"Damn it

Suchen wiped the blood stains on the corner of her mouth and scolded secretly.

"It's too strong for them to join hands. I will definitely lose or even die."


In Su Chen's eyes, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared.

"Only one can break it!"


He shot out in a flash.

The next second, appeared in front of a young man.


The young man, seeing Su Chen suddenly appear in front of him, was startled. He didn't want to think about it, so he retreated.

"You want to run now? It's too late

Suchen gave a sneer and cut it out with a knife.

The cold light of the knife cuts across the sky.


The young man vomited blood and flew backward. He lost his fighting power in an instant. If it wasn't for Su Chen's last moment, he would have been killed with this knife.


Su Chen drew a curve from the corner of his mouth and attacked again.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

For a time, the sound of vomiting blood, intertwined into a piece, one after another, inverted fly out, fainted on the spot.

Su Chen's action is too fast, bald youth and others, although can capture the track, but can't stop.


The bald youth, with a gloomy face, yelled, "don't separate, gather together."


They all agreed and rushed towards him.


Suchen let out a cry, his face a little ugly.

"It seems that we should speed up and try to kill more people."


Suddenly, Suchen's speed was improved again, and it was about to turn into a streamer.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

In a flash, five or six people vomited blood and fell to the ground.

A moment later, the crowd gathered.

However, there were only eight people left, and the rest were all solved by Suchen.

"Damn it The bald youth cursed.

It took him nine oxen and two tigers to gather these people. He plans to rely on these people to get rid of blue feather and monopolize the token.

As a result, more than half of it was lost in the beginning.

His eyes were cold, staring at Suchen, and he said: "Suchen, you have hurt so many of my brothers, I will die with you!"

"Today, either you or I will die!"


Su Chen snorted coldly and said, "I won't die, neither will you!"

"Because I won't kill you!"


The bald young man yelled angrily: "give it to me, kill him!"


Everyone drank it.

Then, at the same time, terrorist attacks, overwhelming, swept to Suchen.

Su Chen's eyes were dignified, but her face was full of desire.

"Come on!"

He said in a low voice, "just take you and verify my new moves!"

Zheng ~

he suddenly drew out the long sword and held it high on his head. His breath converged and concentrated in a moment. His rolling inner strength was injected into the sword.

"Kill the gods with a knife!"

He gave a loud drink and a knife.

Boom! Boom!

Several streams of energy, bombarded together, sent out a roar like the collapse.

It's really broken.

Around the ground, unbearable, all split, a crack, spread out far away.


Su Chen opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. His whole body retreated violently, retreating for more than ten meters.

As for the bareheaded youth and others, they were even worse. They flew straight out and hit a rock, which cracked the rock.

Poof! Poof!

They vomited blood, their necks were crooked, and they fainted on the spot.

Only the bareheaded youth has the highest cultivation and no syncope.

He glared at Su Chen and said bitterly, "I didn't expect that so many of us joined hands and were still defeated by you."

"I shouldn't be careless. If I gather at the beginning, I can kill you with one move."

"You're right."

Suchen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world!"

"I lost, kill me!" Bald youth solemn tunnel.

Suchen said with a smile, "I said, I won't kill you!"

"But you'd better close your eyes!"

He pointed out from the space and hit the bald youth.

Suddenly, the bald youth was in a coma.

Suchen took a deep breath, turned back to the battlefield and continued to fight.On the other side.

Lan Yu, Luo Hui, Yan Yu, Mu Lei and Zhang Tai were all besieged.

Even Feilong, who ranks eighth in the Qianlong list, is no exception.

The people who besieged him were sixty or seventy, almost one third of this area.

Among them, there are ten half step masters.

The four leaders are all the talents on the Qianlong list, and Hao Yu, the 38th, ranks the highest.

Hao Yu looks dignified and stares at Fei long. She says in a cold voice, "Fei long, you are wise. Leave immediately and give up the selection. We won't embarrass you."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for killing you, the son of heaven, by deceiving more and killing less."

Ha ha

Fillon gave a sneer.

He scanned the crowd indifferently and said, "if you want to kill me, it's not enough."

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"


Hao yuleng snorted: "Feilong, since you don't drink, let's learn how strong the top ten of Qianlong list are."


He gave a loud drink.

In an instant, everyone took the shot.

A road of internal strength, spray thin out, gathered together, terrible, causing appalling damage.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ground where Fei long stood sank, and the surrounding rocks, even the low hillside, burst and split.

The vast news has attracted many people's attention.

They exclaimed one after another.

"What a terrible power, what a terrible inner strength!"

"My God, with so many people, who is besieging who?"

"God, they They are besieging Fillon

"Sixty or seventy people, Feilong, who is the eighth in the list of siege Qianlong, interesting, very interesting!"

"Well, I hope they both lose. In this way, we can get rid of two competitors at one stroke!"

People were shocked or sneered, with different thoughts.

Hey, hey

Hao Yu said with a ferocious smile

Suddenly, dozens of attacks rushed to Feilong.

Fillon didn't look surprised.

Suddenly, his body was in a flash, and he ran out. He escaped the attack of dozens of people.


Hao Yu's face changed and he was very surprised.

You know, dozens of attacks, overwhelming landing, almost dozens of meters around, are shrouded in it, can be called nowhere to hide.

However, Fei Long raised his foot and hid.

"A flashy attack." Fillon shook his head.

His face, from the beginning to the end, is very calm, calm, and with a touch of pride and disdain.

"It's my turn." Feilong said coldly.

Immediately, he clapped it with one hand.

"Fire palm!"

All of a sudden, a huge flame palm, more than ten meters long, was formed by a raging flame. It shot at Hao Yu and others.

Ah ~

Hao Yu screamed with fright, and her legs and feet were a little soft.

"Block it, we must block it," he shrieked


Everyone should say yes.

In a short time, the inner strength of the body, like money, is released and gathered together to form a jade bowl like inverted protective cover to protect everyone inside.

On the protective cover, there was a brilliant light, like metal, which seemed to be very hard.


Fire giant palm, bombardment in the protective cover, swept out the boundless waves.

Click! Click!

It looks like a hard protective cover, but under the bombardment of the flame giant palm, it only insisted on a few breaths, then it disintegrated and burst apart.

Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, Hao Yu and others all vomited blood.

Some of them were weak in cultivation. They burst open and turned into a blood mist.

Some people, more unlucky, were wiped by the flame giant palm, directly ignited, became a fireman.

In the blink of an eye, it became a pile of ashes.

In one move, the regiment destroyed dozens of people!


At this moment, there was a sudden silence all around. There was no sound at all. All the people, all the fighting, stopped, as if they were all settled.

The next second, this area, burst the pot.

"Is it true that a group of people will be killed by one move?"

"It's so shocking. Am I blinded and wrong?"

"Feilong is so strong, the top ten of Qianlong list, worthy of reputation!"

"Strong? No, it's not strong, it's abnormal! "

"Madder, it seems that philon is going to win a token. Unless all of us join hands, no one can stop him!""Forget it, don't fight with this pervert!"

There was a lot of discussion.

A lot of people, seeing this scene, actually went straight away and gave up the competition for the token and the selection.

"Too strong, too strong!"

Not far away, Su Chen saw this scene and exclaimed: "one of the five tokens must be Fei Long's. no one can stop him."

All of a sudden, he glanced at Jiang Hao, who was still keeping his eyes closed.

"I don't know if Jiang Shao can compete with Fei Long?"

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, a burst of cheers full of murderous spirit pulled him back.

His opponent, fierce, holding a sword, bravely stabbed him in the throat.

Su Chen's heart was awe inspiring. He immediately nodded his toes and quickly retreated.

Dodge a deadly sword at the same time, a knife split.

This knife directly split the opponent away and instantly lost its combat effectiveness.

As time goes on, more and more people are killed and injured in this area, but fewer and fewer people are left behind.

Basically, everyone is more or less scarred.

As strong as the 13th Qianlong list, Lanyu is not immune.

Only Fei long, without damage, was dressed in white without any dust.

He's so strong!

Whether it's a siege or a single fight, it doesn't work for him, it doesn't threaten him at all.

Finally, everyone gave up, no longer dare to challenge him, watching him, won a token, is the default.

An hour later, there were only seven people standing in this area.

Besides Fei long, they are Lan Yu, Luo Hui, Yan Yu, Mu Lei, Zhang Tai and Su Chen.

"Grab it!"

All of a sudden, a burst of drinking sounded, standing still six people, instantly moved.

Lanyu, Luohui and Yanyu rush in three directions to snatch the token.

Murray, Zhang Tai and Su Chen all rushed to the last token.

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