Hey, hey

Jiang Zhengfeng said with a grim smile, "have you found out?"

"Son, I tell you, in my body, there are three genes fused. In addition to the genes of the adabella tortoise and the ant, there are also the genes of the planarian."

"Planarians, known as the world's most self-healing animals, cut off the head, cut off the tail, and even smashed to pieces, cut into 280 sections, are immortal."

"Each segment can grow into a complete whole."

"Even earthworms, leeches, salamanders and geckos can't heal as well as planarians."

Jiang Zhengfeng raised the corner of his mouth and said with pride: "I have integrated the gene of planarian. Although I can't die by breaking my body to pieces, as long as I don't get my head cut off, I will not die!"

"Besides, I have the defense of the adabella tortoise gene. Can you kill me?"

He's very smart!

Combining the genes of the adabella tortoise and the planarian, he is confident.


Lu Chan was shocked when she heard the speech.

She panicked!

"What is to be done?" She said blankly.

The adabella tortoise and planarian genes, one for defense and one for survival.

In this case, if you can't hurt him or kill him, how can you get rid of Jiang Zhengfeng?

Hey, hey

Jiang Zhengfeng grinned and gave a proud laugh.

Seeing this, Luo Rui quickly boasted: "brother Jiang is powerful! Brother Jiang is powerful


Jiang Zhengfeng inhaled a soft chair in the distance.

Then, he sucked in a bottle of red wine and a tall goblet.

He poured a glass of wine, sat on the soft chair, cocked his legs, shook the wine glass, tasted a small mouthful, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Immediately, he slowly raised his head, squinting at Jiang Hao, lazy and joking way: "son, you are not to kill me?"

"Come on, I'll sit here and let you kill me."

How arrogant!

How arrogant!

Sit still and let Jiang Hao kill you.


This is chiguoguo's contempt!


Lu Chan was very angry and scolded angrily.

That's disgusting.

This is clearly a look down on Jiang Hao.

No, I don't look down on him, but I don't pay attention to him at all.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Seeing this, Luo Rui immediately clapped his hands and said, "brother Jiang is powerful! Brother Jiang, I'm a bull

I have to say that he has a lot of talent as a dog.

Dogleg's job, he's doing a great job!

"Low key! Low key Jiang Zhengfeng said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Jiang Hao and said defiantly, "little boy, what are you hesitating about? Come and kill me!"

"Are you afraid?"

Hissing ~

he hissed and said, "well, I'll just sit here, not move, and never fight back, let you fight, let you kill, OK?"

He is more and more arrogant.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao glanced at him and said with a sneer, "do you know what a method of death is besides suicide and being killed?"

Jiang Zhengfeng was stunned for a moment.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"To death!"

Jiang Hao said with a light smile, "have you ever heard this sentence?"

"Not to die?"

Ha ha ha

Jiang Zhengfeng laughs: "interesting, this sentence, very interesting, also very reasonable!"

Suddenly, he stopped laughing and said with a proud face, "I just did it. What can you do to me?"

"Can you kill me?"

Jiang Hao said indifferently, "do you think I can't kill you?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Zhengfeng Chin Yang, impatient way: "son, don't waste time, come to kill me!"

"I'll give you a chance. In three minutes, I'll sit here and do whatever you want."

"In three minutes, if I'm not dead, next time we meet, you'll be dead!"

He hooked his finger and said defiantly, "so come and kill me now!"

Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao said with a sneer: "it's really a thing that doesn't know how to live or die."

"If you want to die, I'll help you!"

Suddenly, he raised two fingers and gave a sharp blow.

All of a sudden, a sword Qi spurted out.

Stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing.

"So strong!" Lu Chan shocked.

A trace of hope rose from the bottom of her heart.This sword spirit, the destructive power is so terrible, should be able to kill Jiang Zhengfeng?

Hey, hey

Luo Rui sneered: "it's useless."

"Although the sword Qi is powerful, it can't kill brother Jiang. Don't waste your energy!"


The next second, a string of blood, splashing out.

On Jiang Zhengfeng's chest, there is a bloodstain.

The bloodstain is a little shallow. It seems that it only cuts the skin and exudes a small amount of blood.

Jiang Zhengfeng stretched out his hand and touched it. With a faint smile, he said: "it's very powerful sword Qi. It broke my defense."

"Can't you kill him?"

LV Chan is desperate.

"Such a terrible sword Qi can only break through his defense and cut out a very shallow bloodstain. Can't he really kill him?" She murmured.

Hey, hey

Luo Rui said with a smile: "I said, he can't kill brother Jiang!"

Jiang Zhengfeng sticks out his tongue and licks the blood on his hand.

Pooh! Pooh!

He vomited, shook his head and said, "the blood is too fishy to drink. It's better to drink red wine."

After that, he raised his glass for a drink.


There are many cracks on the bottom of the wine cup, which is not a high crack.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, Jiang Zhengfeng's whole body is gushing blood. It looks like a fountain.

A slanting blood line appeared on the back of his hand!

His arm, appeared a slanting blood line!

A slanting blood line appeared on his chest, his forehead and his face.

The red blood splashed out from the blood line.


Jiang Zhengfeng opened his mouth as if to say something.

The next second, he split.

The whole head, the whole chest, the whole arm and the whole body were split obliquely, and the upper part of the body slipped down and fell to the ground.

Lower body, still sitting on the soft chair.

Gulu ~ Gulu ~

blood and internal organs gushed out and flowed all over the ground.

Ah ~

when Luo Rui saw this scene, he screamed, and he was stunned.

"Why? Why? " He cried.

Lu Chan is also stunned, a blank face, into a deep shock.

Why did Jiang Zhengfeng die?

Lori doesn't understand.

Lu Chan did not understand.

But Jiang Hao understood.

Because Jiang Zhengfeng was split by his sword. He can't die any more. Even if he has the gene of planarian in his body, he can't survive because of his strong self-healing ability.

Jiang Hao slowly put down his fingers, looked at Jiang Zhengfeng's body and said indifferently, "now, do you believe it?"

However, he was not answered.

Because Jiang Zhengfeng is dead. Dead, speechless!

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