"Grandfather, grandfather."

Suddenly, LV Chan ran over.

"What did elder Jiang Hao tell you?" She asked.

Xie Kun, who followed him immediately, pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

He is also curious about this question.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

LU Hong gave a cold rebuke, looked at them, and said, "you two, you two, stop being rude to elder Jiang Hao next time. Don't blame me for being rude!"

After that, he swung his sleeve and turned away.

"Cheapskate, if you don't say it, just a little ~ ~"

LV Chan sticks out her tongue and makes a face at his back.

Then, she looked at Xie Kun and said in a low voice, "elder martial brother Xie, don't be angry. My grandfather is also for our good."


Xie Kun hummed coldly: "I think the master is definitely aiming at me!"

"That boy is so young. Although he is a bronze medal elder, his strength is certainly not as good as me. Shifu stopped me from challenging him because he was afraid that I would defeat him and make him angry."

"However, I will not give up. I must find a way to enrage him and let him fight with me!"

"At that time, I will certainly step on him and show my master that I am a genius. He has always underestimated me!" He cheered with pride.

In a flash, he left the training room.

"Elder martial brother Xie, elder martial brother Xie." Lu Chan cried anxiously.

However, Xie Kun turned a deaf ear and left.


Lu Chan stamped her feet angrily and said angrily, "grandfather is too much. He has been so strict with elder martial brother Xie all the time."

"And Jiang Hao, because of him!"

"I'm a little boy. I don't have much ability and temper. I really hope elder martial brother Xie can give him a good beating!"

She murmured a few words.

Then, chase Xie Kun.

On the other hand, LU Hong gave an order, and all the branch owners of wudaomeng went out to investigate Jiang Zhengfeng's details.

At the same time, he also activated the mysterious power.

For a moment, the people of wudaomeng who lurk in all walks of life do not hesitate to expose their identities, but also have to dig out every secret of Jiang Zhengfeng.

This time, it's serious!

Jiang Zhengfeng villa, in a secret room.

"Welcome the messenger Jiang knelt solemnly and solemnly on the floor.

Shua ~

a breeze swept by.

A figure appeared in front of him.

This man was dressed in a black robe. He was hidden in the black robe. He also wore a black ghost mask on his face. At first glance, it was scary.

"Get up!" The messenger sat on the chair and said in a cold voice.

His voice was low, full of power and oppression.


Jiang Zhengfeng quickly stood up.

However, instead of sitting down, he bent slightly and stood with his hands down.

"What about the plan?" Asked the messenger.

Jiang Zhengfeng quickly replied: "report to the messenger, the plan goes smoothly."

"A few days ago, I successfully applied medicine to Peng Yi. He fell ill that day. A dozen experts tried their best to rescue him, but they were helpless."

"At this moment, he should be a beast. He's killing people everywhere." He said with a faint smile.


The messenger gave a roar and slapped the armrest.


All of a sudden, Jiang Zhengfeng was so scared that he immediately knelt down on the ground and said in fear: "Messenger, calm down! Let the messenger calm down


The emissary angrily scolded: "do you know that I just got the news that Peng Yi is all right and eating and drinking in the hotel?"


Jiang Zhengfeng was shocked by the speech.

He shook his head and said, "no way! Absolutely impossible

"Peng Yizhong's gene medicine, which has been developed recently, is approaching perfection. Those waste experts can't save him!"

"Shut up

The emissary cheered coldly: "fool, I warned you that no matter what you do, you must be careful. You are so special that you are totally deaf."

"Peng Yi was saved by a kid named Jiang Hao, but you don't know anything."

"Do you know how serious your mistake is?"

"Peng Yi really Is it all right? " Jiang Zhengfeng asked.

He still doesn't believe it!


Suddenly, the messenger started. With a wave of his hand, he flew Jiang Zhengfeng and vomited blood.


He swayed, swept past, stepped on Jiang Zhengfeng's chest, looked down at Jiang Zhengfeng, and said harshly, "do you suspect that I lied to you?"

"No! Dare not

Jiang Zhengfeng quickly begged for mercy and said, "Messenger, I'm wrong. Please forgive me once!"Hum!

The emissary snorted coldly and said, "next time, I will kill you!"

"Don't worry, there will never be another time!" Jiang Zhengfeng is busy.

Whoosh ~

the messenger's body swayed and sat on the chair.

Looking coldly at Jiang Zhengfeng, he ordered: "it's time to turn in the resources, two billion yuan, and all the research achievements in recent years."


Jiang Zhengfeng was surprised at the speech.

He frowned and said, "emissary, didn't we make an agreement to hand it in once a half year?"

"Three months ago, I handed in two billion yuan. Why do I have to pay again now?"

"Cut the crap!"

The emissary said coldly, "this is what is required above. Please hand in all the money and research results as soon as possible."


Jiang Zhengfeng said: "emissary, three months ago, I turned in two billion yuan. Now I have to turn in two billion yuan. How can I have so much money?"

"Shut up

The emissary scolded: "don't think I don't know, you have already secretly registered several companies abroad, and secretly sent someone to help you manage them."

"These companies can make tens of billions a year, you will not have no money!"


Jiang Zhengfeng was shocked when he heard the speech.

This matter, he did very secretive, even his most trusted subordinates, do not know, envoys actually know.

Oh, my God!

Behind the envoys, what forces are so powerful?

Jiang Zhengfeng's back was cold, shocked and scared.

"If you can't hand in the money and research results in ten minutes, you will die!" The messenger snapped.

All of a sudden, Jiang Zhengfeng trembled.

He said hastily, "yes, emissary, I'll hand in the money and research results now!"

Then, he immediately ran out of the secret room to prepare money and research results.

In seven minutes.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

JIANG Zhengfeng rushed in breathlessly.

He handed out a bank card and a U-disk, respectfully said: "Messenger, money and research results are here."

The messenger took it.

He did not check the amount and did not inquire about the information.

He's relieved!

Because, he expected, Jiang Zhengfeng would never dare to deceive him, unless he did not want to live.

"Next time, we must be careful. If something goes wrong, we will ask you!" Suddenly, the messenger warned.

"Yes, yes."

Jiang Zhengfeng nodded again and again, "I will obey the instructions of the emissary!"

Messenger eyes sharp, with a strong sense of oppression, staring at him, sternly: "remember, you give me good point!"

"The organization picked you not because you were excellent, but because you were obedient."

"If one day, you don't obey..." "The organization will destroy you!"

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