"Thank you! Thank you

Everyone thanks one after another.

Then, with all his strength and without looking back, he ran out of the passageway.

Some numb and desperate people also ran out with numbness.

Jiang Hao glanced around and searched, but found no secret organs or secret roads.

"It seems that this passage is not the headquarters of Jiang Zhengfeng." He murmured.


So he swayed and ran out of the passage.

Since the middle passage is not the core of Jiang Zhengfeng's old nest, one of the other three passages must be the core of his old nest.

A moment later.

He appeared in front of the four aisles.

Jiang Hao hesitated.

Then, he chose a passage and went in.

This passage was chosen by Xie Kun and LV Chan.

Deep in the passage.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the explosion is constant, and the violent waves are raging, just like an angry dragon in the river and sea.

Xie Kun and LV Chan are fighting!

"Thank you Elder martial brother Xie, what should I do? " Lu Chan a face nervous, the body slightly trembles, some fear, vibrato way.

"Don't be afraid."

Xie kunhao said, "I'm here. Don't be afraid."

"Just a few monsters. Watch me kill them!"


Suddenly, he drew out a sword.

This sword, about four feet long, is full of red light, just like a burning flame. On the body of the sword, there are many lines, which outline the appearance of an animal.

Vaguely, like a unicorn.

This is Huolin sword!

This sword is a magic weapon of high quality. It used to be LU Hong's sword. He has been with him for decades.

Last year, he gave the sword to Xie Kun.

Shua ~

as soon as the edge of the sword swings, wisps of flames come out.

Xie Kun holds Huolin sword, and his whole body is full of danger.


He gave a loud drink and cut it out with a sword.

Suddenly, Huolin sword spat out a tongue of fire and rushed to several monsters.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, for a moment, the shrill screams were heard all the time.

A moment later.

Scream disappeared, several monsters also disappeared, on the ground, leaving only a few piles of ashes.

They were burned to ashes!

"Wow, elder martial brother Xie, you are so powerful!" Suddenly, LV Chan's eyes were full of little stars, worshiping the way.

Xie Kun stood with a negative hand, chin slightly raised, looked up at the sky at a 45 degree angle, and put on a posture that he thought was the most handsome. He pretended to be modest and said, "it's nothing."

"Although I am powerful, the Huolin sword given by my master is also powerful!"

Lu Chan Jiao said with a smile: "elder martial brother Xie, you are too modest. Among the elder martial brothers, you have the strongest strength and the highest talent."

"That's why my grandfather passed the Huolin sword to you."

When Xie Kun heard the speech, he couldn't hide his smile.

"Elder martial brother pan and elder martial brother Luo have good strength, not too weak." Xie Kun said haughtily.

LV Chan adored: "but they are not as good as you!"

Xie Kun's mouth slightly tilted, and he enjoyed the praise and worship.

"All right, all right."

A moment later, he said confidently: "we are lucky. This passage should be the real nest of Jiang Zhengfeng."

"Let's go now!"

"Before anyone else comes, go straight to Jiang Zhengfeng's nest and kill him."

"In this case, the credit will be ours!"

"Thank you Elder martial brother Xie... "

Lu Chan is very afraid, weak way: "Jiang Zhengfeng's nest, must be very dangerous, with the two of us, can kill him?"

"Of course

Xie Kun's chest was full of pride and conceit, and said: "although I am a five-star master, I am not inferior to the six-star master in terms of strength."

"Besides, there is Huolin sword in hand. Even if you are the six star master, don't be afraid."

"Elder martial brother Xie."

LV Chan is still a little afraid and hesitant.

"Or I'll Let's wait until Jiang Hao comes. He is the leader of this mission. "


Xie Kun snorted coldly, and his face became gloomy.

"Don't wait for him!"

Xie Kun disdains a way: "bullshit bronze medal elder, he is a rubbish, battle five dregs of rubbish!"

"When he comes, it will only drag us down!"


LV Chan is still afraid.

After all, this was her first mission, and her first experience of danger. She witnessed the fighting and blood with her own eyes, and she was always uneasy and afraid."It's nothing but!"

Xie Kun was impatient and said coldly, "in a word, are you willing to kill with me, or are you willing to wait for the waste here alone?"


LV Chan hesitated.


Xie Kun hums coldly: "you wait for that rubbish here. I can kill Jiang Zhengfeng by myself."

"I'll take all the credit then!"

Having said that, he stepped forward and was ready to move forward.

"Elder martial brother Xie, wait for me."

Suddenly, LV Chan bit her teeth, pressed down her fear and strode to catch up.

"That's right."

Seeing this, Xie Kun smiles.

Lu Chan ran to him, hugged his arm and said timidly, "thank you Elder martial brother Xie, I I'm afraid of you You must protect me. "

"Don't worry."

Xie Kun said with a smile: "I will protect you."

"With me, you'll be fine!"

"Yes, yes."

LV Chan nodded happily.

They went straight to the depth of the passage.

In the deepest part of the passage, underground research institute, in an office.

Jiang Zhengfeng leans on the soft chair, shakes his glass, sips the delicious red wine, and looks at the moving people in the monitoring, with a curved mouth.

"Pan Yang, Xie Kun?"

He murmured: "it seems that wudaomeng has found out my details and wants to get rid of me."


Suddenly, a man in black, with a trace of blood in his eyes, bent down and said, "master, do you need me to kill them?"

"No, no, No

Jiang Zhengfeng shook his head and said, "it's boring to kill one by one."

"Just let them in and kill them together."

"Yes." The man in black nodded.

Jiang Zhengfeng shook his finger and ordered: "this underground research institute has been exposed. It can't stay for a long time. We must move our position."

"You immediately order to put away all the genetic drugs developed and the research data."

"Take whatever you can."

"If you can't take it away, destroy it immediately!"


The man in black answered and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Hey, hey

Jiang Zhengfeng stares at the monitor, grins and says: "I'm leaving Jianghai city soon. Before I leave, I have to do something sensational."

"It should be a sensation to kill you all!"

He thought of Jiang Hao, Xie Kun and others!

No one left!

He is crazy and bold. It seems that he is not afraid of wudaomeng at all. I don't know if he is too crazy to be afraid of anything, or if he has the strength and the power behind him and doesn't need to be afraid of Wudao League?

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