Ruo felt his body tremble.

Robel is the core figure of the temple of light, with high status and power, which is not comparable to the caretaker of his small prison.

If Robel is angered, he will die.

"Good All right

He was soft.

"You Don't worry, I'll send that woman to your room. " He said in a trill.

"That's good!"

Mitchell gave a smug smile.

"Remember, send her to my room in three minutes. If you're one second late, I'll kill you!" He snapped.

"Yes, yes

Ruo nodded.

"Mitchell, you You... "

Suddenly, ruo's face was frightened and he pointed at Mitchell. His lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

"What are you doing?"

Mitchell said angrily, "why don't you go and get that woman to my room? You want to die, don't you? "

All of a sudden, his eyebrows wrinkled.

"How do I feel a little hot?"

"Also, the hands, feet, stomachs and the whole body hurt."

"What's going on?"

He looked down in disbelief.

Ah, ~

he let out a shrill scream, terrified and retreated.

Then, poop, collapse to the ground.

He held out his hand as if to catch Ruo and yelled, "help me, help I... "

However, the orchid flame, in a flash, covered his whole body.

A second later, he disappeared, leaving no ashes.

Ah ~

when Ruo saw this scene, his scalp was about to explode, he screamed and ran.

As a result, he fell on the ground with a soft foot, his mouth full of blood and a front tooth missing. However, he didn't seem to feel any pain. He immediately got up and ran.

"No! No In wujixian, roared Robel.

Ah ~

he collapsed on the ground, convulsed and roared.

"Mad, what's going on?" Wilson, the shadow king, cursed.

"Run away!"

Oliver's heart was cold, and his fear rose. He glanced at Jiang Hao, and then he ran away to leave the ghost place.

Wilson was stunned for a moment.

Soon, he escaped.

"Can you escape?"

Jiang Haosen gave a cold smile.

In a moment, he turned his fingers and pinched out one by one.

"Fourth kill! Fifth kill

Suddenly, in mid air, the blood beads belonging to Wilson and Oliver trembled at the same time, and the orchid flame came out.

Ah ~ ah ~

for a moment, the fleeing Wilson and Oliver gave a wild roar, trembled and fell to the ground.

They see it!

Wilson saw his sister and sister. They were surfing on the sea. Behind the surfboard, there was a rope tied to a man.

Not long ago, the man ran into them.

So they tied him up and taught him a lesson.

A moment later.

Wilson saw that they were all covered with orchid flames, and then he trembled and fell into the sea.

The sea churns, but it can't put out the fire on them.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared, burned up and disappeared.

Oliver saw it!

See his drug dealer's brother, is his secret drug production, leading several major customers, to show off his strength.

"How's it going?" Brother Oliver, with a raised eyebrow, said triumphantly.

"Good, good!"

Several big customers nodded one after another, obviously very satisfied.

"Well, you have a lot of goods. We have decided to cooperate with you."

Ha ha ha

Brother Oliver, holding out his hand, said with a smile, "happy cooperation!"


A few big customers also extended their hands.

However, the next second, they all retracted their hands, full of panic, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

"What's the matter?"

Brother Oliver, a blank face.

"Boss, you..." One of them took it, trill.

Oliver's brother, look down.

Ah ~

suddenly, he screamed and clapped his hands to put out the orchid flame.

However, it didn't work!

So he looked at the crowd and asked for help Help me put out the fire

There was no one to help.

Two seconds later.

Oliver's brother, disappeared, as if vaporized from the world evaporation.Several big customers were almost scared to death when they saw this scene.

"Go! Let's go

They spread their feet, escaped from the drug manufacturing area, and even escaped from the city overnight.


Wilson and Oliver, collapsing to the ground, yelled.

He stood up, stared at Jiang Hao and said: "little bastard, I'll kill you!"

Grinny, Robert, Oliver and Wilson also stood up.

"Kill me?"

Jiang Hao sneered.

"Your blood and relatives are dead. Now, it's your turn!"

"Blood curse kill, kill!"

Suddenly, Kameda sand and others trembled all over, as if they had been tortured, and they roared bitterly.

Wisps of orchid flame, from every pore of their body, permeate out.

In the blink of an eye, it covered them all.

The next second, the flame dissipated, five people alive, disappeared.


Hundreds of meters away, there was a sound of swallowing.

Everyone is confused!

In particular, Yang Bo, chase and Shan Xinran, with their bodies like chaff and cold sweat like rain, kept on staying from their foreheads. In a moment, they were all wet.

Wujixian, a dead silence.

All the old men were stunned and petrified.

After a while.

"How could it be?" The elder of Yin Yang Normal University was shocked.

The old killer of heaven blinked blankly and whispered: "dead? Are they all dead? "

"No! No Cried the old lion king of the paladin.

"It's impossible! I don't believe it The old man of the blood clan shook his head violently.

They're all in shock!

Ha ha ha

The next second, King Kong wakes up from shock.

He thumped his chest, looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "OK, OK! Good job! Good job

Dragon beard son also excited, poor jump up.

"This little guy, that's great! He will be a prosperous man in our Wudao League, and his future achievements will definitely surpass those of us old men! " He praised.

Wu Daozi was silent.

Although he did not speak, but his face showed a bright smile, the corner of his mouth is raised a high arc.


The elder of Yin Yang Normal University, his eyes were red and his lungs were about to explode. He scolded.

"Is this little bastard a tortoise? Why can't I die? " He said.

Hey, hey

Long Xuzi grinned and said sarcastically, "some old guys, you failed again and were beaten in the face."

Tut tut

"In just a few hours, you've been beaten in the face four or five times, and your face is going to swell into a pig's head!" "How do you feel about being beaten in the face?"

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