Private hospital, on the first floor of the basement, in the mortuary.

Han Lulu holds Qiong's nose and looks at Jiang Hao with a wrinkled face. She asks, "Jiang Hao, when can we go out?"

In the mortuary, Mrs. Peng ordered the whole hospital to be sealed off and all the bodies were transported away. The whole room was empty and clean.

But the smell inside is really disgusting.

"Don't worry, we'll be out soon." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Ah ~

suddenly, Han Lulu heard a scream piercing the sky.

"What sound?"

She was startled, a little scared.

"Screams of fear."

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and said with a faint smile, "get ready. Someone will come and ask us to go out soon."

"Ask us to go out?"

Han Lulu tooted and said, "how can it be? You know what you're talking about. "

"I'll see if it's nonsense later." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Han Qiong's face wrinkled.

Han Jiande glanced at Jiang Hao and frowned slightly.

During this period of time, after a short time together, he found that Jiang Hao was very mysterious, as if covered with a layer of fog, he could not see through him at all.

Outside the operating room.

Mrs. Peng looked frightened and yelled, "help me, please

"Here we are, ma'am!"

Suddenly, a group of people in black came.

Ah ~ ah ~

when they saw the werewolf like Mr. Peng, they screamed with fright and collapsed on the spot.

A lot of people turned around and ran away.

"Don't run!"

"Come and help me!" Mrs. Peng yelled

"Who saved me? Three million dollars!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men!

Immediately, seven or eight people in black, a fierce face, teeth a bite, hard scalp rushed over.

"Come on, drag the lady away!" A man in black, yelled.


Suddenly, six men in black rushed to Mr. Peng. To stop him, the other two men in black rushed to Mrs. Peng, grabbed her arm and dragged her away.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

the next second, the screams came one after another.

The six men in black in front of them, one after another, flew upside down and spilled blood in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

By the time they landed, they were out of breath.

They died miserably. They were either cut open by President Peng, or their heads were smashed by President Peng, or their necks were bitten by President Peng

The two men in black, seeing this scene, trembled all over and showed a strong fear on their faces.

"Let's go!"

They looked at each other.

Then, regardless of Mrs. Peng's scolding and screaming, he dragged her and ran away.


Suddenly, a cold light flashed by.

Suddenly, two people in black, fixed in place.

"Run Seeing this, Mrs. Peng couldn't help scolding.

Gulu ~ ~ Gulu ~

suddenly, two heads rolled down from the necks of the two men in black.

Poop! Poop!

Two headless bodies fell down, splashing hot blood on Mrs. Peng's face and body.

Ah ~

Mrs. Peng screamed wildly, rolled her eyes and almost fainted.

Dada ~ ~ dada ~ ~

the footsteps sounded.

Mr. Peng came slowly. His mouth and claws were all dripping blood, which made him look more terrible.

Ah ~

Mrs. Peng was so scared that she cried out: "master, master, don't kill me!"

However, Mr. Peng was indifferent.

Keng ~

all of a sudden, Mr. Peng showed his sharp claws and attacked Mrs. Peng.

"Evil animal!"

All of a sudden, a figure came at a gallop and kicked Mr. Peng out of the air.

It's a skinny old man!


Mrs. Peng wept with joy, excited and venomous, and said, "master, kill him, kill him quickly!"

She doesn't want to save Mr. Peng!

Because Mr. Peng is too dangerous. If she is not careful, she will be killed.

In that case, kill him first!

"You go quickly!" The thin old man cheered coldly.

"Yes, yes."

Mrs. Peng wiped her nose and tears and stood up.

Then, turn around and run away without hesitation.

"Evil animal, today I will take you!" The thin old man cheered coldly.Roar ~

with a roar, general manager Peng waved the wolf's paw and shot.

Shua ~

the thin old man took out a large handful of Rune paper, sprinkled it on the sky, and quickly pinched out several methods.

At the same time, he says a mantra.

"Heaven and earth are limitless, heaven and earth are myriad laws, and they are as urgent as laws and regulations

All of a sudden, all Fu paper, out of thin air burning up, into a fireball.


The lean old man pointed his hand.

All of a sudden, all the fireballs, connected into a line, roared to Mr. Peng.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mr. Peng waved the wolf's claws like a watermelon. He smashed all the fireballs.


The skinny old man's face changed greatly when he saw this scene.


The next second, he was also patted away, spitting blood, chest, was scratched out a few deep visible bone blood.

"Martial uncle!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xuanhe yelled: "don't fight, martial uncle. You can't beat him. Run away!"

"Don't run away!"

The skinny old man yelled, "the talisman your master gave you is very powerful. Together, we can get rid of this evil animal!"

Zhang Xuanhe was stunned when he heard the speech.

It seems that his heart is beating.

A moment later, he shook his head and refused.

"Take care, martial uncle!"

He dropped a word and ran away.

He didn't want to go all out!

He's afraid of death!

The total werewolf Peng, too terrible, even if he has a life-saving charm, the heart is not the bottom, in case with him to fight but lose, it will die.

In that case, it's better to run away early.

As for martial uncle, I don't care.

At the end of a disaster, even husband and wife, they all run for their own lives, regardless of each other, let alone just a martial uncle.

As long as he doesn't die!

Other people, die, have a relationship with him.


The thin old man was so angry that he almost vomited blood.


The next second, he really vomited blood.

Because, Peng always killed.

"Evil animal!"

The thin old man clapped his hands on the floor and stood up. In his eyes, he was killed.

"I'll take you next time!"

Suddenly, he turned and ran.

He's scared, too!

However, Mr. Peng seems to have decided that he had to be killed.

There is no way, he can only escape, while fighting hard.

Boom! Boom!

It's like the sound of thunder.

Zhang Xuanhe turned his head and saw that he was scared to death. He yelled: "martial uncle, don't follow us!"

"Lead Mr. Peng to another place quickly!"

Housekeeper Wang was angry, angry and afraid. He yelled: "master, please lead my master away. I will thank you very much after the event!"

Mrs. Peng, like a crazy woman, burst out and scolded, "you old man, get out of here!"

However, the skinny old people turn a deaf ear and follow them all the time.

Because of the overall speed of him and Peng, it's very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, they will catch up with Zhang Xuanhe, Mrs. Peng and housekeeper Wang.

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