Shua ~

suddenly, Jiang Hao turned his head, his eyes were cold, he stared at the thunder and said in a cold voice, "what did you just say?"

"Your sister!"

Thunder scolded: "little bastard, I will kill you!"

"Cheap mouth, it's time to fight!"


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao slapped thunder in the face and immediately flew him out.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Lei Ming got up from the ground with swollen cheeks and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and said, "ah, little bastard, I'll kill you! I'll kill you

"Talk back and fight again!"


The next second, Jiang Hao slapped him in the face and fanned him away.

Inside the hotel, there was silence.

When people saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

The prince of Huatian entertainment group was slapped in the face.


This is shocking!

It's just like Jiang Hao's eyes are shocked to look at the dead.

Yes, it's the dead!

Angered Lei Shao, he confessed his mistake and knelt down to beg for mercy. Maybe he could save his life.

However, in full view of the public, it is absolutely a dead end to slap less.

"Hey, hey This boy is dead! "

"I have to say, this boy is so bold. He is the first person I met who dares to slap Lei Shao in the face!"

"Well, young man, it's still too impulsive!"

"I'm dead. I'm the king of heaven. I can't save him!"

"You deserve to die!"

There was a lot of discussion.

"Spicy next door!"

Thunderclap infuriated, directed at a group of black bodyguards, roared: "what are you still doing?"

"Give it all to me and cut it into eighteen sections!"

"Stop it

Han Lulu cold face, cold drink: "who dares to move JiangHao, don't blame me impolite!"

"Get out of here!"

Thunder roared angrily: "Han Lulu, there's nothing wrong with you here. Get out of here."

"Otherwise, I'll kill you with me!"

He was furious and a little irrational.

"You dare!"

Han Lulu scolded: "it's against the law to kill people!"

"If you dare to kill us, you will die too!"

Hey, hey

Thunder grinned and said, "Han Lulu, you are so naive!"

"I'll kill you. I'll find out the trace immediately. Then I'll burn all your bodies and destroy them. Who knows that I killed you then?"


Han Lulu snorted coldly: "thunder, do you regard the people here as blind?"

"If you kill us, the people here are eyewitnesses. Do you think you will be ok?"

"Of course I'm fine."

Thunder sneered and said: "don't believe it, you ask, I killed you, these people, dare to tell the truth?"

"I dare not."

"I don't see anything!"

"Oh, I'm blind. I can't see."

Many young talents and socialites shake their heads one after another.

Although they are all people with status, their strength and status are far worse than that of Lei Ming. They dare not offend Lei Ming with their courage.


Han Lulu is angry.

She did not expect that these people should be so cowardly and shameless.

Hey, hey, hey

Thunder said with a smile: "Han Lulu, for the sake of your father is Han Jiande, I'll spare your life. Get out of here."

"Otherwise, I'll kill you too!"

"Don't you think about it!"

Han Lulu said coldly, "with me, you can't hurt Jiang Hao."

Jiang Hao was moved.

He rubbed Han Lulu's little head and said with a smile, "fool, don't worry, we'll be OK."

"These mole ants can't kill us!"

Then he raised his head, gazed at the thunder, and said, "while I'm in a good mood, I'll disappear from my eyes at once!"

"You are paralyzed!"

Thunder break big curse way: "little bastard, today even if the king Lao Tzu came, also can't save you!"

"Give it to me and break it up!"

"Who dares to stop, kill together!"


A group of bodyguards in black should have a drink.

Immediately, they took out the imitated spears and rushed to Jiang Hao.

"Back up!"

"Come on, back up!"

All the young talents and socialites who watched the scene turned pale with fright and quickly backed back more than ten meters for fear of being hurt by mistake.They're scared and excited!

"To die!"

Jiang Hao's eyes burst out a wisp of cold light.

Outside Longteng hotel.

Two imposing, dignified middle-aged men slowly walked into the hotel.

One of them was a middle-aged man with half bald hair and a big stomach.

He is the chairman of Huatian Entertainment Group - Lei Hu!

Another person, a rich man from a neighboring province, came to Jianghai city this time to discuss cooperation with Lei Hu.

"General manager Wu, this cooperation is settled." Lei Hu said with a faint smile.


Mr. Wu nodded and said, "Mr. Lei, I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Happy cooperation, happy cooperation."

Lei Hu made a gesture of invitation and said, "general manager Wu, today is the birthday of the child. He held a birthday party and wrapped up the whole Longteng hotel."

"Shall we go and have a look?"


So they went straight to the birthday party.

"Mr. Lei."

Suddenly, general manager Wu asked, "I heard that there was a fierce man named Jiang Hao in Jianghai city. He flattened Jiang Zhengfeng's private manor overnight."

"Is there such a thing?"


Lei Hu looked tight and looked around. He looked serious and said in a low voice, "Mr. Wu, you should pay attention. Don't mess with Jiang Hao."

"Jiang Zhengfeng is one of the two giants in Jianghai city. He is worth 10 billion yuan, more powerful than me."

"But overnight, his private estate, his property, and even he, all disappeared."

"It's very sensational and influential."

"However, there is no media coverage, as if this incident did not happen at all."


General manager Wu's face changed greatly and his whole body trembled.

He was shocked and said, "what's the origin of this JiangHao, who is so terrible?"

"I don't know."

Lei Hu shook his head and said, "I asked my friend. It took me a lot of money to find out that it was a man named Jiang Hao who did it."

"As for what he looks like and how old he is, no one knows the whole Jianghai city."

"How mysterious! How terrible General manager Wu exclaimed.

Lei Hu looked solemn and warned: "in a word, don't provoke people named Jiang Hao, even if they are beggars."

"Be careful, you'll sail for ten thousand years!"

"Yes, yes."

President Wu nodded.

"Well, let's not mention it."

Lei Hu said with a faint smile: "the birthday party is here."

"Mr. Wu, the dog is stubborn and stupid. I hope you can talk about him more in the future."

"Tiger father does not have a dog, Lei always polite." Mr. Wu said with a smile. They had a good talk and walked into the scene of the birthday party.

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