"Yes, I don't know them at all!" Li Xiangyun said with a smile.

She's ruthless!

No, I should say she's despicable.

In order to please and flatter Wang Shao, even his classmates can abandon, even betray and frame up. His character is despicable and has no bottom line.

"Xiangyun, you..."

Lu Qing was a little surprised.

At the same time, she was a little angry.

Li Xiangyun's behavior is really too much for her.

"You what, you, shut up!" Li Xiangyun said coldly.

Wang Shao gave a faint smile.

"Xiangyun, since you don't know them, I will deal with them."

Li Xiangyun respectfully said: "let Wang Shao handle it!"


Suddenly, Wang Shao gave a big drink.


Suddenly, four tall and powerful bodyguards rushed in.

"What can I do for you, young master?" They all said in unison.

Wang Shao pointed to a few male students and said indifferently, "these rubbish, who want to steal my things, were caught by me and immediately broke their leg."

"Then, take them to the police station."

"You dare!" A male classmate yelled angrily.

Wang Shao smiles.

"Of course I dare, do it!"


All of a sudden, four big bodyguards, to a few male students.

Several male students are a little scared.

"Wang, the Royal bar here is not a place where you can go wild!" It's hard to be tough.

"That's right."

A male classmate, quickly echoed: "surnamed Wang, the Royal bar has regulations, no fighting."

"If you hit us, the bar manager won't let you go!"

"The rules?"

Wang Shao disdained a smile, shook his head: "really a few fools!"

"Call me!"

Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.

In a flash, the four bodyguards all started.

All of a sudden, a scream echoed in the box.

Several male students couldn't beat the well-trained and strong bodyguards at all. After three or two attacks, they were subdued and lost their resistance. They had to be beaten passively.

All the students were frightened and silent.

"Wang Shao, let them go." Lu Qing couldn't see any more and prayed.

"Go away!"

Wang Shao glared at her and spat out a word.

Lu Qing trembled with fright.

Then, she looked at Li Xiangyun and begged, "Xiangyun, please tell Wang Shao to stop. If you go on fighting, you may die."

"Shut up

Li Xiangyun said coldly, "they want to steal Wang Shao's things. They deserve to be beaten!"


Lu Qing was not angry and said, "but they didn't steal anything at all. You slandered them."

"Shut up

Li Xiangyun's face changed and covered her mouth.

Suddenly, Wang Shaoyi turned his head and stared at Lu Qing, and said coldly, "woman, what did you just say?"

Suddenly, Lu Qing's body trembled.

She was frightened, her lips trembling and speechless.

"Hit hard, break their leg!"

Suddenly, Wang shaoleng gave a drink.

He seems a little impatient.


Four bodyguards took out a baton one after another and smashed it on the legs of several male classmates.


There was a crack in the bone.

Ah ~ ah ~

suddenly, several male students screamed bitterly, convulsed all over and bled.

When people saw this scene, they were cold hearted and could not help curling up.

They dare not make any noise!

"How could there be a scream? Is there a fight? "

Suddenly, a cold cheering sounded.

Then, the door of the box was kicked open.

A big fat man came in with a fierce air.

This man is manager Li of Royal bar.

Several male students with broken legs, seeing manager Li of the Royal bar, is like seeing a life-saving straw.

"Manager, help us, someone broke our leg!" They cried.

Manager Li's face turned cold when he heard the speech.

He cheered coldly: "who fights and makes trouble, stand up for me!"

"It's me."

Wang Shao opened his mouth and said faintly: "how? Fat Li, are you going to teach me a lesson? "

"Wang Wang Shao

All of a sudden, manager Li's straight body, short down, his face also showed a smile, said: "Wang Shao, how are you here?""It's none of your business!"

Wang shaoleng reprimanded and said, "these rubbish, who want to steal my things, were caught by me and broke a leg. What do you say to do?"


Manager Li was furious when he heard the speech.

"How dare you

Several male students, trembling, shook their heads and said: "manager Li, we didn't steal from him. He slandered us!"

"Shut up

Manager Li scolded: "what are you? Wang Shaohui's self surrender and slander you? "

"But it's you who not only steal Wang Shao's things, but also slander and frame Wang Shao. You can't forgive him lightly!"


Deng Deng Deng!

In an instant, seven or eight security guards rushed in.

Manager Li ordered: "each of these people breaks a hand."

"Then, throw them out!"

"Stop, you..."

Lu Qing couldn't see any more and stood up.

"Shut up

Suddenly, Li Xiangyun covered her mouth, his eyes were cold, and threatened: "if you don't want to die, shut up!"

Manager Li glanced at Lu Qing.

Then, he said coldly, "do it!"


Suddenly, seven or eight security guards started.

Click! Click!

The crack of bone, it's ringing again.

Several male students, screamed, fainted.

They are dizzy with pain!

"Throw them out!" Manager Li said coldly.

The next second, seven or eight security guards, together will be a few fainting male students, carried out.

Manager Li looked at Wang Shao, bent down and said with a smile, "Wang Shao, it's nothing. I won't disturb you."

Wang Shao waved.

"Go away!"


Manager Li nodded and quickly exited the supreme box and closed the door gently.

"Wang Shao ~ ~"

suddenly, Li Xiangyun gave a whiny cry, like a snake, fell into Wang Shao's arms and rubbed his body a few times.

"Wang Shao, you are so powerful and powerful." She was very sweet.

Ha ha ha

Wang Shao laughed a few times, reached out and touched her, and commented, "you're not bad either."

This sentence is quite meaningful.

Ouch, ~

Li Xiangyun said with a coquettish smile, "Wang Shao, you are so bad."

Then, she glanced around and said in a cold voice, "don't you come here to see Wang Shao?"

This time, no one dares not to follow.

All the students, men and women, stood up one after another, bowed to Wang Shao, saluted and said, "see you, Wang Shao!"

Wang Shao waved his hand.

"All right, sit down."

He played with Li Xiangyun and asked, "that Han Lulu, why hasn't she come yet?"

"I don't know."

Li Xiangyun rubbed against him, shook his head and said, "I'll call to ask."

So she took out her cell phone and made a call. A moment later, she hung up the phone and said with a charming smile, "Wang Shao, don't worry. Lulu will arrive soon."

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