"Open the door, open the door Housekeeper Wang and Mrs. Peng yelled one after another.

Their voices were filled with anxiety and despair.


Suddenly, the three of them vomited blood and flew out.

Because, a shadow, flying from, will they all hit fly.

It's a skinny old man!

At the moment, he should not be too miserable.

His body was in tatters, blood was everywhere, injuries were everywhere, and his breath was very dispirited. The injuries were too heavy.

Roar ~

with a roar, Mr. Peng came over.

Every time he fell, he would crush a hard marble floor.

Ah ~

Mrs. Peng screamed in horror, "I don't want to die!"

Zhang Xuanhe was paralyzed.

All of a sudden, he glanced at the skinny old man, and a vicious light came out of his eyes.

He looked at the king's housekeeper and said, "throw him over and resist Mr. Peng!"


Housekeeper Wang immediately nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Immediately, the two of them, forced to resist the injury and fear, stood up, one hand and one foot, lifted the thin old man up.

Then, just like throwing sandbags, he threw the skinny old man to Mr. Peng.

Ah ~

the skinny old man yelled in the air: "you have to die, beast!"

Zhang Xuanhe looked cold and said cruelly, "uncle, you are the elder. It's reasonable to take care of and protect the younger generation."

"Besides, if you are old, you will die in a few years. Now you may die a few years earlier."

"But I'm different. I'm young!"


The skinny old man is really going to vomit blood.

Shua ~

all of a sudden, he threw out a piece of Rune paper, quickly recited the mantra, pinched out a few formulas, and hit it.

All of a sudden, Fu paper turned into a rope and tied Mr. Peng firmly.

The lean old man turned over and kicked his feet on his chest, kicking him away.

At the same time, with the help of this force, get out.

"Beast, I'm going to clean up the door today!"

He burst to drink a, in the eye murderous machine chilly, rush and come.

"Teacher Martial uncle... "

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanhe was almost scared to pee. He quickly accepted his mistake and said, "martial uncle, I'm wrong. Please forgive me..."

Ah ~

suddenly, the skinny old man yelled.

It turned out that the werewolf general manager Peng had already broken the rope and ejected. He grabbed his ankle and threw him out.


Skinny old man, hit on the floor, spit out a mouthful of blood.


Mr. Peng growled and went after him.

No way, the skinny old man can only temporarily give up cleaning up the door and concentrate on fighting.

Suddenly, Zhang Xuanhe was relieved.

The next second, he picked up the fire extinguisher in the corner and yelled, "hurry up, time is urgent. Let's break the door and rush in."


Housekeeper Wang also picked up a fire extinguisher.

Bang Dang! Bang Dang!

They bared their teeth and smashed the door.


All of a sudden, a figure, flying over, hit them and spit blood.

Then, hit the door.


All of a sudden, the door which was about to be broken by them was suddenly knocked open. Four people vomited blood and flew into the mortuary.


Then, the animal roared.

Mr. Peng, a werewolf, also came in.

Ah ~

Han Lulu was shocked when she saw this scene.

Roar ~

with a roar, general manager Peng pounced on the four people who fell together.

All of a sudden, Zhang Xuanhe changed his face.

"Help me, help me!" Zhang Xuanhe looks at Jiang Hao and asks for help.

Housekeeper Wang looked frightened and yelled, "master, don't kill me!"

Mrs. Peng glared at Han Jiande and ordered, "Han Jiande, help me!"

However, Jiang Hao and his three men, who could not move at all, sat not far away and watched the play quietly.


Mr. Peng's wolf claws are extremely sharp. They seem to cut off the air and make a slight explosive sound.


Suddenly, Han Lulu yelled.

She's so kind!

Although Mrs. Peng's three people were too strict with her, she still couldn't bear to see them die miserably.

When Jiang Hao saw this, he burst out to drink.

"Go away!"

With a flick of his sleeve, he gushed out with great energy.Poof!

All of a sudden, the werewolf flew out of the wall and vomited blood.


The skinny old man was shocked to see this scene.

Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and Zhang Xuanhe were also stunned.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Jiang Hao, a beautiful and young man, was so terrible that he threw away his sleeve and blew president Peng away and vomited blood.

You know, the skinny old man, with all his strength and all kinds of means, hardly hurt Mr. Peng.

They were shocked and confused!

Immediately, they laughed again.

The stronger Jiang Hao is, the better for them.

Because, the total werewolf Peng, finally someone can subdue.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Peng could not help ordering: "Jiang Hao, hurry up Take my master quickly

"If you can't surrender, kill him!"


Jiang Hao glanced at her and spat out two words coldly.

"What did you say?"

Suddenly, Mrs. Peng was furious.

She scolded: "little bastard, how dare you scold me?"

"I'm the wife of Peng family, the first Chinese family. Dare you scold me? Are you tired of living?"

"What a prestige

Jiang Hao shook his head, sneered, and said, "stupid!"

What an idiot this old woman is!

Do you really think you are the queen of the world?

Every word and deed is the imperial edict, and no one can disobey it.


The king's housekeeper said angrily, "son, abuse your wife, you deserve to die!"

"Now give you a chance to atone, come and save us!"

His tone was also full of orders.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

These people can't be saved. They have a strong sense of superiority. If they are strong enough to ask for help, they will die. They are all in the tone of command.

"At this time, is it still a high posture?"


Jiang Hao said with a sneer, "I'll see when you can be superior."


Suddenly, he pointed a little, a ray of light, shot out.

Shua ~

suddenly, the light turned into a light curtain, enveloping them and trapping them together.

Then he pointed again.

Roar ~

General Manager Peng, who is in a coma, wakes up immediately.

"Give it to me!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, the werewolf general Peng, as if he had controlled him, sprang to bite housekeeper Wang and others.

Ah ~

housekeeper Wang and others screamed with fright, and a pool of smelly yellow liquid slowly flowed out of their crotch.

They're scared to pee!


With the shock of the light curtain, the total Peng of the werewolf was thrown away.


Housekeeper Wang and others were stunned.

Immediately, they all looked very happy.

"Don't be happy too soon!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"This light curtain can only last for three minutes," he said with a faint smile

"Three minutes later, as soon as the curtain of light breaks, you will be killed by him."

"Well, it doesn't have to be bitten to death." "Maybe it'll be torn in half, or maybe it'll blow his head out..."

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