At the moment, cangyun Valley is full of people. They are all martial arts men with high accomplishments. The weakest one is also the dark strength.

Jiang Hao called it strange.

On weekdays, master dark strength, the trace is not obvious, did not expect the selection of the endless Wonderland, one by one, have come out.

"Jiang Shao, let's go and have a rest first. Let's conserve our energy." Suchen said respectfully.


Jiang Hao nodded.

So, they stay away from the crowd, sit on a huge stone and close their eyes.

All of a sudden, a young man came with a bad face.

Su Chen opened her eyes and saw that her face immediately showed disgust and anger.

Hey, hey

"Su Chen, when I defeated you three months ago, I warned you that you are not allowed to participate in this selection," he said in a cold voice with a smile

"Hum, I didn't expect you to join us."

Su Chen's face was gloomy and he said coldly, "I'll take part. What can you do?"

"How's it going?"

The young man grinned with a ferocious smile, "of course, I'll kill you!"

"After all, that's what I said three months ago. I can't go back on what I said."


Su Chen snorted coldly and said, "Murray, don't think you can be arrogant if you are a little higher than me in the Qianlong list."

"Do you really think I've been playing these three months? Now I am not three months ago! "

"Is it?"

Murray's face didn't change with a faint smile.

He confidently and arrogantly said: "no matter how strong you become, you are still my loser. You were, you are and you will be."

"You are Monkey Sun, I will always be under the pressure of Wuzhi Mountain, can't turn over!"


Su Chen smell speech, facial expression blackens, cursed a.

Three months ago, his defeat to Murray was a blot on his life.

Now, Murray has repeatedly turned this stain out and ridiculed him, which is to expose his shortcomings. How can he not be angry?

Suddenly, Jiang Hao asked.

"Who is he?"

Su Chen explained: "Jiang Shao, his name is Murray. On the Qianlong list, he ranks 20th and has strong strength."


Jiang Hao Oh, and then, closed his eyes, no longer pay attention.

This kind of small role is not worth seeing.

After all, he can kill this person in one move.

Jiang Hao's eyes only focus on the top five demons in the Qianlong list. He is looking forward to competing with them to appreciate their extraordinary qualities.

As for the others, just ignore it.

When Murray saw that Jiang Hao ignored him, he was furious.

"Boy, who are you?"

He scolded: "those who are wise, get out of here. If you dare to be with Suchen again, don't blame me for beating you together."

Jiang Hao opened his eyes and spat out a word coldly.

"Go away!"

Hiss ~

suddenly, there was a sound of air-conditioning.

"My God, is it arrogant of this boy to ask Murray to go away?"

"Who is he, so arrogant!"

"How dare you ignore the 20th genius in the Qianlong list? Is he a hidden master, comparable to the top ten Tianjiao in the Qianlong list?"

"Fart! I don't believe he can match the top ten of Qianlong list! "

"I don't believe it, either!"

"Hey, hey It has been rumored that Murray is a hot tempered guy. This boy has angered Murray. Murray will definitely not give up! "

"Yes, let's wait for a good play."

The crowd sneered one after another, looking like a melon eating crowd.

"To die!"

In Murray's eyes, there was a cold light.

He's killing me!

"Since you want to die, I'll take you on the road."

He gave a loud drink, stamped his foot and ejected.

At the same time, he swung his fist and hit Jiang Hao on the head.

This move is very cruel and vicious. It can be said that it is a fatal move. If you are careless, you will be hit in the head and killed on the spot.

Jiang Hao's face was cold. He suddenly raised his hand and clapped it.


Suddenly, an explosion spread.

Jianghua flew around and made countless boulders.


His face changed slightly, a little surprised.

He underestimated Murray's strength, leading to a slight downwind in the collision.

Murray is in the 20th place on the Qianlong list, but in terms of strength, he is much better than Dou Guang, who is in the 23rd place.

Even, not much weaker than master Jianxian.You know, master Jianxian's strength is comparable to Tianjiao, the top 15 in Qianlong list.

"It seems that he must have some adventure. Otherwise, his strength could not have been improved so much in a short time." Jiang Hao thought.

Ha ha ha

Murray looked up at the sky and laughed with disdain.

"Hey You are so arrogant and arrogant just now. I thought you were very strong. I didn't expect that you were so weak. You were so weak. "

He said with a sneer, "I just used five success forces with that fist just now, but you can't stop it. What's the use of such a waste in the world?"

"I'm also paranoid about taking part in the selection. I think it's a thousand miles away to give away the head!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

"What? That punch just now, Murray just used five success forces? "

"It's so terrible. It's only five success forces. I can't stop that fist if I change it!"

"Yes, Murray's strength has soared too much!"

"In my opinion, his current strength may be comparable to the top 15 Tianjiao in Qianlong list!"


"It seems that he will be the biggest black horse in this selection!"

The crowd was amazed, and the look in Murray's eyes was full of fear and fear.

Murray looked disdainful, hooked his finger and said defiantly, "trash, come on, I'll give you a hand!"

"To die!"

Jiang Hao's eyes are full of cold light.

He's ready to do it.

Suddenly, a hand, put on his shoulder, pulled him.

Su Chen shook his head and said in a low voice, "Jiang Shao, calm down."

"Why calm down?"

Jiang Hao cold voice way: "since this mole ant, from seek dead way of provocation I, that I send him to the West."


Su Chen admonished: "Jiang Shao, you must not do it."

"Jiang Shao, this selection is in chaos, grabbing the token. If you expose your strength now, you are bound to be the target of public criticism."

"In this case, when the selection starts, everyone will join hands and get rid of you first."

"At that time, no matter how powerful you are, you will be eliminated instantly, or even die."

Jiang Hao's face was awe inspiring when he heard the speech.

Yes, no matter how strong he is, in the face of the joint attack of hundreds of dark masters, he will turn into ashes in an instant.


Jiang Hao stares at Mu Lei and says in a cold voice: "let this mole ant live a few more minutes."

"What are you staring at?"

Murray said sarcastically: "waste, if you have the ability to hit me, I said that if you have one hand, you must have one."

"As long as you win me, I'll quit the selection right away."

"Dare you hit me?"


Jiang Hao cold hum a, way: "mole ant, let you jump first a few times, wait for the selection to start, it is your death time."

Shh ~

suddenly, there was a hiss all around.

There is no doubt that Jiang Hao's words, in the eyes of the public, have become an excuse to feel guilty and dare not challenge.

"Cut useless rubbish, Murray dare not take one hand, rubbish!"

"That's to say, if it's me, I'll fight even if I die!"



All the people scolded.

Jiang Hao closed his eyes and turned a deaf ear.

Who's strong and who's weak, who's proud and who's useless, we'll see later.

After a while.

This area, suddenly boiling.

"Oh my God, here comes philone!"

"Bad luck, mad. How did Fillon get to this area?"

"Damn, what's the devil doing?"

The crowd howled and turned pale.

Jiang Hao smell speech, a little curious, asked: "who is Fei Long?"

Suchen was trembling and frightened.

He trembled: "Jiang Jiang Shao, Fei long, he He is eighth in the list of Qianlong


Jiang Hao's eyebrows were picked, and he became interested.

"Eighth? It's OK. " He muttered to himself.

When Su Chen heard the speech, he only had a bitter smile.

Who is not afraid of Tianjiao, the eighth in Qianlong list? Which one is not afraid? Jiang Hao is the only one who can talk wildly.

"Damn it

Suchen cursed.

His face was very ugly.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

Su Chen said with a bitter smile, "Jiang Shao, you don't know that cangyun Valley is very big. In this selection, cangyun Valley is divided into ten regions."

"Each region, only five tokens!"

"That is to say, in this area, only five people can pass the examination and advance to the next round.""Among them, you and Feilong are bound to occupy two places, and the remaining three places are extremely competitive."

Suddenly, he pointed to a young man in blue and said, "Jiang Shao, do you see him? This person is the 13th blue feather in the Qianlong list. "

Then he pointed to the young man not far away.

"His name is Luo Hui, and he ranks 18th on the Qianlong list."

Finally, he points to a young man who looks coquettish and beautiful like a woman.

"This man is the most terrible. His name is Yan Yu. Although he only ranks 19th in the Qianlong list, he is definitely more terrible than Luohui."

"Even if he is the top 15 of the Qianlong list, he is extremely afraid of him."

"In addition to the three of them, there are Murray and Zhang Tai, the 24th in the Qianlong list. They are terrible opponents."


he sighed and said dejectedly, "it seems that I have no chance to see the Wonderland this time."

Jiang Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, no matter who the opponent is, I will help you to get a token."

Su Chen's face brightened when he heard the speech.

He bowed and said, "Jiang Shao, no matter whether I get the token or not in the end, I thank you in advance."


Jiang Hao waved his hand.

Then, keep your eyes closed.

Blue feather, Luo Hui, Yan Yu, Mu Lei and others, although in the Qianlong list, ranking very high, strength is also very strong.

However, all these people can't get into Jiang Hao's eyes.

Only Feilong can make him pay more attention.

Time went by.

In half an hour.


All of a sudden, a burst of air, a shadow, flying from the air.


Jiang Hao opened his eyes, his face suddenly showed a thick fear.

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