"What's going on?" Han Jiande asked with a cold face.

Manager Huang, with a tight face, said with a bitter smile, "Han Mr. Han, I just arrived and I don't know yet. "

Then, he turned his head and stared at a bald man with a big gold chain around his neck and a gold ring on his hand. He was full of upstarts.

He said coldly, "why do you hit people?"


Bald man, Chin a lift, cold hum a, very proud way: "I like her, want to kiss her a few times."

"Mad, how dare she refuse me!"

"What's more, he threatened me to let her go, or she would call the police!"


The bald man spat a mouthful and said, "a lowly waiter dares to threaten me. I'm really looking for death!"


Han Jiande was angry on the spot.

He said coldly, "you are so bold. Not long ago, Mr. Peng warned everyone not to make trouble."

"After a while, you made trouble!"

"What about Laozi making trouble?"

Bald man, very arrogant, squinting at Han Jiande, arrogant way: "how can you drop Laozi?"

"Good, good!"

Han Jiande laughed angrily and said: "for a long time, no one dares to be so arrogant in front of me, Han Jiande!"

Cut ~

the bald man turned his lips and said with disdain: "you Han Jiande are a fart!"

Suddenly, Han Jiande's eyes were cold.

"You look down on me?"

"Of course!" Bareheaded man, raised chin, proud way.


Han Jiande narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "it seems that you are very rich. If you look at your equipment, you should be very rich."

"Come on, what do you do? What are the assets? "

Hey, hey

Bald man, proud smile.

"I'm a real estate man. I don't have much money. It's only two or three billion." He said haughtily.

Ha ha ha

All of a sudden, the bosses and celebrities all laughed.

Two or three billion is a fart!

This is also called money?

Han Jiande shook his head, gave a cold smile and said, "do you know how much I have?"

"I know."

Bald man, careless way: "you worth 10 billion, quite rich!"

His tone was very flat and casual, as if he didn't pay attention to Han Jiande at all.

Han Jiande narrowed his eyes, a little confused.

What is the origin of this man? Knowing his identity, he even dares to make trouble, and he looks confident.

"I remember!"

All of a sudden, a boss yelled, "he is the upstart of Guangshan city."

"Yes, yes."

Another boss nodded and said, "he is a contractor. In Guangshan City, he is very arrogant and nobody dares to provoke him."

"In the last year, we have successively contracted all the major projects in Guangshan City, and we have suddenly become rich!"

"It is said that he has a good relationship with the Song family in Zhonghai city."

"The Song family in Zhonghai?"

Hearing the words, the people were all very cool.

Even Han Jiande was surprised.

Zhonghai City, there are three families, very prosperous, dominating one side.

Among them, the Peng family is the most powerful, the first of the three families.

Next is the Song family!

"That's right!"

The bald man raised his chin, looked at the crowd coldly, and said proudly, "Song Qingshu of the Song family in Zhonghai city is Laozi's brother-in-law!"

"Song Er ye?"

Everyone's heart trembled, looking at the bald man's eyes, full of fear.

Some managers even have the idea of flattering him.

Song Qingshu is the second son of the Song family.

Looking at the whole country, they are all top figures, and few dare to provoke them.

Hey, hey

The bald man grinned, glanced at Han Jiande, picked his eyebrows and said with disdain, "I'll make trouble. What can you do to me?"

He is really confident!


Han Jiande glared at him, very angry, but he did not dare to do it.

Although he is a commercial giant in Jianghai City, he is worth 10 billion yuan.

However, compared with the Song family in Zhonghai City, it is far worse.

Sobbing ~~~

the beaten waitress, seeing this scene, began to cry again.

She knew that she had been beaten and scolded for nothing.

"Cry, you are paralyzed!"

Bald man, eyes a stare, scolded a.Pop!

Suddenly, he slapped the waitress in public.

Then he gave her a ferocious kick and knocked her to the ground.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

He pointed to the waitress and scolded: "smelly bitch, I like you. It's your honor. I'm shameless!"

"I have to be on you today. Who dares to stop me?"



It's just arrogant.

However, the scene was so quiet that no one dared to stop him.

This man is the eldest brother-in-law of the Song family in Zhonghai city. It's not worth offending him for a stranger.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Han Jiande gave a cold drink and stopped the bald man.

"How dare you stop me?"

The bald man, staring at Han Jiande, scolded: "Han Jiande, I know you are worth 10 billion, but in my brother-in-law's eyes, you are not even a fart."

"Do you believe that I can call my brother-in-law and make you bankrupt and poor in three days?"


Han Jiande's heart trembled.

He's a little scared!

Because, he really can't provoke Zhonghai City Song family, also can't provoke song Erye.

"Get out of here!"

The bald man, with a sudden push, pushed away Han Jiande.

"What's the matter?"

All of a sudden, a cold cry came out.

Peng Yi, who has been resting in the presidential suite, heard the news and went downstairs.

"Mr. Peng, you are here at last."

Han Jiande rushed up.

He was relieved.

He can't provoke the Song family or the second master.

But Peng Yi can afford it!

So he told Peng Yi the whole story.


Peng Yi was angry on the spot when he heard the speech.

He looked at the bald man coldly and said, "how dare you disobey my words!"

"Do you think that if you have the support of song Qingshu, you will be able to act recklessly?"

"I I... "

The bald man counseled, trembling all over, stuttering speechless.

He had to advise!

The man in front of us is the head of Peng's family, who is the most powerful and influential person in Zhonghai city and even the whole country of China.

"A little upstart, bold as heaven!"

Peng Yi said coldly, "do you know that at my reception, don't mention you. Even song Qingshu and the old man of the Song family dare not make trouble!"

"What are you!"


Suddenly, he rang out.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" Suddenly, a man behind him stood up and asked. Peng Yi squinted at the bald man and said in a cold voice, "check his company. No matter what he does, let him go bankrupt in three minutes!"

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