
The lean old man pointed to Mr. Peng and said, "carry him into the operating room."


Suddenly, six or seven people in black came over, ready to work together to carry Mr. Peng, together with the whole bed, into the operating room.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"He's not a ghost at all. He's drugged!"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "to be exact, he was given a kind of insidious medicine, which was extracted from the wild wolf."

"After it was injected into him, there was a reaction that made him mutate and become a werewolf."

"Gene medicine?" Han Lulu exclaimed.


Jiang Hao nodded.

"Is it true that someone in this world has successfully developed gene drugs?" Han Lulu was surprised.

Gene is a world-class problem.

Rao is a modern science and technology, so developed, so far has not dug out the mystery of 1% gene.

Once upon a time, some people have guessed that genes are extracted from plants and injected into the human body to improve the weak human body and create "superheroes".

Unfortunately, this conjecture has not yet been realized.

Has someone succeeded, but it hasn't been published?

"It should have worked." Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.

There was a trace of worry in his eyes.

The mysteries of human genes are too complicated and mysterious to be explored and controlled at the present level of science and technology.

If things go wrong, a large number of genetic variants will be created, but they can't be controlled.

In time, it will be a disaster.

Maybe it has little influence on a strong man like him.

But for ordinary people, it's a catastrophe!


Zhang Xuanhe coldly scolded: "boy, you are an ordinary person who has no power to bind a chicken. You don't understand the magic of martial arts and Taoism. Don't show off your ignorance."

"Ignorant fool!"

The skinny old man glanced at Jiang Hao and gave a cold rebuke.

"Boy, shut up The king housekeeper's voice and color are fierce, scold a way.

Mrs. Peng glanced at Han Jiande and said coldly, "Han Jiande, tell your people to shut up. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Han Jiande frowned, looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "Xiaojiang, is Mr. Peng really not a ghost, but a gene drug?"

He didn't believe it!

After all, the skinny old man has repeatedly revealed his true skills and broken his three outlooks, proving that there are ghosts in the world.

Moreover, he caught the ghost and let him see the real face of the ghost.

This man is a strange man with real ability!

I can afford to be a master.

Although Jiang Hao's medical skill is high, it's only for ordinary people, not as good as the master who has magical ability.

So, he believes in the skinny old man!

"That's right."

Jiang Hao nodded and said seriously, "he was really scared by people and became a werewolf."

"Of course, he did have the resentment of the unborn wolf cub, but the resentment was not strong enough to form the so-called beast ghost."

"No more ghosts!"

"He was shallow and didn't see it. He was confused, so he made a wrong judgment."

He pointed to President Peng on the bed and said, "according to his treatment, this man There is no doubt of death

"Shut up

Zhang Xuanhe angrily scolded: "boy, what are you? Dare you say that my martial uncle is shallow?"

"He's a shallow man!"

Jiang Hao said faintly: "as a geomantic omen master, I only learned a half skill. I can't watch geomantic omen, debate good or bad luck, catch ghosts and monsters, and subdue demons."


The skinny old man burst into a rage and gave a loud drink.


Suddenly, an invisible momentum, like surging waves, swept in all directions.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the people in black, who were close to each other, vomited blood and flew out. They flew out more than ten meters, hit the wall and fainted one after another.

Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang, and Han Jiande, who are far away from each other, also feel stuffy in their chest. They are very uncomfortable and have to vomit blood.

Click! Click!

Under the thin old man's feet, the hard marble floor was all cracked and smashed.

The whole ground, too, sank, leaving two pits.


It's terrible!

Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and others were thrilled.

A burst of drinking will shatter the earth.

Is this still human?

The next second, Mrs. Peng was frightened and said, "master, spare your life! Master, spare your life"Master, spare your life!"

"Master, spare your life!"

Wang housekeeper, a group of people in black, also fear.


The skinny old man, with a cold hum, converged his momentum.

Hu ~ ~

suddenly, Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and others took a long breath and almost collapsed. Their backs were soaked in cold sweat and almost collapsed.

Just now, they almost suffocated!

At this moment, they really realized the horror of the skinny old man.

He's really a master. He's a master!

Mrs. Peng stood up slowly, with a sense of survival.

Next second.

She glared at Jiang Hao and roared, "come on, kill him!"

"Yes A crowd of people in black yelled angrily.

In an instant, they came and surrounded Jiang Hao in a murderous way.

"Stop it

Suddenly, the thin old man gave a cold drink.

Mrs. Peng immediately bent down and asked respectfully, "what can I do for you, master?"

The thin old man, with a cold face, said, "save him a small life. Don't kill him for the time being!"

"Since he said that my judgment was wrong and questioned my moral conduct, I will let him see with his own eyes who is right and who is wrong?"

"Take him to the operating room!"


Mrs. Peng nodded.

Then she ordered, "steward Wang, take him over!"

"If he dares to resist, break his legs first!"

"Yes Housekeeper Wang answered.

"Let's go!"

Housekeeper Wang gave a ferocious smile.

Jiang Hao didn't move.

He turned slightly, looked at Han Jiande and asked, "Uncle Han, no matter how Peng always died, would you lose billions?"


Han Jiande nodded.

He was a little confused. Jiang Hao asked why.

"I know."

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "don't worry, uncle Han, I'm here. Anyway, Mr. Peng won't die, and you won't lose billions!"

Then, ignoring the housekeeper Wang beside him, he took the initiative to go to the operating room.

"Jiang Hao, wait for me."

All of a sudden, Han Lulu drinks and follows up.

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Hao looked at her and asked.

"Jiang Hao, no matter you are right or wrong, you are the best in my heart!"

Han Lulu waved a powder fist, pretending to be ferocious: "if they dare to bully me in the operating room, I'll beat them."

"I'll protect you!"

Jiang Hao smiles when he hears the speech.

He was a little moved!

Han Lulu is not afraid of danger, forced to resist the fear of ghosts, with him into the operating room, is to protect him.

After all, she is the daughter of Han Jiande. She thinks that with her, housekeeper Wang and others dare not bully Jiang Hao too much.

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