While laughing, while playing.

In an hour.

Jiang Hao arrived at the foot of the mountain with Han Lulu on his back.

"Put me down quickly." Han Lulu said.


Jiang Hao squats down slightly and slowly puts Han Lulu down.

Han Lulu embraces his arm, distressed way: "tired not tired?"

"Not tired."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"Come on, let's go back." Han Lulu said with a smile.

So they were ready to go home.

"You Are you Lulu

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Han Lulu looks around.

Suddenly, I saw a woman in her early twenties coming with a smile on her face.

"Lulu, it's really you!"

"You are Lu Qing Han Lulu is not sure about the tunnel.

"It's me."

Lu Qingyi took Han Lulu's hand and said with a smile, "Lulu, I can't imagine that ten years have passed and I finally see you."

"You are more beautiful than ever."

"You too."

Han Lulu said with a smile, "Lu Qing, I heard that after you graduated from University, you went to the capital. How can you be in Jianghai now?"

"Don't you know?"

"What do you know?"

Han Lulu looks confused.

"Yes, too."

Lu Qing explained: "the group of students we built at the beginning, a few years ago, sun Miaomiao kicked you, so you don't know the news."

"What's the news?" Han Lulu asked.

Lu Qing said with a smile: "we have a reunion every year. This year's gathering place is located in Jianghai city."

"The time and place of the party have been decided by Li Xiangyun."

"What? Is Xiangyun here, too? " Han Lulu was surprised.

In junior high school, Li Xiangyun was her best friend.

After graduating from junior high school, I have been in touch with her all the time, so I can be called a good friend.

However, in the past two years, she has been too busy with her work, and gradually, she has less contact.


Lu Qing nodded and said, "the time and place of the party is tomorrow evening at eight o'clock, the Royal bar in the center of the city. Do you want to go?"

"Xiangyun has long said that she would invite you, but she hasn't informed you yet. I guess she wants to surprise you."

"Go, do."

Han Lulu said happily: "I haven't seen Xiangyun for a long time. I don't know what happened to her?"

"Xiangyun is powerful now."

Lu Qing looked envious and said, "she's a little famous star now."

"It's said that I've made records and acted in movies."

"Is it?"

Han Lulu said with a smile: "Xiangyun wanted to be a star since childhood, and now it has finally come true."

"Lulu, this..."

Lu Qing looked at Jiang Hao and said, "is this your boyfriend?"


Han Lulu embraces Jiang Hao's arm and smiles happily.

Jiang Hao held out his hand and the gentleman said, "Hello, my name is Jiang Hao. I'm Lulu's boyfriend."

Lu Qing also held out his hand and held it.

"I'm Lulu's old classmate, Lu Qing."

"Lu Qing, tell me quickly, how are you after you graduate from university?" Han Lulu said with a smile.

So they began to talk about the past.

This conversation lasted more than an hour.

Then they parted.

Before leaving, Lu Qing reminded: "Lulu, at eight o'clock tomorrow evening, the Royal bar in the center of the city, don't forget."

"Yes, yes."

Han Lulu nodded.

In an hour.

Jiang Hao and Han Lulu, back home.

Han Lulu grabbed Jiang Hao and said, "Jiang Hao, can you accompany me to the classmate party tomorrow evening?"


"That's very kind of you."

Han Lulu takes Jiang Hao's arm and smiles sweetly.

In the evening.

Han Lulu's phone rings.

It's Li Xiangyun. Tell her to attend the classmate party tomorrow evening.

So they talked for more than an hour.

The next day, seven in the evening.

Jiang Hao and Han Lulu, dressed up a little, set out.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the Royal bar's exclusive box, almost all the people who attended the classmate party had arrived.

Only Han lulu.

Lu Qing looked at his mobile phone and frowned: "it's eight o'clock. Why hasn't Lulu come yet?"

"She didn't forget the time, did she?"

"No way."

Li Xiangyun shook his head and said, "I informed Lulu last night. She won't forget it. Maybe it's a traffic jam."This girl is pretty good. She has a pretty face. She is just a beauty.

However, she has a good figure and is more popular than sun Miaomiao.

In addition, she put on a heavy makeup, red lips, with a deep V dress, the whole person is full of temptation.

"I'm so excited. I'll see ban Hua soon!"

"Yes, ten years. I don't know what happened to Banhua now?"

"I think it should still be beautiful."

A group of male students, joked.

"You lusters

Lu Qing said with a smile: "I know I miss lulu."

"I saw Lulu yesterday. She is more beautiful than the big star on TV."

"Is it?"

"Ban Hua is so beautiful?"

"It seems that we are going to feast our eyes!"

"Hey, hey I don't know if ban Hua has a boyfriend. If not, aren't we... "

Suddenly, a group of male students, eyes are bright, joking.


Suddenly, Li Xiangyun gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, people were stunned and confused.

Lu Qingshan smiles and asks, "Xiangyun, what's the matter?"

Li Xiangyun's eyes were cold and haughty. He swept the crowd with contempt and warned, "I warn you not to hit Lulu's attention."

"You people don't deserve Lulu!"

This remark, many male students, are not angry.

There are a few people, eyes, is to show the anger.

"Xiangyun, you..." Lu Qing was shocked.

Li Xiangyun glanced at a group of male students and said contemptuously, "what? Are you not convinced? "

"Of course not!"

"Li Xiangyun, you have gone too far!"

"Aren't you an 18 line artist? What kind of costume do you really think you are a big star? "

Several male students were angry and retorted.

"Shut up

Li Xiangyun coldly rebuked: "a group of losers, if it wasn't for Lulu, you poor gossamers would not be qualified to attend this reunion."


This remark, many male students, really angry.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire supreme box was very awkward and dignified.

"Xiangyun is in a bad mood. Don't mind his nonsense." Lu Qingshan smiles and makes a circle.

"I'm not talking nonsense!"

Li Xiangyun cheered coldly: "they are a group of losers, not worthy of Lulu!"

"A few days ago, by chance, Wang Shao saw Lulu's picture on my mobile phone and fell in love with Lulu at first sight."

"So, I started this party just to make up Wang Shao and Lulu."

Her eyes cold, scan a circle, warning: "I warn you, later, Lulu and Wang Shao come, you all give me quiet."

"It angered Wang Shao, and the consequences were very serious!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you then!"

Ah, ~

Lu Qing was surprised to hear that. "Xiangyun, did you invite others to this reunion?"

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