"Hello, is that elder Jiang Hao?"

On the other end of the mobile phone, there is an old voice.

It's LU Hong!

"Lao Lu, what's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.


LU Hong stopped and said, "elder Jiang Hao, last time, Lao Jiu and Xiao Chan offended you. Although you are magnanimous, you forgive us."

"But we are very guilty, so we want to invite you to dinner and apologize."

"No need."

Jiang Hao light way: "this matter, already past, don't need to keep in mind."

"No, No."

LU Hong said obstinately: "I mistakenly believed the villain's words and almost hurt you. I feel very uneasy. If I don't apologize in person, I will feel guilty all my life."

Jiang Hao eyebrows a pick, helpless way: "well, I'm in Longteng villa, you come over."


LU Hong said respectfully, "elder Jiang Hao, I'll go there right away."


Jiang Hao hung up.

Han Lulu asked curiously, "Jiang Hao, who is calling?"

"An old man." Jiang Hao is indifferent.

Three minutes later.

All the dishes they ordered came up.

These dishes are full of color, fragrance and taste. It's very appetizing to have a look at them.

Han Lulu can't wait to eat.

"It's delicious!" The next second, she exclaimed.

Jiang Hao took a bite and nodded: "it's really delicious."

He feels that these dishes contain a touch of aura. Although they are very rare, it is more than enough to improve the quality and taste of the dishes.

These dishes are good for ordinary people.

"It's delicious. It's delicious." Han Lulu wolfed down.

She's really hungry, and with these people, it's delicious.

"You eat slowly, no one will fight with you." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"I see."

Han Lulu was confused and said, "Jiang Hao, you should eat as soon as possible."


So they ate it with relish.

"Lei Shao, you can't go in. Lei Shao, there are people inside."

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the door.

"Get out of here!"

There was a yell.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise. The wooden door of the No.8 elegant room was kicked open and broken.


The broken wooden door fell to the ground.

Ah ~

caught off guard, Han Lulu was shocked.

"Lei Shao, Lei Shao."

Suddenly, the waiter ran in, bent and said with a bitter smile, "Lei Shao, this is Longteng villa. Don't come here."

"There's someone in Yajian No.8, but there's no one in Yajian No.3, go there."

"Get out of here!"

All of a sudden, a man pushed the waiter to the ground.

The waiter lay on the ground, covering his chest, with a look of pain on his face.

Obviously, this person just pushed, very hard.

This man is short, dark and ugly, but he is arrogant, rude and overbearing.

His name is Shi Lei, the young master of the Shi Family in Jianghai city.

Shi family, in Jianghai City, is very low-key, not famous, but terrible.

Even Han Jiande did not dare to provoke.

Because the stone family is a martial family!

The master of the Shi family is the master of the gang Jin family.

"To NIMA!"

Shi Lei kicked the waiter away and scolded him: "Ma De, a mole ant with bright energy, dare to stop me. I'm really impatient!"

"Lei Shao, calm down."

All of a sudden, a man behind Shi Lei stands out, grabs Shi Lei and persuades him: "Lei Shao, this is Longteng villa."

"Although he is a mole ant, he is also a member of Longteng villa."

"Hit him, the consequences are serious."


"It's a big fart!"

Shi Lei spat and said with disdain, "Longteng villa was built by my family. The owner Liu works for my family, not to mention a waiter?"

"Hit him?"

"Even if I kill him, Master Liu would not dare to fart!"

"Don't be so powerful! Don't be aggressive

All of a sudden, a few valets, flatter.

Shi Lei raised his chin and showed a smile on his face.

He enjoyed it!

The next second, he glared at the waiter lying on the ground and said coldly, "mole ant, don't you go away?"The waiter trembled with fright.

He hardened his head and said weakly: "Lei Lei Shao, you are not allowed to break into a private room. This is the rule. Please Please... "


Before a word is finished, the waiter is kicked out by Shi Lei.

This kick is extremely powerful.

Poof! Poof!

The waiter in the air, repeatedly ejected a few mouthfuls of blood, fell on the ground, a crooked neck, on the spot fainted.


Shi Lei scolded: "rules? "You are paralyzed!"

"Dog slave, I have no vision at all."

"The Longteng villa was built by my family. Laozi's words are the rules!"


A valet swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said timidly, "Lei Lei Shao, he passed out. He seems to be seriously injured. If you beat him like this, you should Should it be all right? "

"Of course not!"

Shi Lei said arrogantly: "I said that even if I kill him, the master of Liu Village doesn't dare to fart!"

"I'm here, you don't have to be afraid!"

"Lei shaoniubi! You're a tough guy

Several attendants see this, and quickly flatter.

Shi Lei grinned with an expression of enjoyment.

Suddenly, he stared at Jiang Hao and Han Lulu and said coldly, "this elegant room belongs to Lao Tzu. Don't you two get out of here?"

He had a fierce face and was full of evil spirit. He was very frightening.

Bang Dang!

Han Lulu was so scared that her chopsticks fell to the ground.

I'm really afraid of her!

Jiang Hao's face didn't change. He took a bite of the dish and said indifferently, "you scared my woman. Get out now!"

"Get the hell out of your sister!"

Shi Lei burst rude way: "boy, you are so strong, I told you to go away, you dare not listen!"

He is very vulgar, like a street thug, too much swearing.

Jiang Hao frowned when he heard the speech.

"Your mouth stinks."

"I'll give you three seconds to get out of my sight!"

"Kill your sister!"

Shi Lei scolded: "you little bastard, you're not good at it. You're not timid. You're crazy. If you see Laozi, you don't kneel down and salute."

"How dare you tell me to go away."

"I don't think you are so impatient to live!"

"Little ones, what should I do when I meet such people?"

A few small followers smell speech, start to coax a way one after another.

"What else can we do? I'm going to kill you

"Yes, kill me!"

"Death, disability, pregnancy!"

"Lying trough!"

Shi Lei glanced at a small attendant and said in surprise: "you're so special. It's really heavy!"


The rest of the little Valet, have thumbs up, a look of admiration.

Hey, hey The little Valet laughed.

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