A day later.

Jiang Hao once again refined and absorbed ten miraculous drugs.

Then he had to stop.

"You can't refine the elixir any more. The energy stored in your body is full and can't be suppressed. If you refine the elixir again, the energy will burst."

"At that time, if you don't want to break through, you have to break through." He said to himself.

"It's not what I want!"

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Since you can't improve your accomplishments, practice your martial arts."

So he took out a few red gold fruits.

Suddenly, golden, the whole house, are rendered into a piece of gold.

At the same time, it diffuses an intoxicating fragrance.

This is chijinguo!

"Three red golden fruits should make me become a red golden pupil." Jiang Hao murmured.

Immediately, his wrist trembled, and a fire rose in his palm.

The flame is very strong, the temperature is very high, roasting three red golden fruit.

A moment later.

Three red golden fruits disappeared, leaving twelve drops of round, full, crystal clear, heavy as iron stone red golden liquid.

This is red gold liquid. Every drop weighs five or six Jin. It's very magical.

Chijinye is the best natural resource and local treasure to help cultivate chijintong.

With a hook of his finger and a wisp of spiritual power, Jiang Hao wrapped the red gold liquid, suspended two drops of red gold liquid, and slowly flew to his eyes.

He raised his head and opened his eyes.

Dong ~

suddenly, the red gold liquid, wrapped by the spirit power, melted into his eyes without hurting his eyes.

Next second.

Jiang Hao sits with his knees crossed. He closes his eyes and runs the nine heaven dragon formula. He mobilizes the spirit power in his body and helps him refine the red gold liquid.

At the same time, he also practiced according to the practice steps of chijintong in his memory.

This practice is three days.

Hu ~

Jiang Hao breathed out a mouthful of turbid air and opened his eyes.

Suddenly, in the eyes, the golden light, the whole eyeball, have become red gold, like a golden flame, burning, jumping.

Two eyes, send out a dangerous breath of cold hair.

"Finally." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Ding Ling Ling ~ ~ Ding Ling Ling ~ ~

suddenly, the mobile phone rings.

Jiang Hao took it up and found that it was Han lulu.

So he got through.

"Hello, Lulu, what's the matter?" He asked.

Han Lulu's anxious voice came from the other end of the mobile phone.

"Jiang Hao, come on Come to Jianghai and help me. "

Jiang Hao's face became serious.

"Lulu, don't worry. Tell me what happened?" He asked calmly.

Huhu ~

on the other side of the mobile phone, Han Lulu took a few deep breaths, calmed down a little and said, "it's like this."

"A few days ago, a big man from China Shipping came to discuss cooperation with my father. As a result, he suddenly fell ill yesterday and couldn't afford it. He invited more than a dozen families, and they were all helpless."

"Jiang Hao, I know you are good at medicine."

Han Lulu worried: "come and help me, that big man, is the leader of the most powerful family in China. If something happens to him, my father will be miserable."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Jiang Hao advised: "I'll go now. Don't worry. I'll take care of everything."


Han Lulu was slightly relieved.

Jiang Hao comforted a few words and set off immediately.

He used his privilege to buy a ticket to start immediately, and took a plane to Jianghai city.

Two hours later, he arrived.

Then, according to the address provided by Han Lulu, he rushed to the most luxurious private hospital in Jianghai city.

Jiang Hao arrived at the door of the private hospital and frowned.

Such a big hospital is blocked.

In front of the hospital stood two rows of people in black.

These men in black, tall and strong, full of the smell of killing and felling, with a baton pinned to their waists and a cold face, scan the passers-by and forbid others to come near.

Jiang Hao strode past.


Suddenly, a man in black stopped Jiang Hao.

He said coldly, "this hospital has been blocked by us. Leave immediately!"

"Why the blockade?" Jiang Hao asked.

"My master is ill. He is in this hospital for treatment. Of course, he has to be blocked!" The man in Black said coldly.

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "if the hospital is blocked, what should other patients do?"

"Whether they live or die is none of our business?" The man in Black said impolitely.Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyebrows wrinkled deeper.

This is too overbearing!

If a person is ill, the whole hospital will be blocked and other patients will not be allowed to see a doctor. It's a bit overbearing.

Suddenly, the man in black pushed Jiang Hao and yelled, "boy, get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold and he was ready to break in.

"Jiang Hao."

Suddenly, a Jiao drink rang out.

A beautiful shadow comes at a gallop.

It's Han Lulu!

Jiang Hao looks happy and smiles. He opens his arms and is ready to catch her.


Suddenly, a man in black grabbed her by the arm, stopped her and said coldly, "you can't go out!"

"That's my friend. I'm here to pick him up." Han Lulu explained.

"Shut up

The man in black, with a cold face, yelled: "madam, you have orders. Everyone in the hospital, especially you and your father, can't leave the hospital for any reason."

"You and your father are the key suspects of poisoning the master. You can't go out!"

"Go back to me!"

After that, he grabbed Han Lulu's hand and wanted to take her back.

"Go away!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao scurried past and shook back the man in black.

He didn't exert himself!

Otherwise, the man in black would have been smashed by him.

Jiang Hao hugged Han Lulu and asked with concern, "are you ok?"

Han Lulu is a little tired and afraid. She pours into Jiang Hao's arms and hugs him tightly. She seems to be afraid that he will leave.

"It's all right, it's all right." Jiang Hao patted her xiubei and whispered softly.

A moment later.

Han Lulu recovered calm, slowly raised her head, eyes slightly red.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

"General manager Peng of China Shipping suddenly fell ill and suspected to be poisoned. They suspected that my father and I were poisoned, so they locked us in the hospital and were not allowed to leave." Han Lulu said.


Jiang Hao smell speech, the eye burst out a wisp of cold light.

How dare you put his woman under house arrest!

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and sharp. He scanned all the people in black and asked, "who gave you the power to house arrest them?"

Suddenly, all the people in black shivered.

They all bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly at Jiang Hao.

"I gave it!"

Suddenly, a cold cheering sounded. A man in his fifties, dressed in a stiff suit, with slightly white hair, combed neatly and meticulously, came step by step with a superior smile on his face.

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