In wujixian.

"The wind king Dead? " Chu Tianzi's face was expressionless, his eyes were dull, and he was stunned.


Xia Wushuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a trill: "should It should be dead. "

He was a little confused. He saw with his own eyes that the wind king was killed by the owl, and his head moved. He could not die any more. But deep in his heart, he was still not sure that the wind king was really dead.

Because, this is incredible!

Jiang Hao glanced at Feng Wang's corpse, and then, with the tip of his foot, swept out several hundred meters.

In a flash, he appeared in front of Yang Bo.

"It's your turn." Jiang Hao said coldly.


Suddenly, Yang Bo's body trembled, his knees softened and he knelt down.

"I I'm wrong

"I deserve to die. I shouldn't mean evil to you, let alone betray wudaomeng!"

"I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, Jiang Hao. No, brother Jiang, master Jiang, I know I'm wrong. Please spare my life!"

"I can be your dog and your undercover!"

"Yes, undercover. I'm wang BA's registered disciple. I have status and status. I can collect information for you. I can also poison Wang ba for you."

"And the Wang family. As long as you give me an order, I will destroy the Wang family for you, kill the whole family and cut down the grass and roots!" Yang Bo kowtowed and begged for mercy.

When people heard the words, they felt cold.




His heart must be shining black.

In order to survive, he can kneel down in public, be a dog, even betray and poison the master who cultivated him carefully, and even kill his family members.

This kind of person is terrible.

In order to survive, he has no bottom line and is willing to do anything.

"Have you finished the nonsense?"

Jiang Hao cold voice way: "finish saying, you go on the road!"

"No Don't kill me

Yang Boda cried, "Jiang Master Jiang, I I didn't want to kill you, but... "

Suddenly, he pointed to chase and said, "it's him, master Jiang, who instigated me to kill you, and her!"

Suddenly, he pointed to Shan Xinran again.

"And this woman, they encouraged me. It has nothing to do with me."

"They all deserve to die, master Jiang. If you want to kill them, kill them, don't kill me!"

"Grass Mud Horse!"

When chase heard the words, he was so angry that he glared at him with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao yelled.


Suddenly, Chase's heart trembled, his body softened, and his knees fell to the ground.

He explained, "Jiang Master Jiang, no I'm not going to kill you. It's Yang Bo. He's the son of a bitch who wants to kill you. "

"He will force me to kill you. If I am obedient, he will kill me!"

"By the way, he said, after killing you, I will kill your whole family immediately. No one will stay!"

"Master Jiang, it's all his fault. If you want to kill him, just kill him!"

"Damn it Yang Bo said angrily.

"Chase, you son of a bitch, I'm going to kill you!" he yelled

Suddenly, he pounced on chase.

Chase yelled angrily: "Yang Bo, you dare to murder Lord Jiang. You deserve to die. I'll teach you a lesson for him!"

Then they scuffled together, like two wild dogs, biting each other.

Dog bite dog!


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, Yang Bo and chase stopped immediately, knelt down on the ground in fear, kowtowed and said: "Mr. Jiang, please forgive me! Lord Jiang, spare your life

"Shut up Jiang Hao exclaimed.

The two of them immediately covered their mouths and did not dare to make any noise.

Jiang Hao slowly raised his head, looked at Shan Xinran and said indifferently, "they all kneel down and beg for mercy. What about you?"


Shan Xinran's delicate body trembled like chaff. He said with fear and stubbornness, "I don't want to die."

She's afraid of death, and she doesn't want to.

Otherwise, not long ago, she would not betray the wudaomeng.

But she loves face and has dignity. She doesn't want to abandon dignity like chase and Yang Bo. She kneels down like a dog and kowtows to beg for mercy.

She's ambivalent.

"You don't want to die, but I want to kill you."

Jiang Hao said coldly, "what should I do?"

Shan Xinran trembled and said: "as long as you don't kill me, I I can be your slave and take care of you. "

"I can also be your bodyguard and protect you.""And It's ok... "

She lowered her head and said, "I can still serve you when you Your woman. "

To be honest

Although Shan Xinran is nearly 40 years old, he is well maintained. In addition, he is a warrior. He has a well-balanced figure and delicate skin, which is not inferior to that of a young girl.

She is like a ripe peach, charming charm, charming with a trace of shyness, very attractive, ordinary men, can not resist her temptation.


Jiang Hao is an exception!

"I'm sorry, I don't need to."

He sneered and said, "first, I don't need slaves; second, your strength is not as good as mine. How can you protect me? Third, I have women. "

"My women are younger and more beautiful than you

"I can't be moved by your terms."

"So you have to die!"

"Yes, yes, she must die!"

Yang Bo flattered him and said, "master Jiang, give her to me. Kill her. Why do you need to do it yourself?"

"I'm willing to serve you. I guarantee your satisfaction."

Seeing this, chase raised his hand and said, "I, Lord Jiang, I'm willing to serve you, and I promise to kill her!"

"No Don't... " Shan Xinran said in horror.


She got down on her knees.

Between life and dignity, she finally chose life, chose to yield and gave up dignity.

She swore, "Jiang Master Jiang, I I'm willing to be your dog. I'll listen to you. I can also use my contacts and relationships in Wudao League to help you eradicate Wang Ba and Wang family. "

"Mr. Jiang, I'd like to, too!" Yang Bo is in a hurry.

"And me, and me." Cried chase.

"No need!"

Jiang Hao looked down at them and said coldly, "I only want you to die!"

"Lord Jiang, spare your life! Lord Jiang, spare your life

"Don't kill me! Lord Jiang, please don't kill me

"No I don't want to die! "

Yang Bo three people, cry.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly. His eyes were cold. He raised a finger. His fingertip spurted out the essence of sword Qi, and he was about to chop them down. As a result, he killed them.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Chu Tianzi came over.

He stopped Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao looked coldly at Chu Tianzi and said in a bad tone, "are you going to save them?"


Chu Tianzi shook his head. "I want to kill them, too."

"They deserve to die, but we shouldn't kill him, especially you," he explained

"Jiang Hao, you are not a member of Wudao League at present, but they are the elders of Wudao League. Although they deserve to die, you have no right to kill them."

"They should be dealt with by law enforcement elders!" "If you kill them, you will be the enemy of wudaomeng. It's not wise."

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