Jiang Hao was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded and said, "OK, let's exchange hostages."

He agreed!

He is not familiar with Wang Sandao, but he has experienced life and death together. As a companion, he can't watch him die.

As for Kameda's brother

What if I let it go?

You can kill him at any time!

"OK, I'll count to one, two, three. Let's put them together." Kameda said.

"One Two Three... "

"Let go!"

All of a sudden, he kicked Wang Sandao to Jiang Hao.

This kick is not small.

All of a sudden, Wang Sandao sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood.

Jiang Hao sees this, the facial expression is a cold, the younger brother of sand of tortoise farmland, pushed him.

At the same time, point out a few fingers.

Poof! Poof!

Blood splash, Kameda sand brother's body, more than a few blood holes.


Turtle field sand saw this scene, in the eye rose the anger.

All of a sudden, the corner of his mouth was tickled, and he gave a strange smile.


Suddenly, he gave a loud drink.

Ah ~

suddenly, Wang Sandao screamed in pain.

His head, like a balloon, has expanded, and it's getting bigger and bigger.


Suddenly, Wang Sandao's head exploded. For a moment, the red and white objects splashed everywhere.


His body collapsed on the ground.

"Lao Wang!" Seeing this, Lu Tao roared.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!" Xia Wushuang roared.

Chu Tianzi is very calm, calm people tremble.

"If I don't die, I will kill all the eighteen generations of your ancestors!" He said coldly.

"Damn you all!" Jiang Hao said sternly.

Hey, hey

He caught up with his younger brother and said with a smile, "stupid monkey, don't you often say that war is not deceitful in China? I've forgotten what my ancestors said. I deserve to die! "

"Ernie sauce, good, good kill!" In his younger brother's eyes, Kameda shined the light of hatred and complained.

Tut tut

Wilson, the shadow king of heaven, smacked his mouth and said with a smile, "is war not deceitful? That's a good move! "

"My head is like a watermelon. I've seen this scene many times, but I feel very exciting every time!" Blood Oliver, licked his scarlet lips, bloodthirsty.

"Another kind of fireworks blooming, also very gorgeous."

The paladin's grini nodded and said, "but there's only a bunch of fireworks. It's too few and monotonous. Let's set off fireworks, too."


Robel of the temple of light nodded slightly.

So, they all slowly raised their legs, ready to step on the head of Chu emperor and others, as fireworks.

"You all have to die!"

Jiang Hao said sternly: "your relatives, too, must die!"

"What a lot of nonsense!"

"Let's go, let's set off the fireworks together," Robel said coldly


"On the count of one, two, three, do it together!"

Wilson several people, smile in succession.

"You don't have a chance!" Jiang Hao is a murderous man.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes were covered with a layer of blood color, scarlet incomparable, looked very frightening, and his whole body also diffused a bloodthirsty breath.

He is like a fierce beast!


For a moment, the five of them all frowned and were a little frightened. They were a little vigilant.

Because the breath of Jiang Hao is too violent, even if they are depressed.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, Robel's arm, Wilson's cheek, Kameda's forehead, the back of Oliver's hand, and grini's abdomen were all cut open by the invisible sword.

Oozing blood, like crystal clear agate, flew into the air.

Jiang Hao grabs five drops of blood.

Then, quickly pinch out a method formula, mouth recite words.

"What's going on?" Kameda sand muddled forced way.

Robel frowned, slightly uneasy, and said coldly, "whatever he does, we'll do it right away and trample on these monkeys."


Suddenly, the five people raised their feet again, and they were about to start.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao spat out a word.

All of a sudden, Robel five people settled down, like a sculpture.

"What the hell?"

Robel panicked.It's too bad that he can't move.

If someone wants to kill him, isn't he going to be slaughtered?

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

For a moment, five gusts of fury came out like five volcanoes.

The five Robel broke out by force and broke through the invisible confinement.

Wilson, the shadow king, stared at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "this little monkey is weird. Kill him first!"

"Yes, kill him first!"


The rest echoed.

Suddenly, five people all stare at Jiang Hao and kill him at the same time.


Jiang Hao grinned, and his eyes showed endless Senran.

He flipped his fingers and pinched out the formulas one by one.

"Counter current of Qi and blood!"

Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the five of them burst out a mouthful of blood, trembled and fell to the ground.

They were all red, like cooked crabs, their tendons were swollen, their blood vessels were swollen, and they seemed to burst.

Robel glared at Jiang Hao angrily. In his eyes, he was slightly alarmed. He roared, "what have you done to us, asshole?"

He was really flustered.

If Jiang Hao manipulates a few drops of blood, he can stop them and make their blood flow counter current. It's so weird.

"Don't worry, the feast has just begun!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Blood trace back, ten thousand li trace back!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, in mid air, five drops of blood trembled.

Robel, five, trembled at the same time.

At this moment, they seem to have some kind of connection with their relatives thousands of miles away, as if they can feel them, as if they are around.

They can see what they are doing.


It's weird!

Suddenly, Jiang Hao put a smile on the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice, "do you feel it?"

"Good play, here we go!"

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

for a while, Jiang Hao worked out a lot of complicated methods.

"Blood curse, the first one!"

All of a sudden, the blood beads belonging to Kameda sand vibrated violently.

Then the bead of blood burned and burst into a blue flame.

At the same time.

Thousands of miles away, in a luxury villa, a man who looks seven or eight points similar to Kameda Sha, but is older, is molesting a young woman.

"Chanel, you are mine at last!" The old man said with a chuckle.

"No No, uncle, let me go... " Xiangnaizi retreated and begged for mercy.

However, after a few steps, she became soft and sat on the ground.

She was drugged!

I'm so weak that I can't escape.

Hey, hey

The old man said with a obscene smile, "don't be afraid, xiangnaizi. My uncle will love you very much!"

Then he reached for Chanel. All of a sudden, he trembled all over, as if he had gone mad.

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