"Well, Mr. Lu, I have a heart." Jiang Hao nodded and said,

"are you a genius valued by several law enforcement elders?" All of a sudden, a man glanced at Jiang Hao, with a loose and frivolous tone.

His name is Pan Yang!

"Don't be rude!"

LU Hong scolded: "you four, don't you meet elder Jiang Hao soon?"

"Master, I..."

Luo Rui is not angry and wants to refute.

"Shut up

"I'll see elder Jiang Hao at once," Lu hongleng said


Pan Yang, Luo Rui, Ge Qingyun and Yuan Yuan, with a reluctant look on their face, turned their heads and did not look at Jiang Hao. They arched their hands and said very perfunctorily, "see elder Jiang Hao."

Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum!

Then, the four of them all gave out an unpleasant cold hum.


suddenly, Luo Rui said in a bad tone: "I heard that younger martial brother Xie Kun challenged you repeatedly, but you refused because you were afraid? Is that true? "

"Well, how about you fight with me?"

"I am the weakest of all the disciples of Shifu. Compared with younger martial brother Xie Kun, I am far inferior."

"Since you are afraid of him, fight me!"

"Shut up

LU Hong scolded: "how dare you disrespect elder Jiang Hao?"

"Apologize to elder Jiang Hao quickly!"


Luo Rui retorts: "your viewpoint, too old-fashioned, too stubborn!"

"We are all warriors. What we worship and respect is strength and strength, not the identity we get by any illusory talent."

"Want us to respect him?"

"Yes, as long as he beats us!"

"That's right!"

Ge Qingyun nodded and said, "brother Luo Rui is right!"

"People of martial arts and Taoism advocate strength!"

"As you said, this mission is very dangerous. If he can't even beat us, what qualifications do he have to lead us?"

"The two younger martial brothers are right!" Pan Yang echoed.

Hey, hey

Yuan Hanyuan said with a smile, "I like fighting. I want to touch the back of his head."


Lu Hongqi's chest aches.

All of a sudden, he felt that it was a wrong decision to choose these four people to carry out the task with Jiang Hao.

However, in addition to the four of them, the rest of the huge branch of wudaomeng are three-star and two-star masters.

Even most people have only reached the level of explicit and implicit strength.

These people are too weak. Only four of them are qualified.

He can only choose them!

"Come on!"

Luo Rui looks at Jiang Hao and says, "fight me!"

"If you win this mission, I will listen to you. If you lose..."

"I'm sorry, you don't have to go for this mission. Just give it to four of our brothers."

"If you have to go, you can, no, you have to listen to us!"

"How's it going? Do you want to fight? " He sneered.

Jiang Hao looked at him coldly.

After a long time, he said indifferently, "for the sake of being a disciple of old Lu, I will spare you this time!"

"Next time, never forgive me!"

He walked slowly out of the chamber of secrets.

Suddenly, he stopped and said in a cold voice, "old LV, teach your disciples what rules are!"

"At seven o'clock in the evening, I'll take action."

"At that time, if they didn't understand the rules, they didn't have to carry out the task with me. I didn't need such a burden!"

Shua ~

suddenly, the light flashed and Jiang Hao disappeared.

LU Hong bowed slightly towards the direction of Jiang Hao's disappearance and said, "I will obey elder Jiang Hao's order!"


Luo Rui was not happy, scolded: "this boy is too arrogant!"

"Shut up

LU Hong looked at them coldly and said angrily, "you four, swear to me immediately that you will respect elder Jiang Hao and never treat him unreasonably again."

"Otherwise, get out of here. You don't have to take part in this mission!"


Ge Qingyun was surprised and said, "master, have you made a mistake?"

"Why should we respect a suckling child?"

"That's right."

"If he accepts our challenge and defeats us, we will respect him," said pan

"It's a pity that he is too counsellor to fight!"

"That's it."

Luo Rui echoed: "such a counsellor is not worthy of our respect!""Master, Yuanyuan is not happy."

Yuan yuan, a tall and burly man, grasped LU Hong's arm and shook it. He said: "that man just now didn't fight with yuan yuan."

"Yuanyuan is not happy. Yuanyuan will kill him!"

"Shut up LU Hong scolded.

Yuan Yuan is a vagrant he picked up 40 years ago.

He was not intelligent since he was a child. He has always been silly, but he has a terrible power.

Today, although he is only a five-star master, he can't compete with him in terms of strength alone, even a six-star master.

Wu Wu ~ ~ Wu Wu ~ ~

"master, you scold Yuanyuan, but Yuanyuan is not happy." All of a sudden, Yuan Yuan sat on the ground, splashing and crying.

"Yuanyuan doesn't cry, Yuanyuan doesn't cry."

Pan Yang saw this and immediately went up to coax him.

Then, looking at LV Hong, he said, "master, why do you want to scold Yuanyuan?"

"Master, you haven't scolded Yuanyuan for many years. Now, you scold Yuanyuan for that egg..." Luo Rui is also unhappy.

"Shut up

LU Hong gave a roar.

His old face was covered with frost, his eyes were fierce and cold, and his whole body was cold.

Suddenly, Pan Yang and others trembled and all shut up.

LU Hong glanced at the four and said in a fierce voice: "who dares to be disrespectful to elder Jiang Hao and cancel his qualification to participate in the mission? At the same time, he will be closed for half a year."

"Within three years, all cultivation resources will be deprived!"

"Master, you..."

Pan Yang trembled and wanted to refute.

LU Hong glared at him and said, "this is an order!"

"Who dares to disobey, get rid of the school!"

Ge Qingyun's four people trembled one after another when they heard the speech.

It seems that it's true!

They don't care if they are closed for half a year.

However, they are very sad and reluctant to be disqualified from the task.

Because it is said that this mission was issued by the elder of law enforcement. The high-level officials of the Wudao league are very concerned about it, and the rewards are also very rich.

Those who perform well may even be promoted to elder.

They are very excited!

The most unacceptable thing is to deprive all the cultivation resources within three years.

Without cultivation resources, their cultivation will stagnate.

If you don't advance, you will retreat!

One step behind, one step behind.

In the end, it will be far away.

Therefore, Pan Yang, Luo Rui, Ge Qingyun and Yuan Yuan are all soft hearted.

Pan Yang bowed his head and said, "yes, master, I will obey your order."

"Master, I'm wrong. I promise I won't disrespect elder Jiang Hao any more." Luo Rui admits his mistake.

Ge Qingyun also said: "master, I'm wrong." "Master, don't be angry. Yuanyuan assures you that he won't be killed." Yuan Yuanhan said.

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