"Han Chang, you are wrong!"

A killer, playing with the red dagger in his hand, said with a scornful smile: "you garbage, don't deserve us to give up robbing the vanity mirror."

"To deal with you, I'm enough alone!"

The killer is very fat and ugly, vaguely similar to vidio.

"It's you, Marion!" Han Chang said coldly.

Marion, nicknamed "fat Shura", is the brother of short Shura vidio.

Although he is not as good as vidio, he is still terrible and famous.

"Yes, it's me!"

Marion said with a grim smile: "Han Chang, my brother often praises you, saying that you are one of his few strong opponents in the world martial arts circle."

"Today, I'll see what's extraordinary about you?"

Han Chang gazed at him and said coldly, "where is vidio?"


Marion grinned. "He's turning on the teleport, ready to climb the Wuji mountain."


Han Chang's face changed when he heard the speech.

He looked at Wei Tu, Mo Xuan and others, and ordered: "you open the transmission array as soon as possible, I'll stop them!"


Wei Tu and others, responding, speed up the infusion of inner strength again, strive to activate the array pattern as soon as possible, and open the transmission array.

"Stop us?"

Suddenly, Marion burst out laughing.

He sneered: "Han Chang, you are too arrogant. Do you think you can stop so many of us by yourself?"

"Of course!" Han Chang is bold and confident.

Hey, hey

Marion raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"Brothers of blood clan, Yin Yang division, Paladin and temple of light, it's time to show up!"

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

before the voice fell, people came out.


Han Chang glanced around, his face turned black and ugly. In his eyes, he was worried.

Heaven, blood clan, Paladin, Yin Yang master, Temple of light, all come!

At first glance, there are at least 30 people.

Even more.

"Damn it

Seeing this, Mo Xuan scolded.

Wei Tu, Jiang Hao and others also look ugly.

Too many enemies!

It seems that the four forces, including the temple of light, have formed an alliance. Except for the four leaders, all the others have gone out. They are determined to destroy all the members of the Wudao alliance ahead of time.

There is a big gap in the number of people on both sides.

The situation is not good!

"Go ahead, kill them all!" Cried Marion.

Suddenly, thirty or forty people were killed together.

No way.

Jiang Hao and others can only give up the teleportation for the time being to meet the enemy.

Fierce fighting, it's starting!

As soon as the two sides met, some people in the Wudao League were injured or even died miserably.

As strong as Han Chang, he was besieged by six or seven people and could only defend passively.


Suddenly, Marion, hidden in the void, has moved.


A flash of cold light.

The bloody dagger in his hand cut a man's neck and cut off his head in an instant.

"First!" He said in a cold voice.

After the killing, he did not hide, but stabbed another person.

He abandoned the killer's advantage.

The most terrible thing about killers is concealment and assassination. They can give people a fatal blow anytime, anywhere. It's impossible to defend them. The weakest thing is to hit them hard in the front.

Today, Marion wants to be weak against strong.

It can be seen that he didn't pay attention to the people of wudaomeng at all.

"Be arrogant and die!"

A member of wudaomeng, seeing Marion dashing forward, shot a wisp of murder in his eyes. He suddenly raised his sword and mobilized his internal strength to chop down.

This knife is extremely cruel! Fast!

Fast as wind, fierce as thunder!

However, Marion's speed was faster, and he dodged a knife.

Then, with a wave of the dagger, it penetrated the man's heart.

"Second!" He said in a cold voice.

In an instant, Marion killed four people.

Han Chang, Wei Tu, Mo Xuan and Jiang Hao are the only people in the wudaomeng. The rest of them are dead.

"Asshole! Asshole

Han Chang saw this scene, eyes canthus want to crack, eyes are red, burst out of the murderous.

"I'll kill you!" He roared.


Suddenly, his whole body was shocked, and a violent breath came out.Bang!

All of a sudden, the people who besieged him were all shocked away. They vomited blood and suffered a lot of injuries.

Han Chang is gone! Desperate!

"The Golden Dragon protects the body!" He yelled.

Ang ~

suddenly, there was a dragon chant from Han Chang's body.

At the same time, his whole body released the golden light.

His whole body is golden, just like the pouring of gold juice, surrounded by the virtual shadow of the dragon, and his fingers are golden, just like the claws of the dragon.


He burst out and rushed to the crowd.

"To die!"

"I don't know how to live or die!"

"It's a second to him!"

The people of the temple of light and the blood clan cheered one after another.

In a flash, seven or eight people started.

Knife, sword, stick, stick All kinds of weapons, full of cold light, carrying the power of terror, roared to Han Chang.

Ding Ding ~ ~ Dong Dong ~ ~

all of a sudden, the sound of Ding Dong goes on and on.

All kinds of weapons hit Han Chang, making a metal collision sound and splashing fire.

Han Chang is intact!

"How could it be?"

"What a terrible defense!"

"Grass, the tortoise shell is so hard!"

"Again, I don't believe I can't blow his tortoise shell!"

The crowd cheered coldly.

If you can't kill Han Chang once, do it again.

However, Han Chang will not give them a second chance at all.

"Go to hell!"

His eyes were full of murders. He stretched out his golden claw and grabbed a man.

Then, pull hard.


All of a sudden, a shower of blood.

This man was torn to pieces by Han Chang.

"Die! Die! Die

Han Chang's Dragon claws, like the most terrible weapon in the world, pierce a person's heart, break a person's neck, and crush a person's head

In the blink of an eye, he killed six people.

"Run away..."

The remaining two, scared out of their wits, did not dare to fight at all, and turned around to flee.

Unfortunately, they can't escape.

The next second, Han Chang's Dragon claws penetrated their bodies, leaving two transparent holes.

Kill these people, Han Chang did not stop, continue to fight.

On the other side.

Wei Tu and Mo Xuan, also broke out, they also tried their best.

For a moment, they were like gods and demons, unstoppable.

In just a few minutes, eight or nine people were killed.

However, they were also injured, paid the price, slightly exhausted, and began to decline.

Suddenly, Han Chang spoke.

"Jiang Hao, get out of here, open the teleportation array immediately, and leave here!" He yelled.

"We can't all die!"

"Yes, Jiang Hao, run away!" Wei Tu roared.

Jiang Hao is a friend of Chu Tianzi. He once patted his chest to ensure his safety. What's more, the law enforcement elders have orders to protect Jiang Hao at all costs.

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