"Tomorrow morning, your Lei family and Huatian Entertainment Group will no longer exist!"

The cold and overbearing voice reverberated in the hotel, which made everyone tremble.

They have some doubts.

Is Jiang Hao really so terrible that he can destroy the whole Lei family and Huatian Entertainment Group overnight?

However, Lei Hu has no doubt.

He is very clear that Jiang Hao has this ability!

Jiang Zhengfeng, worth 10 billion yuan, is one of the two giants in Jianghai city. His strength and influence are still above Leihu and Huatian entertainment group.

However, even so, Jiang Zhengfeng, together with his industry, relatives and subordinates, disappeared overnight.

If Jiang Hao can kill Jiang Zhengfeng, he can even kill him.

"Mr. Jiang Hao, we are wrong, we are wrong!"

Lei Hu said in fear: "we are willing to break our own arm! We'll cut ourselves off at once

"Get the knife!"

"Tiger Lord..."

A bodyguard in black, looking at Jiang Hao, said in a fierce voice, "tiger, you don't need to break your arm."

"As long as I kill him, it's over."

"Shut up

Lei Hu glanced at Jiang Hao and scolded: "if you dare to speak more, I'll kill you!"

"Get the knife!"


This black bodyguard is very loyal.

His lips stammered as if to say something.

Finally, he shut up and took out a sharp and bright dagger from his waist and handed it to Lei Hu.

Lei Hu picked up the dagger and hesitated a few times.

Then, with a fierce face, he gritted his teeth, waved a dagger and cut to his right arm.

All of a sudden, a string of blood splashed out.

A broken arm fell to the ground.

The severed fingers are still shaking and twitching.

Ah ~

when the crowd saw the bloody scene, they all screamed and turned pale.

There are a few timid, but also scared back and forth.

Ah ~

Lei Hu covered his broken arm, twisted his face, and screamed bitterly.

He bit his teeth and said, "Mr. Jiang Hao, is that enough?"

"Not enough."

Jiang Hao shook his head, gave a faint smile, pointed to thunder and said, "he hasn't broken his arm yet."


Suddenly, Lei Hu's wrist shakes and throws the bloody dagger to Lei Ming.


Suddenly, thunder screamed.

Thunder Tiger clenched his teeth and yelled angrily: "ming'er, be brave. Pick up the knife and break your arm!"

"No I don't want it. "

As thunder retreated, he cried out in horror: "Dad, I don't want to break my arm, I don't want to become disabled!"

"Remember, you only have thirty seconds!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Now, fifteen seconds have passed," he said coldly

"Thirty seconds later, if someone doesn't break his arm, tonight, you Lei family and Huatian Entertainment Group will become history!"

Thunder Tiger smell speech, heart liver gallbladder lung kidney, all quiver for a while.

All of a sudden, there was a fierce expression in his eyes.

"Ming'er, don't blame Dad!"


Suddenly, he rushed over and picked up the dagger on the ground. Without saying a word, he slashed to thunder's left arm.


All of a sudden, blood shot out like a fountain.

A broken arm, flying out.

Ah ~

when people saw this scene again, they still screamed and turned pale.

Ah ~

the thunder screams like a pig.

He convulsed in pain, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Lei Hu put one hand around Lei Ming, and his blue veins burst up on his arm, neck and forehead. He said in a fierce voice, "Mr. Jiang Hao, is it enough now?"


Jiang Hao waved his hand and said coldly, "get out of here!"

"Remember, in an hour, I want to see a video of you feeding sharks with your broken arms."

"If you don't see it, you can die!"


Lei Hu stood up abruptly and ordered: "lift ming'er back!"

Then he turned and left.

Several bodyguards in black immediately raised thunder, picked up the broken arm on the ground and followed up.

"Well, they're done. Now it's your turn."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stares at the crowd.

Just now, these people have been making sarcastic remarks and fanning the flames. They can't be spared.Poop! Poop! Poop!

The next second, whether it's the young talent in suits, or the social celebrities who haven't made up enough, they all tremble and fall on their knees.

They begged for mercy and said, "Jiang Hao Sir, we are wrong. Please spare us

"Don't worry."

Jiang Hao light smile, smile of people and animals harmless.

"You people, though hateful, are not the culprits after all. I will not punish you severely."

"Mr. Jiang Hao is wise! Mr. Jiang Hao is wise Hearing the words, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief and called out.

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I'll forgive you if you give each of you 30 blows."

"Yes, yes

Without any complaints, they immediately took action and slapped themselves in the face.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

For a short time, messy and loud slaps, one after another, reverberated in the hotel for a long time.

A moment later.

People stopped one after another.

They're done!

Twenty or thirty young talents and socialites all became ugly, with crooked faces and slanted mouths. Some corners of their mouths were still bleeding, and they were no longer elegant.

"Go away!" Jiang Hao waved.

"Mr. Xie JiangHao! Mr. Xie JiangHao

They stood up quickly, endured the sharp pain of the corners of their mouths, and bowed to give a salute.

Then, he ran as fast as he could.

"Let's go, too." Jiang Hao takes Han Lulu's hand and whispers.

Now, Han Lulu is sober.

Her eyes were complicated. Looking at Jiang Hao, she said, "Jiang Hao, I think you are strange. It seems that I have never known you thoroughly."

"You How secret is it? "

Jiang Hao touched her little head and said in a soft voice, "fool, don't think too much. I will always be your Jiang Hao."

"There are some secrets that I can't tell you until the time comes."

"Otherwise, it might hurt you."

"All right."

Han Lulu smiles and says, "you are right. No matter whether you have a secret or not, you are my JiangHao."

After that, she hugged Jiang Hao's arm tightly, and her head rested on Jiang Hao's shoulder.

"Let's go."


Half an hour later, they went home.

"Jiang Hao, from tomorrow on, let's go sightseeing in Jianghai city." Han Lulu suggested.


Jiang Hao nodded with a smile.

Although Jianghai city is not as developed and prosperous as Zhonghai City, it has always been a tourist attraction because of its mountains, waters and beautiful scenery.

The next day, nine in the morning.

Jiang Hao and Han Lulu, pack up and get ready to go.

Suddenly, they met Han Jiande head on.

Han Jiande's brow is locked and his face is sad. It seems that he has encountered some problems.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Han Lulu asked, "is something wrong with the company?"

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