"It's no use, it's no use."

Wu Xiaoran shook his head and said, "you don't know Xu Fu!"

"He's strong, he's terrible, you can't beat him."

"I don't want you to give up your lives to save me. Leave me alone and go!"

"Don't worry, Xiao ran."

Wu Xiaohuan said with a smile: "this time, I invited the elder of Shengu."

"Before long, he will come to Jianghai city. Once he makes a move, ten Xu Fu will be useless, and there is no doubt that he will die, so don't be afraid."

All of a sudden, she turned her head, glared at apricot eyes, and yelled: "you're a thief, don't you take away your dirty hands?"


Jiang Hao quickly released his hand and opened his mouth, as if to explain.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Wu Xiaohuan waved his hand, shaking out a force of Qi.

Caught off guard, Jiang Hao took a step back.

Wu Xiaohuan's eyes were cold, with deep disdain and disdain. He looked down at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "I'm warning you to stay away from Xiao ran."

"If I see your hand again and touch Xiao ran, I'll cut off your hand!"

She is arrogant, arrogant and domineering.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Wu Xiaoran smelled the speech, dissatisfied, Douzhao mouth, not angry way: "this is my classmate, he is to save me, why do you scold him."

"Save you? Just him? "

Wu Xiaohuan glanced at Jiang Hao. In his beautiful eyes, he was full of disdain and disdain.

As the daughter of the heaven of the medicine God Valley, she has been in the martial arts world for many years. Under the guidance of many elders and the accumulation of numerous resources, her cultivation has reached a great success.

In three or five years, there is a good chance to break through and become a master of vigorous force.

Rao is so, she can't save Wu Xiaoran.

Even Xu Fu's move could not be stopped. He had to be disheartened and run away in a hurry. He fled back to yaoshengu and asked for support.

She is still so, not to mention such a young, suckling, yellow haired child?

He has a gentle breath and no inner strength. He is obviously not a person in the martial arts world, but an ordinary person.

An ordinary man wants to save Wu Xiaoran from Xu Fu?

What a dream!


Wu Xiaohuan's eyes, showing a strong pride, looked down at Jiang Hao with a high attitude and said coldly, "I don't care if you really want to save Xiao ran or have another goal."

"In a word, you should stay away from Xiao ran in the future, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

"Sister, you have gone too far."

Wu Xiaoran couldn't see it any more. He said in a cold voice, "Xiaojiang, in order to save me, doesn't hesitate to take risks. How can you do this to him?"


Wu Xiaohuan's eyes, suddenly cold, eyes burst out a few wisps of cold light.

She stares at Jiang Hao and threatens: "boy, I don't care whether you are kind to Xiao ran or not, or how well you have a relationship with Xiao ran."

"From today on, you must break off contact with Xiao ran!"

"If you dare to think about Xiao ran any more, I will kill you!"

"Sister, shut up

Wu Xiaoran scolded: "Xiaojiang is kind to me. Why do you want to kill him?"

"Just because you are the future saint of yaoshengu!"

Wu Xiaohuan grasped her fragrant shoulder and explained: "the saint of Medicine Valley must break her love and love before she can become a treasure."

"So, if he doesn't listen, for you, for the sake of Medicine Valley, I will kill him!"

"No way!"

Wu Xiaoran's face changed and he yelled, "you must not hurt Xiaojiang. I don't want to be the holy girl of Shengu."

"It's not up to you!" Wu Xiaohuan cold road.


Wu Xiaoran had no choice but to cry.

"Is that enough?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Shua ~

Wu Xiaohuan suddenly turned his head, looked at him, and said: "what? Do you really have a bad idea of Xiao ran

"So what? What if not? "

Jiang Hao said coldly, "this is my freedom!"


Wu Xiaohuan snorted coldly, and said with a little sense of killing: "if you have a strong desire for Xiao ran, I will kill you now!"

"Xiao Ran is the future saint of yaoshengu. I will kill anyone who dares to obstruct her!"

This woman is too utilitarian!

Moreover, she has a strong desire for control, ambition and desire.

On the surface, she seems to care and love Wu Xiaoran.

In fact, she just controlled Wu Xiaoran dominantly and arbitrarily, used Wu Xiaoran to achieve and satisfy her ambition and desire, regardless of Wu Xiaoran's ideas."Ignorant woman!"

JiangHao eyes cold, indifferent way: "open mouth kill me, shut up kill me."

"Do you know that if you were not sister Xiao ran, you would have died thousands of times just now?"


Suddenly, Lei Jun yelled.

His eyes were deep, revealing a strong murderous, cold voice: "boy, you have the courage to speak wildly, threatening the disciples of our medicine God Valley, and you should be punished for the crime!"


He gave a cold drink and was ready to start.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Wu Xiaohuan stopped him.

"Younger martial sister Xiaohuan, what do you mean?" Lei Jun cold road.

"If you are rude and threaten the disciples of yaoshengu, you should be beheaded."

Wu Xiaohuan advised: "however, this is Jinghao community, and Xu Fu is practicing upstairs. If you use your inner strength to kill this boy, you will definitely disturb Xu Fu."

"At that time, Xu Fu will not be able to stop us."


Lei Jun snorted coldly and said unconvinced: "younger martial sister Xiaohuan, you are too cautious!"

"Even if it startles Xu Fu, what will happen?"

"I'm a master at the top of the dark force. I'm just one step away from entering the vigorous force and becoming one of the top masters in the world."

"With my strength, I can resist Xu Fu head-on. You are ambushing secretly."

"If we join hands, we will be able to capture Xu Fu. We don't need the elder at all!"

Wu Xiaohuan heard the speech and shook his head secretly.

Although Lei Jun is the senior brother of Yao Shengu and has some talent, he is too proud, too conceited, too arrogant to be reused.

"Well, it's not appropriate to scare the snake now." Wu Xiaohuan cold road.

"All right."

Lei Jun obeyed her and stopped.

He loves Wu Xiaohuan very much.

Therefore, I always listen to her.

"Boy, you are lucky this time. Next time, if you dare to insult me again, I will kill you. No one can stop you!" He stared at Jiang Hao and threatened.

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed and the cold light was deep.

"Don't do it next time. Now, I'll give you three moves, and then I'll kill you!" He said coldly.

"Son of a bitch!"

Lei Jun was furious.

"Elder martial brother, calm down."

Suddenly, Wu Xiaohuan held him. Immediately, she turned her head, looked at Jiang Hao with disdain and disgust, and said coldly, "shut up

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