"What alien? Nonsense."

The girl retorted: "this is a meteor fall."

"It's not a meteor falling." Young people are determined.

He held out his hand, pointed to the sky, and said, "look carefully, there is something in the big fireball. From the appearance, does it look like a person?"

"Well, it's a bit like that." The girl nodded.

They have a big heart.


It should be said that at this moment, their strong curiosity is far greater than their fear.

As a result, they temporarily forget their fear and escape.

"Fast, fast, fast record, micro blog up, tomorrow will become a hot search!" The young man said excitedly.

He quickly took out his cell phone and prepared for the video.

The girl also took out her cell phone.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the explosion sounded again, like thunder in their ears, which made them tinnitus and confused.

The ground is also shaking, and the station is unstable.

At this time, the girl woke up.

She yelled, "ah Hui, run!"

"Stop recording, let's run!"

"Good, good."

Young people are also afraid, quickly put away the mobile phone, pull the girl, together to flee.

In one breath, they ran more than 200 meters. After confirming their safety, they took out their mobile phone for video recording.

Then, immediately send a micro blog.

In just ten minutes, this short video has been viewed by more than 500000 people. It has caused an uproar on Weibo, and the whole people are discussing it.

Is it a meteor or an alien invasion?

The heat of this topic soared, and the next day it became a hot search. All the major news websites and newspapers made headlines about it.

Finally, even experts in astronomy and geology were involved in the discussion and debate.

Of course, not to mention these words.

Shi Xiong is fierce, carrying the terrible momentum of meteor falling down, killing Qingtian mansion.

On the other side.

Han Jiande's villa.

Shua ~

Jiang Hao, who is devoting himself to meditation, suddenly opens his eyes.


He exclaimed: "what a violent momentum, what a blazing murderous spirit. Who is this?"

After that, he closed his eyes, released his mental power and felt in silence.

"Eh, in this direction, where this person is going is Qingtian mansion?"


Jiang Hao's face suddenly changed.

"Lulu is in danger!"

He turned over, opened the window, turned into an electric light and flew to the Qingtian mansion.

"I hope you don't hurt Lulu, otherwise, no matter who you are, I will kill you!" Jiang Hao murmured.

He's worried!

In his perception, that person's strength, very strong, in the five-star master, almost invincible.

This kind of master can kill a large number of ordinary people by raising his hand and stamping his foot.

Han Lulu has no power to bind a chicken, and is likely to be affected.

Qingtian building.

At the reception, there was a lot of excitement and laughter everywhere.


Suddenly, he opened his eyes, yelled and jumped from the chair.

The crowd was startled.

Peng Yi frowned slightly and asked, "old crane, what's the matter?"

"There are experts approaching!" Crane old face heavy as water, serious way.

"Master? How high is it? "

"No less than old age."

Old crane, with a dignified face, said, "probably stronger than old man!"


Peng Yi's face changed and he was afraid at last.

The crane old face color is tight, urge a way: "this person is hurtling toward the green sky mansion, master, you quick......"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, all kinds of wine glasses put on the scene of the reception were smashed, broken glass and flying around.

Then the ground shook.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the ground shaking?"

"Was there an earthquake?"

Everyone panicked.

Click! Click! Click!

The next second, in the hall, the granite floors, which were elaborately made and decorated, all cracked, and the ground cracked with a crack 20 to 30 centimeters wide.

"Ah, my leg, my leg..."

A few people, accidentally, slipped and stepped into the crack.

All of a sudden, it was stuck and bleeding.

"Crane Old crane, this What's going on? " Peng Yi's face was full of panic and said in a trill.

However, old crane did not answer him.On the contrary, he was staring at the door.

"Here it is

Suddenly, he spat out two words.


Before the words came out, the special, expensive and hard gate of Qingtian building was smashed, and the wall nearby was cracked, as if it had been blown up by a bomb.


The air broke.

A figure, appeared, suspended in mid air, like the nine gods, overlooking the ants.

This is Shixiong!

"Who is Han Lulu?" He yelled.

A few seconds later, the scene of the quiet reception was noisy and noisy.

"My God, he How is he suspended in the sky? "

"Is this flying?"

"How did he do it?"

"Is technology so developed now? How can you make people fly? "

There was a lot of discussion and curiosity.

Suddenly, a president with a value of one billion stood up, looked up at Shi Xiong and said, "Hey, how did you fly?"

"Do you have any high-tech equipment? Where did you buy it? I want to buy one, too! "

Shixiong glanced at him, just like a man glancing at the ants on the ground, and then he didn't pay any attention.

He scanned the crowd and cheered coldly, "who is Han Lulu? Get out of here

Suddenly, Han Lulu's body trembled and her face changed.

She's scared, instinctively scared!

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, manager Huang gave a cold drink.

There were many accidents and people died at the reception. His handling and performance were very bad, leaving a bad impression in Peng Yi's mind.

Maybe Peng Yi will settle with him after the reception.

So, he wants to show, he wants to remedy.

Make up for your mistakes!

Shi Xiong looked down at him and said coldly, "you are not Han lulu. Go away!"

"Oh, it's crazy!"

Manager Huang sneered: "no matter who you are, dare to make trouble at Peng Yi's cocktail party, you deserve to die!"

"Come on, beat him down, waste his limbs and throw him out!"


All of a sudden, several burly security guards came out.

Shi Xiong's face was cold, and his scarlet eyes burst out a cold light.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, he roared.

All of a sudden, the roaring sound, violent and terrifying, like a huge wave on the angry sea, swept to manager Huang and several security guards under the control of Shi Xiong.


Old crane's eyelids jumped and his face changed greatly.

"Back up, master!"

He moved very fast, protecting Peng Yi, Han Lulu and Han Jiande, and retreated abruptly.

"Roar what roar."

Manager Huang disdains to say: "you..." The next second, his body became stiff, as if he had been immobile, unable to move his limbs or his mouth.

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