A quarter of an hour later, the medicine was thoroughly refined.

"Not enough, not enough." Jiang Hao murmured.

It's not enough to break the distance.

So he took out two hundred year old elixirs, put them into his mouth and chewed them.

Then, refining began.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Distant horizon, exposed a touch of fish belly white, whew!

All of a sudden, a burst of air came out.

A figure, flying from, directly stopped at the door of his house.

"Crossing the void, walking in the air, this is Master Gang Jin

Jiang Hao's eyes shrank and his face became solemn.

Because it's not good who comes!

This man is of medium height, and his appearance is very ordinary, but it gives people a kind of oppressive feeling of towering mountains, which is breathless.

"Are you Jiang Hao?" The man looked down at Jiang Hao and asked.

"I am Jiang Hao."

Jiang Hao nodded, arched his hand and said, "who is the elder, please? What can I do for you? "


This man gave a cold hum like a thunder, which made Jiang Hao's eardrum tremble, his head hum, and his blood almost vomit.

"So strong!" Jiang Hao exclaimed.

He immediately operated the nine day dragon formula to recover his Qi and blood.

"God God

Suddenly, Li Guiqin and Jiang Fugui come out and scream.

Neighbors in the neighborhood also saw this scene.

"Fly, he flies in the sky!"

"My God, someone is flying in the sky!"

"No, it's not a man, it's a god!"

"See the gods, see the gods!"

All of a sudden, the neighbors knelt down to worship the man in the sky.


The man's figure disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, his voice resounded in Jiang Hao's ears.

"I'll wait for you at the top of the mountain. Don't try to escape. If you escape, all the people in this village will die!"

Jiang Hao's face was as heavy as water, and a murderous opportunity shot out of his eyes.


In a flash, he went straight to the top of the green mountain.

On the top of the mountain.

The man is as light as a feather, and his feet stand on the rock steadily, firm as a rock and motionless as a mountain.

The breeze blew up the corner of his clothes, fluttering gently, with a kind of dusty temperament.

"How do you want to die?"

However, his words were cruel and full of blood.

Jiang Hao's face sank and he said in a cold voice, "who are you on the ground?"

The corner of the man's mouth outlined a radian, and he stood with a negative hand and said calmly, "I am Yunchang!"

"Yunchang? Canghai cloud family

Jiang Hao's pupil shrinks.

"Yes, I am the third uncle of Yunhai." Yunchang said coldly.

"My cloud family in Canghai City, can you beat them? If you hit the sea of clouds, I will take your life! "

"Because those who violate my family will be punished even though they are far away!"

Jiang Hao's face turned black and said, "master, you can't insult me. Yunhai has repeatedly offended me. I didn't kill him. It's already in the face of the cloud family."

"Shut up

"What are you?" he said angrily? Even if you are the great master of Gangjin, you are still a mole ant and a waste in front of my cloud family. "

"If you beat my family, you will surely die!"


Jiang Hao is angry.

This Yunchang is too overbearing and arrogant. He doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. He only holds one point: no one can bully his family.

Otherwise, I will die!


Yunchang raised his hand, stretched out a finger, and touched it gently.


All of a sudden, a sharp finger shot out, penetrating the void and shooting at Jiang Hao.


Extremely dangerous.

In a flash, Jiang Hao's eyebrows suddenly burst. The beating of his heart also broke a beat. A strong sense of crisis enveloped him.

"Back up!"

He murmured, pointed his feet, and retreated quickly.

However, it is impossible for us to get rid of it.


Suddenly, a string of blood, flying out.

Jiang Hao groaned, staggered and almost fell down.

He covered his arm and moved rapidly. When he was avoiding Yunchang's lock, he was also looking for the opportunity to make a move.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and grabbed at the sky.

At the same time, I have words in my mouth.

"Nine turn Yin thunder, fall!"

Boom! Boom!All of a sudden, there was a thunder and thunder in the sky.


All of a sudden, five purple Yin thunder, split down, directly toward the top of Yunchang's head.


Yun Chang snorted coldly, his face was a little cold.

Abruptly, he raised his arm and squeezed it into a fist. There was a faint light on his fist and he smashed it out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A road Yin thunder, blow open, all by cloud Chang's fist blow up.

And his fist, only a little black, did not suffer any injury.

Jiang Hao's pupil shrinks, and his face looks frightened.


Yunchang is too strong.

His nine turn Yin thunder, has trained five Yin thunder, the power can be called terror, as long as three yin thunder, can make the dark strength perfect big master, split into coke.

However, even Yunchang's fur was not hurt.

Yunchang stood up with his hands in negative position and commented: "the technique is good. Unfortunately, the cultivation is too weak. I'm a great master of vigorous energy. I have vigorous energy to protect my body."

"This damage can't even break my defense!"

"So, don't fight, just let it go!"

"No way!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

Even if it's death, he has to fight for it.

It's never his style to sit back and wait to die.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Yun Chang narrowed his eyes and drew a curve of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

He hooked his finger, provocative way: "come on, use your best, let me see, how many skills you have."


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao's eyes were full of cold light.

Suddenly, he took off the bone Sword Pendant. With a shake of his hand, the bone sword became bigger quickly.


He held the bone sword in his hand, and with a sudden drink, he chopped it down.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"


Yunchang eyebrow pick, quite a bit unexpected.

Obviously, the power of Jiang Hao's sword surprised him.

A bright sword light cuts across the sky and cuts to Yunchang.

Yunchang raised his hand and grabbed it.

Suddenly, the sharp sword light was firmly grasped by him.


He gave a low drink and his fingers burst out.

Click! Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the Blazing Sword light smashed, turned into a little bit of light, dissipated in the air.


However, a drop of blood fell from his palm.

This sword broke his defense and cut his skin, though it was only a shallow bloodstain.

"Mole ant, how dare you hurt me!"

Yunchang is furious.

"Go to hell!"

He gave a loud drink, raised his hand and clapped it.

This palm is very common. It doesn't use any skills. However, its power is terrible.

There is a momentum, spray thin to JiangHao.

This is Gangjin!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Where the vigorous force passed, whether it was rocks or plants, all burst open.

At the same time, a gust of wind swept the world.

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