Boom! Boom!

The fierce atmosphere and fierce killing intention are like the huge waves rising from the angry sea. With the terrifying destructive power, they sweep all over the world and shake the ground apart.

Jesse's mad. She's killing me.

"Kill! Kill! Kill

He drank three times, his eyes were red, his robes were rustling and ready to go.


Suddenly, he broke the ground with the tip of his foot, and the whole person was like a shell. He shot out and killed Jiang Hao.

For a while, the wind was blowing.

Jesse rushed to attack, the wind, like a sharp knife, will be around the vegetation are cut.

This kind of momentum, too terrible!

"Jiang Hao, be careful!"

Even after tens of meters, Chu Tianzi's face was stagnant, and he was almost suffocated. He couldn't help reminding him.

"This is The killing of the wind Suddenly, Yang Bo was shocked.

His face changed dramatically, his whole body trembled, and there was a strong fear in his eyes.

One side of Shan Xinran, also trembled, fear.

The killing of the wind is very famous in the martial arts world.

This is the assassin's mace of Wang JieXi!

There are at least hundreds of people killed by the wind, including six star master.

The killing of the wind will become the field of the wind within 15 meters.

Wind, colorless and tasteless, formless and invisible.

However, when you are in the field of wind, the force of wind will become a wind blade, which is sharper than steel knife and iron sword. In an instant, you can cut a person into a skeleton.

"Dead, dead!"

Yang Bo said with a ferocious laugh: "ha ha ha Son of a bitch, you're dead! "

Chase shivered and asked weakly, "Shan Sister Shan, Feng Can the wind really kill Jiang Hao

Shan Xinran shook his head and said coldly, "Jiang Hao will die!"

Then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Like Yang Bo, she is a traitor. She has betrayed wudaomeng. If Jiang Hao does not die, she will die.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air is constantly ringing.

A light blue wind blade, flying in the sky, vertical and horizontal cutting, forming a field.

In the field, whether it is flowers, trees, or debris, all broken, cut again and again, into powder.

Every step forward, the vegetation and rocks in front of Jesse disappeared.

Where we have passed, every drop does not exist. Even if it is the ground, it has been peeled off, leaving a bare piece.


It's terrible!

Xia Wushuang and others, see this scene, eyes almost stare out, the whole body is emitting cold, almost suffocate.

Chu Tianzi was also frightened!

He yelled, "Jiang Hao, run, leave us alone!"

"Run Xia Wushuang and others also yelled.

The killing of the wind is terrible!

Jesse the wind king, it's terrible!

Jiang Hao can't fight, he can only escape, also can only escape!


Jesse licked her scarlet lips and said, "no one can run in my wind field!"

The abrupt, pale cyan field of wind, disappeared.

The next second, the field of the wind is like a cage, covering Jiang Hao, trapped in it.

"The power of the wind, kill!" Cried Jesse.

His face, with a ferocious smile, horror of killing, pour out.

"It's over!"

When Chu Tianzi saw this, his heart was cold and his eyes were dark.

Xia Wushuang and others are also in despair. They don't want to see Jiang Hao's tragic death.

Ha ha ha

Yang Bo looked up at the sky and laughed, roaring: "dead, dead, finally dead!"

Whoa ~

chase was quietly relieved.

Shan Xinran's tight face relaxed.

Jiang Hao is dead!

It's a fact that everyone believes.

The same is true of the old men outside wujixian.

So, they immediately launched a satire and ridicule.

Hey, hey

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University said with a smile, "old dragon, old gold, old Wu, the number one seed of the Wudao League is dying. What do you think?"


The old lion king of paladin shook his head and sneered, "no, no, no

"I think he's dead!"

"That's right!"

The old assassin of the holy hall nodded and said, "under the suppression of the wind, he can't live for a second. It's estimated that he has been cut into a skeleton for a long time."

Tut tut

The old man of the blood clan smacked his mouth and joked: "cut it into a skeleton? Is it not that there are no bones? ""Ah, ah, what a pity!"

"Shut up Vajra's eyes are like torches, he shouts angrily.

Longxuzi also glared, as if to start.

Even Wu Daozi, it seems, could not help but clench his fist in his sleeve.


All of a sudden, in Wuji immortal's territory, there was a thunder like drink.


All of a sudden, the field of light cyan wind disintegrates, collapses, smashes and disappears.

A figure, showing.

This man stood straight, like a sword, pointing to the sky.

Of course he is Jiang Hao!


Jesse pointed to Jiang Hao in horror, as if to say something. As a result, her body trembled, and she spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, kneeling on one knee.


When Yang Bo saw this scene, he was stunned.

Chase was dumbfounded when he saw this.

Shan Xinran was frightened when he saw this scene.

Seeing this, Chu Tianzi laughed.

"How could that be?"


The old assassin of the temple, his eyes widened and his whole body became stiff.

He touched his cheek subconsciously, as if A little pain!

You know, he just vowed to speak Chinese. Under the power of the wind, Jiang Hao could not live for a second. He might have been cut into a skeleton.

But now?

Jiang Hao is undamaged, but also a strong smash of the wind field.

This slap in the face It's coming too fast, too fast!

He's a little confused!

Ha ha ha

King Kong laughs: "good, good, great!"

Long Xuzi also said with a smile: "I knew this boy would be OK!"

Wu Daozi quietly relaxed, loosened his fist, and slightly stirred up a radian in the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he was very happy.


The elder of Yin Yang Normal University snorted coldly, "what are you happy about? He wasn't dead just now, but he's going to die soon! "

"That's right!"

The old assassin of the holy hall was not angry and said, "the killing of wind is not Jesse's strongest killing move. He has a stronger mace. The little bastard of wudaomeng will surely die!"

King Kong heard the words and felt a thump in his heart.

Long Xuzi retorted, "if you can't, you can't. don't lie and bluff!"

Although he didn't believe the words of the old killers in the temple, he was also a little bit drummed in his heart.

"Lying and bluffing?"

The old killers of the holy hall grinned and said, "you'll know right away if you're lying or not!"

The dragon beard son hears speech, in the heart more have no bottom.

In wujixian.

Jesse wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth and stood up slowly.

He looked at Jiang Hao calmly and said in a cold voice: "boy, I admit that I underestimate you. I didn't expect that you are so strong that you can break my wind field." "But that's it!"

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