Shi Lei hesitated for a moment and nodded: "OK, he'll give it to you."

"Remember, don't let him die too comfortably. Kill him as cruel and painful as you are!"

"Yes The little fellow answered.

Hey, hey

The little Valet turned his head, stared at Jiang Hao, gave a grim smile and said, "boy, it's your misfortune to offend us, Lei Shao."

"Don't worry, your woman. We will love her very much."

"To die!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold.

He grabbed a chopstick, shook his wrist and threw it out.


A string of blood, splashing out.

The little Valet flew out, wooden chopsticks, pierced his eyebrows, instantly took his life.

"Son of a bitch!"

When Shi Lei saw this scene, he was furious.

"You are so brave, you little bastard, how dare you kill me!"

"I will kill you!" he said


Suddenly, he was shocked and full of momentum.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the wooden door beside, the wooden floor at the foot, all cracked, debris flying all over the sky.

Ah ~

Han Lulu was surprised and scared when she saw this scene.

"Don't be afraid. It's OK." Jiang Hao hugged her and comforted her.

In his eyes, the cold light twinkled, cold and dazzling.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

Suddenly, a cold drink rang out.

A middle-aged man with long clothes and long hair, cold faced, came over and said coldly, "who's making trouble? Get out of here

This man is the leader of Longteng villa!

"Liu Good morning, Master Liu. "

Several of Shi Lei's attendants, at the sight of Master Liu, instantly withered and timid, saluted one after another.

Liu Zhuang master's eyes were sharp and pointed to the fainting waiter and asked, "who did this?"

"Not me!"

"It's not me!"

"Don't look at me, I didn't do it!"

A few small footmen shook their heads in denial.

"I did it!" Shi Lei said coldly.

With a cold face, the master of Liu Village scolded: "asshole, how dare you hurt me in Longteng villa..."

Suddenly, his voice stopped abruptly.

He saw Shi Lei.

Suddenly, the whole person froze, to the mouth of the words, also stiffly swallow back.

"Lei Lei Shao, you Why are you here? " He said in a trill.

Shi Lei stares at him and says in a cold voice: "you have a lot of courage. Dare you tell me to get out of here!"

"No, no, No

With a tremble, Master Liu quickly bent down, shook his head and explained, "I I made a slip of tongue. I didn't know you were here

"My mouth is cheap. Please forgive me once less!"


Shi Lei snorted coldly and ordered, "I'll forgive you three times!"

"Yes, yes."

Master Liu nodded.

Then he raised his hand and smacked his mouth three times.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

It's very loud and powerful.

"Lei Lei Shao, it's over. " Master Liu said respectfully.


Shi Lei nodded faintly.

Han Lulu's heart cooled when she saw this scene.

Not long ago, when she entered Longteng villa, she saw a group of rich people worth hundreds of millions, even billions, kneeling on the ground, waiting for Master Liu's punishment.

They are very quiet, without any dissatisfaction and complaints, and dare not resist.

It can be seen from this that the identity and status of Liu Zhuang Zhu are very terrible.

However, when he saw Shi Lei, he was a servile slave. He dared not say a word when he was scolded.

Such a contrast instantly sets off Shi Lei's terror!

"Lei Shao, what happened? Can I help you? " Liu Zhuang said with a smile.

His tone was full of flattery and flattery.

It shows that he is the leader of Longteng villa, with great power and high status. He has boundless scenery and prestige.

But, in fact, he is just a puppet.

Jianghai City, the five forces of Wudao, jointly established the Longteng villa.

He's just a puppet master.

Without real power, any decision can only be carried out with the consent of the five martial arts forces. Without permission, they dare not act rashly.

"A little thing."

Shi Lei waved his hand, no matter the tunnel: "Tianzi No. 8 Yajian, always belongs to me, this little bastard, occupied Laozi's Yajian.""I told them to go away. They not only didn't go away, but also played roughshod with me and killed one of my men."


The master of Liu village was surprised when he heard the speech.

He took a look at Shi Lei, and was relieved to make sure he was OK.

If there is anything wrong with Shi Lei, the owner of the Shi family will strip him of his skin and cramp him.

The next second, he's furious!

He stared at Jiang Hao and said: "you little bastard, how dare you kill Lei Shao. You can't go out of Longteng villa today!"


Han Lulu's face changed and she asked, "you are the owner of Longteng villa. You have set the rules and ordered everyone not to disobey!"

"Those who disobey must be severely punished!"

"They break into the elegant room, disturb our meals, and hurt a waiter. They disobey many rules. Why don't you punish them?"


Shi Lei grinned and said, "Laozi said that Longteng villa was built by my family. Laozi's words are rules."

"This guy is just a slave working for my family."

"Do you think he has the courage to punish me?"

Liu Zhuang Zhu's face turned ugly when he heard the speech.

Shi Lei glanced at him and said coldly, "what? You don't think I'm right? "

"No, No."

Master Liu shook his head and said with a smile, "Lei Shao is right!"

"I'm just a slave. If you lend me ten courage, I dare not punish you."

"Do you hear me?" Shi Lei's mouth corners a hook, light smile way.

"Well, I don't want to waste time."

He patted Master Liu on the shoulder and ordered, "open a room for me."

"Remember, the bed must be broken."

"Then, take this woman to my room."

"As for this little bastard..."

Shi Lei glanced at Jiang Hao and said harshly, "it's up to you. Let me kill him. As for how to kill him, it's up to you."

"Yes Master Liu lowered his head.

"You dare!"

Han Lulu said coldly, "my father is Han Jiande. He knows that we are going to visit Longteng mountain today."

"If we have an accident, he will call the police."

"By then, you will not be able to escape!"

"Call the police?"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Shi Lei and his followers all burst into laughter.

Sun Miaomiao also laughed.

She shook her head and said, "Han Lulu, you are too naive. Even if you call the police, it's useless."

"Is your father Han Jiande?" he said

"Very good!"

"From today on, Han Jiande will be deprived of the qualification to enter Longteng villa."

"At the same time, I announce that from now on, Longteng villa will launch attacks on various industries of Han Jiande." "In ten days, destroy Han Jiande's business empire and let him go bankrupt!"

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