"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Yang Bo gave a big drink, and his eyes burst out a wisp of blood light. His five fingers bent like dragon claws, and he grabbed Jiang Hao's neck.

The other four, fingers like pliers, grabbed Jiang Hao's limbs.

Shua ~

suddenly, the wind is blowing.

The wind is very sharp and sharp, like a knife. It cuts on several people's faces, which makes them squint involuntarily.

At this time

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A few dull impact sound sounded, accompanied by blood flying, a few shadows, flying out.


Several people hit the ground, raised a burst of dust, a crooked neck, no consciousness.

They fainted!

"Fa What happened? "

Yang Bo was stunned. He stood in the same place with a confused face and confused eyes.

Yes, he was confused!

He didn't see anything at all. He felt a gust of wind blowing by. Then, his four subordinates vomited blood and flew out and fainted on the spot.

The next second, a sharp light in his eyes.

"Who is it? Get out of here He glanced around and yelled angrily.

Jiang Hao frowned slightly.

"What are you looking for?"

"Shut up

Yang Bo scolded: "if you dare to make any more noise, I will kill you!"

Then he looked around as if he were searching for something.

Jiang Hao's face was cold.

"Keep the change, no one." He said in a cold voice.

"Shut up Yang Bo reprimanded.

His eyes are very sharp, like a hawk looking at a wolf, scanning every inch of space, vowing to find out the person who secretly attacked.

"I said no one." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Shut up, you'll..." Yang Bo's eyes are full of murders and scolds.


All of a sudden, a clear slap came out.

There were five scarlet finger marks on his face, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

He was slapped in the face!

"Who? Who is it? Get out of here Yang Bo's eyes were red, and he roared fiercely.

How dare you slap him?

It's a capital crime!

Must die!

No matter who it is, it must die!

"I did." Jiang Hao light way.


Yang Bo looks suspicious and stares at Jiang Hao strangely. He doesn't seem to believe him.

"What? Don't believe it? "

When Jiang Hao's lips are hooked, he smiles.

"Well, I'll make you feel it again!"

Just now


The loud slap sound, like the ripples on the lake, rippling, clearly into everyone's ears, curling.

Yang Bo's right face, also red, mouth also exuded blood.

It's perfect. It's symmetrical.

Yang Bo's mind was blank. After a while, he came to his senses.

He glared at Jiang Hao and roared: "son of a bitch, I'm going to kill..."

He flew out before the word "you" came out.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

He was in the air, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, the whole person instantly depressed, seriously injured.



There was no sound in the vast Wuji immortal.

All of them gaped and looked dull.

They are all confused!

Gudong ~

chase swallowed a mouthful of water and said weakly: "single Sister Shan, this How can this boy be so powerful? "

He was a little scared.

Shan Xinran's Willow eyebrows are tight and almost twisted together.

She shook her head and sighed.


"Good! Good fight Seeing this scene, King Kong could not help shouting.

One side of the dragon beard son, also agreed: "this traitor, killed the best!"

Wu Daozi was still silent, but his face relaxed.

He has been staring at Jiang Hao, as if to see through him.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's explosive strength surprised him.

"How could that be?" The elder of Yin Yang Normal University was shocked.

He was surprised.

The other old men were also surprised.

Because, in their view, Jiang Hao is a genius with extremely high talent, but now he has limited strength, and he is equivalent to a four-star master.

In the face of five-star master Yang Bo, he will have no power to fight back.

He will lose!

He's going to die!

He's going to be cut apart!What about the facts?

Someone did lose.

However, the loser is Yang Bo.

Jiang Hao beat Yang Bo!

Ha ha ha

Long Xuzi was shocked and black when he saw some old men. He couldn't help laughing and felt comfortable.

He sneered: "old man, that traitor let you down, isn't it very sad?"


The old killer of heaven, hums coldly: "old thing, what are you proud of?"

"Don't forget, the wind king of my heaven is still here."

"With him, there is no doubt that Jiang Hao will die!"

"That's right."

The old lion king of paladin echoed: "Jesse, the wind king, I've heard that this little guy is very good. Once he makes a move, the people of wudaomeng will not stay!"

"Yes, they are dead!"

Several other old men nodded.


Dragon beard son smell speech, the smile on the face, instantly disappeared, the whole face blackened, eyes deep, whole body exudes cold.

He was speechless.

He could not refute.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Jiang Hao is no match for Jesse.

Although Jiang Hao is strong, Jesse is stronger!

"What to do?"

King Kong is also worried.

Jiang Hao was so amazing that he seriously injured the five-star master Yang Bo with one blow.

The more evil he behaves, the less longxuzi and others want him to have an accident.

Because, once Jiang Hao has an accident, the loss will be too heavy.

Wu Daozi was always silent, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, his fist in his sleeve was slightly clenched, as if worried.

In wujixian.

"Little bastard, you..."

Yang Bo was lying on the ground, staring at Jiang Hao bitterly. In his eyes, he was angry, and his face was a little ferocious.


All of a sudden, his body trembled, and he poured out a big mouthful of blood and fell to the ground powerlessly.

"The dead and the dead!"

Jiang Hao's eyes burst out a cold light.


Suddenly, he moved.

The next second, he appeared in front of Yang Bo and looked down at him.

"Since you want to be a dog slave, I'll help you." He snapped.

Shua ~

with a flash of light, Jiang Hao started.


Suddenly, Yang Bo looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood. The whole person was instantly depressed and old. His eyes were a little dim, as if his spirit had been taken away.

"You Have you ruined my accomplishments? " He trembled.

Jiang Hao smiles indifferently.

"Yes, I've wasted your accomplishments, and I'll waste your limbs, so that you can be a real dog, crawling on the ground forever and begging for mercy!"

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, blood splashed.

Yang Bo's hand tendons, foot tendons, arm bones and leg bones are all broken by Jiang Hao and permanently smashed.

Ah ~

Yang Bo screamed like a pig, rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

"Want to faint? Is that possible? "

Jiang Hao sneered.

All of a sudden, he raised his foot, stepped on Yang Bo's finger, and gave it a hard crush. All of a sudden, Yang Bo's painful howl, immediately sobered up.

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