"What's the matter?"

Sun Miaomiao squinted at Han Lulu and said in a choking voice, "there is a high-end clothing store on the hillside. Why don't you go down and dress up?"

"What? Is there no money? "

"If you don't have money, you should have said so."

With a false smile, sun Miaomiao pretended to be very generous, took out a stack of red banknotes and said, "here are more than 1000 yuan, enough for you to buy clothes."

"Take it quickly. Don't worry. We are old classmates. I won't ask you to pay back the money."

Ha ha

Han Lulu gave a cold smile and said, "are you rich?"

"Of course."

Sun Miaomiao shook his wrist and neck and said, "look, how much do you think my outfit is worth?"

"Oh, yes."

As soon as she patted her forehead, she said with a smile: "you are poor. You should not have seen these high-end jewelry. Let you guess, you are afraid you can't guess the price."

The words are full of contempt and ridicule.

When Han Lulu went to school, she kept a low profile and usually lived in a dormitory.

As a result, no one knows that she is the daughter of ten billion people.

In junior high school, she was very thrifty.

Therefore, sun Miaomiao always thought that her family was poor.

"Sorry, I'm not short of money."

Han Lulu said in a cold voice, "so take your money and go away!"


Sun Miaomiao's face sank when he heard the speech, and a trace of Yin appeared in his eyes.

Immediately, she smiles and holds Han lulu.

She said: "don't go, our old classmates haven't seen each other for a long time. We must talk about the past."

"By the way, what do you do now? How about the salary? Do you have 30000? "

"No Hanlulu cold tunnel.

Yo ~

SUN Miaomiao said in a strange tone of yin and Yang: "not even 30000 in a month? That's not going to work

"Lulu, you used to be a class flower, but now you're very beautiful. It's said that you went to a famous university in China. Why is the salary so low?"

Tut tut

She smacked her mouth and said, "Lulu, you're so talented."


she sighed and said, "Lulu, in fact, you should have listened to me at the beginning. Reading books is a waste of time and money."

"Look at you. You have been reading books for more than ten years, and you are still so poor."

"If you look at me again, I have plenty of money. This outfit is worth millions."

"Think about it. You were so good at the beginning, but now? It's a pity that I can't afford to buy a piece of jewelry all year round. "

She pretended to be sorry.

However, her face and eyes were full of ridicule and ridicule.

"Is that enough?" Han Lulu said coldly.

Sun Miaomiao light smile, said: "Lulu, I this person, is like this, speak more straight, you don't angry ah."

"Well, Lulu."

"We are classmates at least. When you are in trouble, how can I not help you?"

"My boyfriend's family has a lot of money. He funded me to open a company with a large scale. If you want, you can go to me," she said

"I want you to be my secretary. The salary is 30000 yuan a month. How about that?"

"No need!"

Han Lulu said coldly, "my job is very good now."

"Good what good, tired to death, still can't earn a few money, quickly change it."

Sun Miao Miao's mouth brimmed with a smile, said: "I can tell you that ordinary people, want to be my secretary, are not qualified."

"We are old classmates. That's why I take care of you."

"Is it?"

Han Lulu said, "then you'd better take care of other people."

"Jiang Hao, let's go."

After that, she took Jiang Hao's arm and prepared to leave.

"Wait! Wait

Suddenly, sun Miaomiao stopped her again.

She looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "this is Your boyfriend? "


Yo ~

SUN Miaomiao squinted at Jiang Hao and said, "it's OK, but..."

"It looks very poor with all the stalls."

"What did you say?"

Suddenly, Han Lulu's eyes stood up and glared at her.

"No It's nothing. "

Sun Miaomiao smiles.

"By the way, what's your boyfriend's job? What's the salary? "

She quickly changed the subject.


Jiang Hao said indifferently: "I'm a bodyguard. What's my salary? I don't know how many. ""Bodyguard?"

When sun Miaomiao heard the speech, his eyes showed a deep contempt and dislike.

Another pauper!

She murmured in her heart.

"The job of bodyguard is not very good. It's hard and tired, and there's no money yet."

With a smile on her lips, she looked at Jiang Hao and said, "well, there is still a lack of security in our company. Come here."

"For Lulu's sake, I'll make you a security captain and give you 10000 yuan a month. How about that?"

"No more."

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "I don't want to change my job for the time being."

"You, alas"

SUN Miaomiao sighed, shook his head and criticized: "young man, I didn't mean you."

"As a man, you don't want to make progress, you don't want to make progress."

"How much money do you have to be a bad bodyguard? Without money, how can you buy a house and a car and give Lulu happiness? "

"Do you want Lulu to follow you and suffer together?"

"I won't agree to that."

She looked concerned and said, "Lulu is my best friend. I can't watch her suffer."

"Does it have anything to do with you whether we suffer or not?" Jiang Hao said coldly.


Sun Miao is angry.

"You're too ignorant."

Even if she retorted, "I don't understand your work arrangement."

"What? Are you scared? So I hate the rich? "

"Hate the rich?"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao shook his head with a disdainful smile.

Billions, billions, he doesn't care.

Ten billion rich people, that is to say, die out.

Does he need to hate the rich?

Besides, which rich man is qualified to hate the rich?

"Ignorance!" Jiang Hao shook his head.

Then he took Han Lulu's hand and said, "Lulu, let's go."


Han Lu nodded.

So they walked away.


Sun Miaomiao said angrily, "what do you mean? Your boyfriend just sneered at me. You're leaving without saying anything? "

"Do you recognize my friend?"

Suddenly, Han Lulu stopped.

She turned around, a faint smile, said: "sorry, I never regard you as a friend."

Immediately, she took Jiang Hao's arm and left.

What she said was understatement.

However, sun Miao Qi trembled all over.

"You..." Sun Miaomiao stares at her back, gnashing his teeth. His whole face is a little twisted.

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