
A group of bosses, celebrities smell speech, have swallowed a mouthful of saliva, eyelids straight jump.


These three people are definitely looking for death!

It's so bold. He not only calls Peng Yi's name directly, but also challenges him face to face. He's very arrogant.

"To seek death is to seek death!"

"Well, isn't it good to live? Why do you want to die? "

"Fool, if you challenge Mr. Peng, you will surely die!"

They all shook their heads and sighed.

Peng Yi eyes cold, staring at them, indifferent way: "do you want to die?"

“NO! NO! NO!”

The young man with long hair, shaking his fingers and smiling, said casually: "we don't want to die, we just want to make trouble."

"Excuse me, what is a disturbance?"


Chiguoguo's provocation!

Peng Yi looks at them coldly without saying anything. His eyes are colder and colder, and his whole body is filled with a sense of murder.

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo

Shua ~

all of a sudden, he reaches out his hand, grabs a waitress next to him and pinches her by the neck.

"Let me go! Let go of me

The waitress, patting him on the arm, struggled.


Suddenly, the young man with long hair twisted the waitress's neck with his wrist.

Suddenly, the waitress was out of breath, her body was soft, her eyes were round, her eyes were closed, and her mouth was bleeding all the time.

Ah ~

when people saw this scene, their pupils suddenly shrank, and they all screamed with fright.


The young man with long hair threw away the body of the waitress. With a smile on his lips, he said, "I killed someone."

"Excuse me, is this trouble?"


All of a sudden, cuntou young man started, kicking a boss around him, smashing his bones and killing him on the spot.

He squinted at Peng Yi and said coldly, "is this a disturbance?"


All of a sudden, the bald young man caught a famous lady and patted her casually. He smashed her tianlinggai and took her life.

He asked indifferently, "is this trouble?"


No, it's not provocation, it's not face slapping, it's targeting.

These three youths are clearly aiming at Peng Yi.

In order to target Peng Yi, he did not hesitate to kill innocent people.

They're here to kill!

The target is Peng Yi!

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

even three people died, all of them were scared and flustered. They ran around and wanted to escape.

The whole scene was in chaos.

"Be quiet, everyone!"

All of a sudden, the young man with long hair cheered coldly: "I will kill whoever moves again!"

All of a sudden, everyone shut up, set in place, dare not move, dare not shout.

"Yes, they are all obedient."

Long hair youth, a satisfied smile.

Immediately, he turned his head, squinted at Peng Yi and said with a smile, "Peng Yi, am I a troublemaker now?"

"Good, good!"

Suddenly, Peng Yi grinned.

"For years, no one has dared to talk to me like that."

He seemed to remember.

But the tone was cold and murderous.

His eyes suddenly a cold, indifferent way: "say, which killer organization are you? Who told you to kill me? "


When they heard the speech, they were all shocked, and there was a strong fear on their faces.

Some timid people are scared to cover their mouths and cry.

Some people are scared to pee!

“NO! NO! NO!”

The young man with long hair shook his head and said, "we are not killers. We are just ordinary people. We can't stand what you do."

"So, I just want to teach you a lesson."


Suddenly, manager Huang yelled.

"How dare you assassinate Mr. Peng?" he said angrily

"Today, with me, you can't hurt Mr. Peng!"

He's showing loyalty!

This reception is very important. Han Jiande and Peng Yiqi give him the most important security work.

However, he has repeatedly failed in his duty.

Let the killer sneak in.

He's scared!

He understands that if this matter is not handled well, Peng Yi will definitely settle with him afterwards, and then he will be finished.So, he wants to remedy ahead of time!

"It's up to you?"

The young man with long hair, glancing at manager Huang, disdained to say: "also want to block us?"

"Yes, I am!" Manager Huang yelled.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he ordered, "give them all to me and take down the three of them!"


Suddenly, seven or eight carefully selected and skilled security guards pulled out their batons and rushed to the three killers.


Manager Huang hums coldly: "what about the killer?"

"These security guards are carefully selected by me. Everyone is a master. Even the king of soldiers may not beat them."

"Just surrender!"

"I don't know how to live or die!"

The young man with long hair shook his head and his eyes were cold.

"Since you're looking for death, it's up to you!"


Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air rang out, and the three killers pulled out a remnant shadow to meet the security guards.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

for a moment, the screams came one after another, and the blood flew.

Hey, hey

Manager Huang said with a smile: "it's really vulnerable!"

Obviously, he thought the scream came from three killers.

The next second, he widened his eyes, and the smile on his face was instantly stiff.

It's dead.

But it's not the three killers, it's his carefully chosen security guard.

In a minute.

Eight skilled security guards all fell into a pool of blood and lost their breath.


All dead!

The scene was dead and silent. Everyone was stunned and forgot to breathe.

Ah ~

the next moment, the scream suddenly rises and seems to pierce the sky.

The corpses are everywhere, the blood is flowing!

It has a strong smell of blood and makes people vomit.

Everyone, seeing this scene, their scalp was about to explode and they were terrified.

"Shut up

The young man with long hair threw the bloody dagger and said coldly, "whoever calls again, I'll kill him!"

Suddenly, everyone was quiet and covered his mouth.

The young man with long hair, glancing at manager Huang, said faintly, "do you have anyone else? You can hand them in. I don't mind


Manager Huang was trembling all over and could not speak at all.

Looking at the young man with long hair, Peng Yi asked, "which killer organization are you from?"

Long hair youth, faint smile.

"I said, we're not killers. We're just ordinary people who don't like what you do."

"I know them!"

Suddenly, a celebrity screamed: "they are the killers of night wolves!" "I once knew a man named night wolf. He told me that night wolf is one of the biggest killer organizations in China. It's very terrible and must not be provoked."

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