When they saw thunder, they knelt down in front of Jiang Hao.

"This is What's going on? "

"He How did he get down on his knees? "

"Did he drink too much?"

"I must have drunk too much!"

The crowd murmured.

"Ray Lei Shao, you What's the matter with you? " Wang Shaoyi's face was muddled.

Li Xiangyun is also confused!

However, she reacted quickly and ran to help thunder.

"Lei Shao, have you drunk too much? Come on, I'll help you up! "

"Get out of here!"

With a shake of thunder's hand, he slapped her and fanned her away.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, he kowtowed and begged for mercy: "master Jiang, I really don't know that the woman Wang Wei prepared for me is Miss Han."

"Those who don't know are innocent. Please forgive me once!"

At this moment, people suddenly.

Jiang Hao, who seems to be mediocre, should come from a big source. At least, the prince of Huatian entertainment group can't afford to offend him.

Therefore, he would kneel down and kowtow for mercy.


Wang Shao also figured it out.

All of a sudden, he shuddered all over, every muscle was shaking, every bone was chilly, cold sweat was falling on his forehead like rain.

Li Xiangyun also shuddered and frightened.

"Thunder, how dare you

Jiang Hao said coldly: "last time, I spared your life, but you didn't want to repent. You said, this time, how can I punish you?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thunder heard speech, heart tremble, severe kowtow, head are kowtow green, kowtow purple, kowtow bleeding, also don't stop.

He kowtowed and begged for mercy: "master Jiang, I really don't know. Please forgive me!"

"Jiang Hao."

Han Lulu good conscience attack, the heart can't bear to say: "he is very poor, and, this time, he really don't know, otherwise, you forgive him."

Jiang Hao frowned and nodded: "OK."

He looked down at the thunder and said coldly, "I'll let you off this time. Next time, I'll kill you!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, thunder kowtow again.

He said, "thank you for not killing me! Thank you very much, Miss Han

"Get out of the way!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke.

"Yes, yes."

Lei Ming didn't dare to hesitate and immediately rolled aside.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stares at Wang Shao.

All of a sudden, Wang Shao trembled and fell on his knees. He kowtowed and begged for mercy Mr. Jiang, I'm wrong. Please forgive me. "

Ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile and said, "if you want to take advantage of my woman and kill me, do you think I will spare you?"


Wang Shao was speechless.

Jiang Hao said coldly, "well, give me your last words. You should be on your way soon."

"No, no!"

Wang Shaowen yelled.

"Lord Jiang, please don't kill me, I can give you money, I can give you women, I can give you..."

"No need!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

He raised his finger, the tip of which spurted out the invisible sword Qi.

Suddenly, Han Lulu stopped him.

Han Lulu shook her head and said, "Jiang Hao, don't kill people any more, OK?"

"Though he is guilty, he will not die."

Jiang Hao pondered for a moment, nodded his head and said, "well, I'll listen to you and don't kill him."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he kills Wang Shao or not.

Because, Wang Shao in his eyes, is a mole ant, even if you keep Wang Shao, also can't threaten him, no influence.

Since Han Lulu doesn't want him to kill people indiscriminately, he won't.

After all, he didn't want Han Lulu to see such a bloody scene. If it left a psychological shadow, it would be bad.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wang Shaowen said, "thank you for not killing me."

"Don't be happy too soon!"

Jiang Hao said in a cold voice: "the death penalty can be avoided, but the living one can't escape!"

Suddenly, he looked at the thunder and asked, "do you have a knife?"


Lei Ming was stunned for a moment. He nodded and said: "yes Yes

"Mr. Jiang, what can I do for you?"

Jiang Hao pointed to Wang Shao and said coldly: "he hit my woman's attention. The crime is unforgivable. You do it for me and castrate him!"

"What What? "

Suddenly, thunder was shocked.

Others were shocked, too.

"I said, you castrated him at once!" Jiang Hao said coldly.All of a sudden, everyone took a breath.

Especially a group of male students, can not help but clamp the legs.

This punishment How cruel!

"No, no!"

"Please forgive me!" cried the king

"Thunder, what are you still doing?"

Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "do it now!"

"Yes Thunder body a quiver, nod a way.

Immediately, he took out a sharp knife, went to Wang Shao and said coldly, "Wang Wei, I'm sorry."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wang Shao kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Lord Jiang, Lei Shao, please spare me!"

However, Jiang Hao was not moved at all, and the thunder turned a deaf ear.

It's useless for Wang Shao to beg for mercy. He quickly got up and ran away.

Thunder at several bodyguards, shouting: "hold him!"

However, these bodyguards are all Wang Shao's people, and they don't listen to him at all.

Thunder's face sank and he threatened: "I told you to hold him down. If you don't do it, I promise he won't live tomorrow!"

Suddenly, several bodyguards trembled.

They're scared!

Then, he obeyed and rushed up one after another. After three or two times, he pressed Wang Shao to the ground.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Wang Shao yelled: "you are all my bodyguards. You have betrayed me. My father knows that and will never forgive you!"

"Wang Shao, this is Lei Shao's order. We have to listen to it." A bodyguard said bitterly.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Wang Shao struggled.

But he couldn't make it.

Thunder came slowly with a knife.

Wang Shao panicked and begged for mercy: "Lei Shao, no, please let me go!"


Thunder said coldly: "this is the order of Lord Jiang. I dare not disobey it!"

"Don't worry, I'll do it quickly!"


All of a sudden, a flash of light.

Ah ~

suddenly, Wang Shao screamed like a pig, convulsed with pain, rolled his eyes wildly, and fainted.

There was a pool of blood in his crotch.

Bang Dang!

Lei Ming threw away the bloody knife and knelt down to say, "master Jiang, the task is finished!"


Jiang Hao nodded faintly.

"It's said that this man is from Huatian entertainment group. Is his father a senior member of Huatian entertainment group?" He asked.

"Yes Yes

Thunder was nervous and a little flustered.

He surmised.

Is Jiang Hao going to fight Huatian entertainment group?

"Don't be nervous."

Jiang Hao light tunnel: "I will not destroy the Huatian entertainment group."

"But I'm going to kill his father!" "Can you get rid of him and his father, bring down his family, and turn them into beggars and beg on the street?"

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