Hey, hey

Su Hua said with a smile, "brother, you don't have to wait another day. My master will attend the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting in three days."

"Is it?"

Su Chen's eyes burst out with a sense of war.

"I'll have a match with him then."

When Su Hua heard the words, he was speechless.

He's a big brother. He's good at martial arts. When he meets an expert, he wants to fight and compete.

On the other side.

After returning to the hotel, Jiang Hao immediately put himself into cultivation.

At the same time, he did not forget to use his spiritual power to revive the colorful land.

All night long.

The next day, after finishing his cultivation, Jiang Hao went out of his room, ordered two dishes and ate them.

"Go away, go away, all of you go away!"

Suddenly, an arrogant voice came, a group of people, stormed in.

The young man at the head has narrow eyes and thin lips, which gives people a sour and mean feeling.

"Brother Yu, sit down. Please sit down." The attendant on one side said with a smile.


Brother Yu nodded and sat down slowly.

He said in a low voice: "you also sit down. After dinner, we'll clean up Su Hua."

"Su Hua?"

Jiang Hao smell speech, eyes a coagulation, erect ears, carefully eavesdrop.

A valet, his face slightly changed, said: "brother Yu, do we really want to attack Su Hua?"

"Of course."

Brother Yu raised his chin and said haughtily, "do you think our young master is joking?"


He snorted coldly and said, "mad, a few months ago, Su Hua beat my young master in front of many people. My young master has endured this tone for such a long time."

"Now, I can't help it. I have to take revenge!"


The valet next to him changed his face.

One said weakly, "brother Yu, this Su Hua is a member of the Su family. Jinling City is their territory. Besides, his brother is Su Chen."

"If we attack him, will we..."


All of a sudden, brother Yu slapped the man in the face and said, "I'll meet your sister!"

"Grass, I'm afraid of farting with my master here!"

"He has a brother, but I don't have one?"

"As for the Su family, it's really strong, but my Yu family is not bad either. I'm afraid of a hairball!"


A group of followers, still very hesitant.

After all, Su Hua's status is very different. He is a direct member of the Su family. Brother Yu is not afraid. It doesn't mean they are not afraid.

If something really happens, I'm afraid they will be the first ones to have bad luck.

"This is your sister!"

Brother Yu burst out a rude remark and yelled angrily: "who is so disobedient? My young master will abolish him now!"

All the followers trembled at the speech.

They said in a hurry: "brother Yu, brother Yu, we are obedient, absolutely obedient!"

"Well, that's about the same." Yu Ge cold voice way.

"Eat, eat, finish, do business!"


The valet nodded and began to eat.

Half an hour later, they finished eating and left.

Jiang Hao paid the money and quietly followed.

Yu Ge and others took part in several sports cars.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Do it!"

He uttered two words coldly.

Immediately, hang up the phone, said: "drive, to the outskirts of the uncompleted residential building!"


Buzzing ~ buzzing ~

the engine of the sports car makes a buzzing sound and suddenly shoots out.

Jiang Hao immediately followed.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the uncompleted building.

Brother Yu and others got out of the car and went in immediately.

Jiang Hao quietly follows.

In the uncompleted building, Su Hua was tied tightly to a stone pillar.

His face was a little pale, his eyes were tired, his whole body was weak, his inner strength was all silent, and he couldn't use it.

Yo yo

Brother Yu screamed a few times, walked over and said sarcastically, "isn't this the Su Hua young master of the Su family? How can you be tied here like a dead dog? "


Su Hua was excited when he saw brother Yu.

He scolded: "Yu Mei, you son of a bitch, you dare to harm me!"

"When I get out, I'll beat you all over the place!"


Yu Mei's face became gloomy when he heard the speech.

Immediately, he sneered and said sarcastically, "young master Su, you are the prisoner under the rank now. You are so arrogant.""Who gave you courage?"


Su Hua spat a mouthful of saliva, scolded: "waste, is not a few months ago, I knelt down to beg for mercy, hate, want revenge?"

"If you have the ability, let me go. I'll let you have one hand, and you'll still cry and cry!"

"Grass Mud Horse!"

The wound was opened and Yu Mei was furious.

"Mom, Suhua, don't think you are the master of the Su family, I dare not touch you!"

Hey, hey

Suddenly, he grinned.

"Su Hua, I tied you up today, but I didn't want to let you go!"

"Dare you?"

Su Hua said with disdain, "if something happens to me, you Yu family can't bear the anger of Su family. Maybe you will die!"

Ha ha ha

Yu Mei looked up at the sky and laughed, "I don't want you to worry about this. I have my own countermeasures."

"You say, I'm here. I'll cut off all your tendons, and then I'll make you a vegetable. Will the Su family take revenge for you then?"


Su Hua's face suddenly became cold.

There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

If Yu Mei really abandons him and makes him a vegetable, then even if the Su family wants revenge, they don't know who to look for.

"How dare you?" Su Hua stares at Yu Mei angrily, burst to shout a way.

"Do you dare me?"

Yu Mei's mouth raised and outlined a cruel smile.

He waved and ordered, "do it!"


Suddenly, two valets, holding sharp daggers, went to Su Hua.

"Get out of here!"

Su Hua said angrily, "I'm the young master of the Su family. If you dare to touch me, my brother and my father will surely destroy you

The two valets were frightened and hesitated.

"Afraid of a bird, do it!" Yu Mei rebuked coldly.


A valet, hands shaking all the time.

He said weakly: "brother Yu, I want to Or, forget it? "

He was afraid after all!

"Your sister!"

Yu Mei burst out a rude sentence, and suddenly a blood light came out of the pupils of his eyes.

Suddenly, he slapped the man on the head.


All of a sudden, the man's head cracked and blood spattered out.

Yu Mei took out a plain white handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the blood on her hand. She said faintly, "if you don't want to die, please do it quickly!"

"Yes Yes Another Valet, trill.

In a moment, he danced his dagger to pick Su Hua's hamstring.

"Go away!"

Su Hua gave a big drink and struggled violently.

However, the inner strength of his body was sealed, unable to mobilize, unable to break free.

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