the medicine field.

He wanted to destroy the array by the terrible power of yin and Yang.


Wan Lao yelled, trying to stop it, but it was too late.

The moment the Yin and yang plate touched the field, the light in the field was very bright, countless patterns revived, and a breath of destroying heaven and earth came out.

For a moment, the cold hair on everyone's body stood up.

"Master Yun, run!"

Wan Lao burst out and ran out like playing with his life.

Cloud sea reaction is also very fast, immediately pull cloud LAN, desperate run.

Jiang Hao, Zhang Yu, also retreated rapidly.

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