"Xiangyun, you have changed." Han Lulu's eyes were dim and her face was disappointed.

"I haven't changed!"

Li Xiangyun cheered coldly: "you are the one who has changed!"

"Han Lulu, you selfish woman, I'm blind. I think you are my best friend and sister all the time!"

When they heard the speech, they shook their heads.

They can't watch any more!

Obviously, Li Xiangyun is selfish and has been using Han lulu. In order to seek self-interest, he forced Han Lulu to sacrifice her hue.

Even sacrifice your body!

As a result, she said Han Lulu was selfish and shameless.

What a shame!

Li Xiangyun, with a ferocious face, pointed to Han Lulu and scolded: "You cheap woman, ungrateful dog East..."


Suddenly, Jiang Hao slapped her in the face and blocked her mouth.

"Shut your mouth!" he said in a cold voice

"Otherwise, I'll tear it up!"

Li Xiangyun trembled all over, and a wave of fear rose in his heart.

She's scared!

The next second, she turned around, grabbed Wang Shao's arm, pretended to be pathetic and prayed: "Wang Shao, he hit me!"

"The poor guy hit me, you help me get revenge quickly!"

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, Wang Shao kicked her away.

"Wang Shao..."

Li Xiangyun was confused.

She felt that Wang Shao seemed to abandon her.

Suddenly, she panicked.

In a flash, Li Xiangyun suddenly stood up, hugged Wang Shao tightly, refused to let go, and begged: "Wang Shao, I have finished all the things you asked for."

"Don't abandon me!"

"Get out of here!"

Wang Shao was furious and kicked her to the ground.

Then, pointing at her, he scolded, "didn't you say that Han Lulu is easy to handle? Didn't you say she didn't have a boyfriend? "

"Mad, you didn't do anything, and you slapped me in the face!"

Wang Shao was very excited and kicked her again.

"I tell you, my father's movie, you don't want to play, even the Dragon set don't want to play."

"Also, from now on, you are no longer an artist of Huatian entertainment group."

"You have been terminated!"

"No No

When Li Xiangyun heard the speech, his face changed and he yelled on the spot.

She rushed forward, hugged Wang Shao's thigh and cried, "Wang Shao, I'm wrong. Please don't let me go."

"I will take care of Han Lulu for you."

"I threaten her, I kidnap her, I give her ecstasy, no matter what method, I will send her to your bed, please don't terminate me."

When they heard the words, they were all angry and couldn't bear it any more.

"Li Xiangyun, are you still human? Even good friends can be sold out for their own benefit! "

"Grass, I'm ashamed to be a classmate with you


"Despicable green tea Whore!"

A group of students, have scolded.

Han Lulu looks lost, all weak, fell on the sofa, eyes, full of tears.

"Don't cry."

Jiang Hao comforted: "it's not worth crying for such a person."

"Yes, yes."

Han Lulu nodded and reached out to wipe her tears.

The next second, she hugged Jiang Hao and burst into tears.

She was so sad that she couldn't hold back her tears!

All along, she regarded Li Xiangyun as her best friend and sister. If she had any happy events, she would share them with her and tell her sad things.

However, this good friend and sister of more than ten years actually took advantage of her.

No, not to use, but to sell!

Li Xiangyun wanted to kidnap her for his own benefit, and he was fascinated by her.

How can she not be sad?

"What are you crying for?"

All of a sudden, Li Xiangyun stares at Han Lulu and scolds her: "bitch, cheap woman!"

"You keep saying that I'm your best friend and sister. Why don't you agree to have dinner with Wang Shaogong?"

"You are a selfish villain, and you are not willing to pay for such a small sacrifice. I am really wrong about you!"

Hearing the speech, they shook their heads again.

They are completely speechless!

This kind of woman is simply a wonderful flower among the wonderful flowers, which has broken the lowest limit of human morality and civilization.

At the same time, they are also very angry, eager to rush up and kick her feet.


JiangHao eyes a cold, across the air fan a slap.


Suddenly, Li Xiangyun vomited blood and flew out.Li Xiangyun's eyes were red, his clothes were messy, his hair was disheveled, and he was a crazy woman.

Pointing at Jiang Hao, she scolded: "poor dangsi, you dare to hit me, I want to..."

"Shut up

Suddenly, Wang Shao gave a big drink.

For a moment, many people in the supreme box trembled for a moment. They were a little frightened and silent. They didn't even dare to breathe.

Wang Shao glared at Jiang Hao and said in a fierce voice: "mad, little bastard, I've never been beaten by anyone since I was young. If you dare to beat me, you're dead!"

"And you!"

All of a sudden, he stared at Han Lulu, eyes, burst out full of hatred and evil light.

"Smelly bitch, I've always been very civilized in picking up girls, but you really have to force me to use it!"

"Well, I'm here today to make you strong!"

"You want to die!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes were cold.


All of a sudden, he slapped me in the face with great strength.


In a flash, Wang Shao flew out backwards, spewing out a mouthful of blood, mixed with several broken teeth in the blood.

Buzzing ~

Wang Shao's cheek is as swollen as a pig's head, and his head is buzzing all the time, as if there are hundreds of flies around his ears, and his eyes are Starry. He is dizzy.

It took him a long time to wake up.

"Grass Mud Horse, you dare to beat Laozi, Laozi..." He scolded.


However, it was a slap in the face to greet him.

Suddenly, Wang Shao flew out again, without exception, she broke a few teeth.

Everyone was shocked!

In the supreme box, there was a dead silence, and everyone was stunned, as if petrified.

A moment later, there was a commotion.

"It's over. Lulu's boyfriend is dead!"

"He's so impulsive!"

"Well, I beat Wang Shao. He's in big trouble!"

They all looked sorry and sympathetic, shaking their heads and sighing.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Sun Miaomiao, glancing at the crowd, said in secret: "the one who should be finished is the son of a bitch!"

Her boyfriend Shi Lei is one of the five martial arts forces in Jianghai city.

No matter in strength, status, or status, power, they are far more than the so-called Wang Shao.

Even the chairman of Huatian entertainment group can't compare with him.

However, even Shi Lei, in the face of Jiang Hao, could only bow down and beg for mercy. This Wang Shao is a fart!

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