poor people?




Jiang Hao's face was a little cold when he heard the speech.

What do you think of him as?


Or stinking mice?

He's a little angry!

"What are you doing?"

The housekeeper scolded, "are you deaf? I told you to wash and disinfect quickly

"Otherwise, get out of my master's ward!"

Jiang Hao's face became colder and colder.

He slowly clenched his fist. He really couldn't help beating.

The housekeeper saw that Jiang Hao didn't move, overcast his face, and said coldly, "come on, drag him out!"

Suddenly, several people in black came up.

"Go away!"

Han Jiande yelled.

Immediately, he stared at the housekeeper, eyes put cold light, "I said, Peng always what happened, I bear!"

"If you are more presumptuous, I will teach you a lesson for Mr. Peng!"


The housekeeper stares at Han Jiande, very angry.

However, he dared to be angry.

Although he is the general manager of the most powerful family in China, no matter what, he is just a manager. Han Jiande is the partner of general manager Peng, worth 10 billion.

He can't provoke me!


Han Jiande gave him a cold hum.

Then, he turned to look at Jiang Hao and said, "Xiaojiang, let's have a look at Mr. Peng."

"No way!"

Suddenly, another man came forward.

He was not very old, about forty years old, but he had a proud face and a very capable look.

His name is Zhang Xuanhe!

He is the highest level and the most famous authoritative person among many experts in the treatment of general manager Peng.

Ten years ago, he came back from abroad and put forward a series of new ideas.

Then, he won many awards in the province and in China, and his status and fame soared.

Slowly, developed a proud and conceited character.

He squinted at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "boy, I know you."

"You are Jiang Hao, who is very popular in the field of traditional Chinese medicine recently!"

"Little guy, I tell you, as a doctor, especially a traditional Chinese medicine, what we need is real skills, and we need to rely on our strength to speak!"

He looked down at Jiang Hao and criticized: "fame gained by hype and heresy is useless at all!"

"Do you understand? It depends on real skills! "

He waved his hand and said, "go back. In the future, don't think too much and concentrate on medical research. Maybe, in a few decades, you will have something to do!"


The housekeeper was angry on the spot.

He glared at Han Jiande and yelled: "Mr. Han, I think you are the master's partner. I respect you three points."

"I didn't expect that you had a ghost in your heart to let a suckling, infamous primary school student treat the master!"

"You want to kill the master!"

One side of Zhang Xuanhe, saw this scene, the corner of his mouth raised a touch of radian, silent smile.

Recently, in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Jiang Hao has been in the limelight for a while, and he deserves to be the most popular.

Even western medicine circles are talking about him.

Zhang Xuanhe feels that Jiang Hao has robbed him of the limelight, which makes him very unhappy. He has long wanted to revenge.

Now, it's finally a success!

The housekeeper was very excited and angry. He yelled, "boy, get out of this hospital!"

"Shut up

"I've seen Xiaojiang's medical skills with my own eyes, and they are definitely better than some so-called experts," Han said coldly

"Besides, Zhang Mo and Lu Jue, two great doctors, were once instructed by Xiaojiang and recognized him as a master."

"His medical skill, I can guarantee it!"

"What's the use of keeping it!"

The housekeeper yelled: "my master, his health is expensive. I can't do anything wrong!"

"If something happens to the master, who can afford it?"

He said: "go, go, go, I can't let him, a yellow haired child, treat my master!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Xuanhe nodded, echoed: "steward Wang, you will never let him touch president Peng!"

"Although I didn't find out what poison Mr. Peng had, after my treatment, Mr. Peng's condition has stabilized."

"In a month, Mr. Peng will definitely be OK!"

"One month is enough to invite the medical saint in the capital. Once the medical Saint makes a move, he will be cured."

He glanced sideways at Jiang Hao and said: "if you let this boy do it now, what's the problem?""If it's not good, the general manager Peng's condition is getting worse, and the medicine stone is useless. It's hard for the immortal to save him. At that time, I can't find time to repent!"

The king housekeeper hears speech, excited Ling Ling to hit shiver.

If something happens to the master, he can't afford the consequences.

Then, he will suffer.

No, it's not only him, but also his family. His ancestors are going to suffer!

"Go, go, go, go!" He exclaimed.

He wants to drive Jiang Hao away!

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

He raised his head, staring at Zhang Xuanhe, indifferent way: "you are wrong!"


Zhang Xuanhe frowned, a little confused.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You're wrong about everything!"

Jiang Hao said flatly: "your treatment is useless at all."

"No, it's of some use!"

"After your treatment, he was safe in seven days, but now he can only live for three hours."

"When three hours arrive, he will surely die. Even if Da Luo Jinxian comes down to earth, he will not be saved!"


The king housekeeper hears speech, the body trembles, the facial expression Shua of white.

His eyes were fierce and bloody red. He stared at Zhang Xuanhe as if to eat him.

Suddenly, Zhang Xuanhe's heart trembled.

He shook his head and said, "no It's not like that

"Housekeeper Wang, don't believe him!"

"He talks nonsense! He's bloody! He deliberately slandered me

Jiang Hao lifted his mouth and gave a faint smile.

"It's nonsense. Five seconds later, I'll see if I can tell!"

He pointed to Mr. Peng on the bed and said firmly: "in five seconds, he will vomit black blood!"

"It's a precursor!"

Wang housekeeper smell speech, subconsciously look to Peng Zong.

Others, too, looked at Mr. Peng.

Everyone, silence.

In such a large luxury ward, there was silence, and only a slight breathing sound occasionally.

Everyone is waiting!

It's five seconds!


Suddenly, lying unconscious on the hospital bed, Mr. Peng suddenly opened his eyes, straightened his upper body, and spewed out a big mouthful of black blood.

Then, with a crooked neck, he fell down straight and unconscious again.

Vomit black blood in five seconds!

Not a second, not a second, just right!

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Jiang Hao, his eyes full of surprise and worship.

It's amazing!


"No How could that be? " Zhang Xuanhe covered his head and yelled.

He didn't want to and couldn't believe the facts.


Housekeeper Wang came back, his face changed, and he rushed to Mr. Peng.

Sniffing, listening to the heartbeat, pinching

After a toss, Mr. Peng is still in a coma. He panicked!

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