"It's over, it's over, the boy's dead!"

"Dead? Ha ha You think too much, and at the same time you offend scar king, the white faced scholar, and the seven killers. It's hard for him to think! "

"With scar King's temper, I'm sure this boy will be tortured to death!"

"How dare you provoke these murderers

People either shook their heads and sighed, or sneered and began to talk.

Jiang Hao glanced around, lifted the corner of his mouth and gave a faint smile.

"Do you all want nedan?"

"Ha ha If you want, grab it! "


All of a sudden, his body swayed, leaving a shadow in the air, floating away.

"Want to run? Can you run away? "

White faced scholar Yin Yin a smile, PA of once, closed folding fan, chased out.

"Where to run!"

Scar king gave a big drink and galloped out.

Whoosh ~

the eldest of the seven kills, with a stamp of his foot, the whole person ejected like a shell and caught up with him.


The rest of the six people in the seven murders went up with a low drink.

"Go on, we'll follow. How can we miss such a good play?"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air kept ringing, and the onlookers rushed up.


Su Hua's face changed again and again. He wanted to catch up, but his cultivation was too weak to keep up with his speed. After only a moment, he was left behind.

"No, master, nothing can happen!"

He was very anxious and lost his mind.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, go back and ask elder brother for help!"

Then he turned around and went straight to Su's house.

On the other side.

Jiang Hao and others, chasing and fleeing, ran out of seven or eight miles, came to a remote mountain forest.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stopped.

Suddenly, scar Wang and others rushed up and surrounded him.

"Run, little bastard, keep running!" The eldest of the seven kills, he cheered coldly.

"Little one."

The white faced scholar opened the folding fan, shook it, and said in a soft voice: "give you one last chance, give me Neidan, and I will protect your life!"

Scar king said: "boy, Neidan is not the treasure you can possess. Hand it in immediately."

Ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile and said, "do you really think I'm running away?"

"Isn't it?" The white faced scholar asked.

"Of course not."

JiangHao mouth hook, Sen Leng tunnel: "I run, because I want to change a place."

"On the street, people come and go, kill you, how bloody, in case scared the children how to do?"

"It's so nice here. It's quiet and cold. The mountains and forests are slow. It's the most suitable cemetery for you!"

"To die!"

Scar King burst to drink, in the eye shot a blood Miscanthus.

"Mole ant, kill you, Neidan is Laozi's!"

All of a sudden, his fingers open, like dragon claws, to Jiang Hao's head.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, the eldest in the seven kills, cold drinks, claps to him.

As soon as scar King's face changed, he immediately gave up Jiang Hao and attacked the boss.


All of a sudden, the explosion sounded, on the ground, more than a big pit, violent energy, leaked out, rampant everywhere.

Deng Deng Deng!

Both of them stepped back three steps at the same time to stabilize themselves.

Scar king looked at the boss angrily and said, "what are you doing, old devil?"


The eldest among the seven murders, with a cold hum, said: "this boy's life is mine; his inner elixir is mine, and no one can rob me!"


Scar King burst a rude sentence, scolded: "old devil, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Get out of the way. I'm angry. I'll kill you all and make you the real seven killers!"


"Hey, hey I'm not afraid of the strong wind. I've got my tongue flashing! "

"Asshole, dare to despise us so much

"Mad, come on, let's fight and see who kills who!"

The other six people in the seven murders began to drink angrily.

"Shut up

Suddenly, the white faced scholar gave a cold rebuke.

His face was a little gloomy, and there was a cold smile around his mouth.

"Why don't you fight for me?"

"So what?" Scar King cold voice way.


White faced scholar, eyes a squint, a deadly chill, from his body, revealed, filled with more than ten meters.Click! Click!

In an instant, the ground, the plants and the leaves were all covered with ice.

Hiss ~

in the seven kills, the fifth, sixth and seventh, who are weak in cultivation, can't bear the chill. They are shaking all over and their lips are a little purple.


Suddenly, the eldest in the seven kills, cold hum.

Suddenly, a wave of energy, surging, in an instant, smashed all the ice, dispelled the chill.

The intention of killing, quietly, diffuses and interweaves.

Scar king, white faced scholar, seven kill, all moved to kill.


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao opened his mouth and broke the silence.

He put his hands in his pockets, stood lazily, and said lazily, "you guys, in front of me, who are you fighting for Neidan? It's not good that you ignore me so much?"

"Shut up

Scar king gave a shout of anger.

He said coldly, "if you dare to speak more, I'll wring your head off!"

Jiang Hao smell speech, eyes suddenly cold.

"Is it?"

He raised the corner of his mouth and drew a curve.

"I want to try!"

"Try your sister!"

Scar king made a rude remark and rushed to kill him.

His fingers are bent and cold, just like the claws of a dragon, grabbing Jiang Hao's neck.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao raised his hand and punched out.


All of a sudden, the energy exploded and streamed.

Deng Deng Deng!

Scar queen stepped back three steps before she stopped.

In contrast, Jiang Hao did not move.


The white faced scholar and the eldest of the seven murders were surprised to see this scene.

Scar King's strength, they are very clear, unexpectedly, was beaten back by Jiang Hao.

"Scar king, what's the matter?" The white faced scholar asked.

Hey, hey

The fifth in the seven kills grinned and said sarcastically, "scar face, can you do it? If you can't, go away. Don't lose your life if you're not careful! "

"Shut up He said angrily.

He shook his hand, stared at Jiang Hao, and said in a cold voice: "boy, I can't imagine that you are a master of horizontal training. You have reached the realm of iron and stone."


The white faced scholar and others were slightly surprised.

Horizontal practitioners do not cultivate inner strength or spiritual power, but only concentrate on exercising and tempering muscles and bones.

This kind of cultivation is very painful and successful.

However, once trained, in the same level, it is hard to meet the opponent.

Horizontal practitioners, from weak to strong, can be divided into three realms, namely, the realm of vegetation, the realm of iron and stone, and the realm of cangshui, corresponding to the bright, dark, and vigorous strength of the martial arts.

Among them, the realm of iron and stone refers to that the horizontal trainer exercises every muscle of his body as hard as iron, hard as stone, and ordinary dark strength, which is hard to hurt.

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