"Grandfather, you were cheated, not elder Jiang Hao..." Lu Chan smell speech, immediately anxious, quickly stopped LU Hong, explained.

"Xiao Chan, get out of the way!"

LU Hong is furious. He doesn't listen to the explanation at all. He pushes LV Chan away, waves his broken sword and cuts Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao child, let's die!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold and his eyes were cold.

"To die!"

He uttered two words coldly.

Immediately, he raised two fingers, a sword, cut out.


The sword Qi bombarded the broken sword and instantly lifted LV Hong away.

Poof! Poof!

As Lu Hong was flying backwards, he vomited blood. His momentum, which had just risen sharply, suddenly withered.


Lu Chan face a tight, rushed to the past, helped up Lu Hong.

"Are you all right, grandfather?" She asked anxiously.

"I I didn't Cough... "

LU Hong coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, pushed LV Chan away, and said: "Xiao Chan, you go quickly. Jiang Hao is too powerful. Grandfather is useless. He can't take revenge for you."

"But don't worry, even if my grandfather has fought for his life, he will hold him back and let you escape!"

"Grandfather, you are mistaken!"

Lu Chan explained: "you have been cheated."

"Elder Jiang Hao didn't hurt me. It was Xie Kun who hurt me."

"He took advantage of me, patted me to Jiang Zhengfeng, blocked Jiang Zhengfeng with my body, delayed time, and he took the opportunity to escape."

"Elder Jiang Hao saved me."

"Without elder Jiang Hao, I would have died long ago."


When LU Hong heard the speech, his pupils shrank and his body was shocked.

"Little Did Xiao Kun cheat me? " He said in a daze.

"Yes, he lied to you!"

Lu Chan clenched her teeth, looked hateful and murderous, and said harshly, "beast, I'm really blind. I didn't see that in his bones before, he was a mean and shameless man."

"He not only harmed me, but also cheated you. He wanted to use you to deal with elder Jiang Hao and make you two fight each other. He took advantage of you."

"It's really cheap for such a beast to cut him with one sword!"

Ah ~

LU Hong roared up to the sky.

"Old fool, I am so old fool!" He cried.


All of a sudden, he was angry, spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, LV Chan quickly picked him up.

"Are you all right, grandfather?"

"Help Help me up. " LU Hong is powerless.

He burned Shouyuan just now. Although it only burned for a while, it stopped early, but the damage to his body is still very great.

What's more, Jiang Hao hurt him just now, and his anger made him weak.

LU Hong stood up difficultly and walked tottering to Jiang Hao.

Then, poop, kneel in front of him.

LU Hong put his forehead on the ground and confessed: "elder Jiang Hao, I'm a fool. I've listened to the slander of the traitors and offended you. I deserve to die. Please punish me!"

"Grandpa, get up."

Seeing this scene, LV Chan ran to help LV Hong.

"Xiaochan, leave me alone."

LU Hong pushed LV Chan away and pleaded guilty: "I'm guilty. Please punish elder Jiang Hao!"

Lu Chan looked at Jiang Hao and said, "Jiang Elder Jiang Hao, my grandfather is injured. He is old again. You... "

"Can you spare him?"

"Xiao Chan, shut up

LU Hong said coldly, "as a member of the Wu Dao alliance, you should not plead with me if you make a mistake, especially if you injure the alliance."

"Grandfather, you..."

Lu Chan looks anxious.

"Get out of the way!" Lu hongleng said.

Coughing ~

suddenly, his injury broke out, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, leaning on the ground.

"Grandfather, grandfather..."

LV Chan's face changed and she helped him up.

She looked at Jiang Hao and pleaded: "elder Jiang Hao, my grandfather is seriously injured. Can you spare him?"

"If you insist on punishing him, punish me."

"I'm willing to take the place of my grandfather and accept the punishment!"

LU Hong is in a hurry.

"Xiaochan, shut up, i..."

"All right!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

He frowned and said in a cold voice, "that's the end of it."

"LU Hong, I don't think you have been cheated, and I'm eager to save my granddaughter, so I won't hold you responsible.""But not again."

"Yes, yes."

LU Hong quickly nodded and said, "thank you for not killing elder Jiang Hao! Thank you for not killing elder Jiang Hao! "

Lu Chan's eyes were full of strange feelings. She glanced at Jiang Hao and whispered: "thank you Thank you

"No need."

Jiang Hao coldly spits out two words and walks away.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Turning around and looking at LV Hong, he said indifferently, "Lv Hong, you have made a lot of contributions to the alliance of martial arts and Taoism. You can be regarded as a meritorious person. I don't want you to live in danger."

"Yes, yes."

LU Hong nodded.


Jiang Hao stopped for a moment and said, "you don't have good eyesight. You can't judge people accurately. It's not suitable for educating disciples. Don't accept any more disciples in the future."

LU Hong immediately bent down and bowed, and said, "I will obey elder Jiang Hao's instruction!"


Jiang Hao nodded slightly.


The next second, he turned into a streamer, instantly, disappeared in the sky.

Cough ~ ~

LU Hong coughed a few times, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Are you all right, grandfather?" Lu Chan quickly patted his back and asked.

"No It's OK. "

LU Hong shook his head and asked, "Xiaochan, what about Xiaoyang, Xiaorui, Qingyun and Yuanyuan? Why didn't they come back? "

"They're all dead!" Lu Chan cold voice way.


LU Hong's face changed. He grabbed her hand and asked, "how did they die?"

"Pan Yang, Ge Qingyun and Yuan Yuan were all killed by Jiang Zhengfeng."

Lu Chan said coldly: "Luo Rui died in the hands of elder Jiang Hao."


LU Hong's face turned angry and asked, "why did elder Jiang Hao kill Xiao Rui?"

"Damn him!"

Lu Chan said angrily: "Pan Yang should die, too!"

"At the beginning of the mission, they ridiculed elder Jiang Hao repeatedly. Elder Jiang Hao was magnanimous and didn't care about them."

"However, they are more and more excessive. When they carry out their tasks, they don't listen to elder Jiang Hao's command at all, they act without authorization, and they all act in disorder."

"In the end, Jiang Zhengfeng appeared and killed Yuan Yuan and Ge Qingyun."

"Pan Yang and Luo Rui are greedy for life and afraid of death. They kowtow to Jiang Zhengfeng and beg for mercy on the spot. Moreover, they betrayed the wudaomeng."

"They threatened to tell Jiang Zhengfeng all the secrets of the wudaomeng, and to sell you out. If they wanted to kill you, they would use your head and sword as a pledge."

"Beast! traitor! Good death! Good death When LU Hong heard the speech, he became angry again and raised his head to heaven to drink angrily.

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